
Thanks to this professional master’s degree, you will be capable of writing a script on par with The Last of Us”


In recent years, there has been a revolution in the video game industry that has increased the number of players, the number of new titles and the variety of game styles. Therefore, within this transformation, users have been demanding more complexity, more realism and greater size, in all senses, in the video games they consume.

One of these demands has also had to do with the narrative. Current gamers are demanding and wanting to play video games with interesting and profound storylines. For this reason, big companies in the sector need scriptwriters with appropriate training, who are capable of creating attractive stories adapted to this audiovisual media.

This professional master’s degree in Video Game Narrative is the answer for all those professionals interested in being great specialists who write the stories that millions of players worldwide will love and enjoy. In this way, this program offers a series of skills applied to the creation of video games scripts which will help students to become true experts in the subject, putting them in the position to be able to work with the best projects in the world.

You will be the Aaron Sorkin of video games” 

This professional master’s degree in Video Game Narrative contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Video Game Narrative
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents with which they are conceived, gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You love to write and create stories and the video game industry needs creative people like you: specialize now and achieve success” 

The teaching staff of this program includes professionals from the industry, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

Write top level scripts for video games thanks to this program"


This program in the key to you entering into the biggest companies in the industry"


The main objective of this professional master’s degree in Video Game Narrative is to offer students the best knowledge focused on the creation of scripts and stories for this audiovisual field. Therefore, thanks to this program, students will obtain all the tools required to become successful specialists in the subject matter, in such a way that they become true specialists who will be sought after by the most famous companies in the world.


Enroll now and achieve all your goals” 

General Objectives 

  • Understand the different elements that make up a story
  • Apply narrative structure to the video game format
  • Explore, in depth, the process of script writing and storyboard for a video game, differentiating between all the stages involved 
  • Analyze the key components and concepts that should be found in a script
  • Study the narrative fundamentals and the hero's journey as one of the main forms of narration
  • Examine storyboarding and animatics, highlighting their importance within the scripting process 
  • Know the different genres and existing narratives in the world of video games
  • Learn to develop effective dialogue through the script

Specific Objectives 

Module 1. Video Game Design

  • Know the theory of video game design
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the elements of design and gamification
  • Learn the types of players that exist, their motivations and characteristics
  • Gain knowledge of game mechanics, knowledge of MDA and other game design theories
  • Learn the critical bases for the analysis of videogames with theory and examples
  • Learn about the design of game levels, to create puzzles within these levels and place all the design elements in the environment

Module 2. Design Document

  • Write and illustrate a professional design document
  • Know each one of the parts of design: general idea, market, gameplay, mechanics, levels, progression, elements of the game, HUD and interface
  • Know the design process of a design document or GDD to be able to represent the idea of the game in an understandable, professional and well-elaborated document

Module 3. Video Game Narrative

  • Determine the narrative pulses in certain audiovisual formats
  • Develop own ideas in a creative and structured way in different texts
  • Develop characters and dialogues that can be used in the script of a video game

Module 4. Video Game Design: Script and Storyboarding

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the history of video games, the main sources of ideas and the narrative through images
  • Study the different elements that make up a script, the protagonists, antagonists and setting
  • Address Pitching and how to effectively sell a script to a development group
  • Review the history and evolution of Storyboarding, focusing on its specific use in the scripting of video games
  • Delve into the narrative of arcade, FPS, RPGs, adventure and platform games
  • Evaluate the use of love, humor, fear, horror and surrealism within narrative dialogues

Module 5. Consoles and Devices for Videogames

  • Know the basic functioning of the main input and output peripherals
  • Understand the main implications of design for different platforms
  • Study the structure, organization, functioning and interconnection of devices and systems
  • Understand the function of the operative system and the development kits for mobile devices and video game platforms

Module 6. 3D Modeling

  • Ascertain the internal structure of a video game engine
  • Establish the elements of a modern video game architecture
  • Understand the functions of each one of the video game components
  • Examine examples of video games made with 2D and 3D graphics

Module 7. Video Game Engines

  • Discover video game engine operation and architecture
  • Understand the basic features of existing game engines
  • Correctly and efficiently program applications applied to video game engines
  • Choose the most appropriate paradigm and programming languages to program applications applied to video game engines

Module 8. Human-Computer Interaction

  • Explore the different accessibility guidelines, the standards that establish them and the tools to evaluate them, as well as the different methods of interaction with the computer, through peripherals and devices
  • Understand the importance of application usability and the different types of human diversity, the limitations they imply and how to adapt interfaces according to the specific needs of each of them
  • Learn the process of interface design, from requirements analysis to evaluation
  • Go through the various intermediate steps necessary to make a proper interface

Module 9. Video Games and Simulation for Research and Education

  • Examine the main characteristics of representative serious games in the fields of education and research
  • Understanding how video games can affect people's emotional state
  • Obtain the ability to evaluate video games from different approaches

Module 10. Multiplayer Networks and Systems

  • Describe the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) architecture and the basic operation of wireless networks
  • Analyze video game security
  • Acquire the ability to develop online games for multiple players

There is no better program to make you a great screenwriter”

Professional Master's Degree in Video Game Narrative


Although a video game has a great graphic and technological development, it does not guarantee the success of its marketing to the public, since the narrative creation is the key to create a cognitive engagement. For this reason, it is essential that professionals are qualified in this area of development, in order to grow in the labor market and achieve their future goals. The Professional Master's Degree in Video Game Narrative at TECH Global University consists of 1,500 instructional hours, throughout which students will access innovative content that will enable them to compose good quality stories, delving into the phases of script development, as well as the different steps of artistic creation. On the other hand, we will improve their teamwork skills, so that they can have an assertive communication with the different areas of development, favoring the acceptance of the final product.

Postgraduate in Videogame Narrative 100% online


To perform efficiently in the field of video game production is valuable to understand the needs of the market and consumers; for this reason throughout the program we focus on providing the necessary knowledge in relation to game experience, so they can understand the way in which the consumer sees the game, applying a critical look at the story and gameplay provided. Similarly, throughout the course the student will face simulated case studies based on real life: the resolution of this type of activities will favor the development of creativity, versatility and technical skills in relation to narrative creation, which will be fundamental to provide a competent service in the work praxis.