
Get to know in depth the different roles involved in the development of Gamified Games and learn how to adapt your skills to the one that best suits you"

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In order to produce highly professional video games and to be able to apply gamification to any product, it is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge. In this postgraduate certificate in Gamified Game Design, we intend to train students in the basics and essential concepts of the subject so that they can apply and shape the tools obtained, to create fun and entertaining experiences typical of a game.

It is even intended that the student can apply gamification to any product, thus opening their work frontiers inside and outside the video game industry. For this, the structure of the content goes from the game and its design, the production and QA for the collection and analysis of the necessary data in an effective way, to the application of the values within the gamification and constraints or restrictions within the planning.

A program that will delve into the prototypes from the board game, the prototype on paper to make it a video game. Developing in detail the production from the application of the 5 questions, as well as the generation of ideas until obtaining a final product with efficient results.

All this will be taught in a 100% online environment and in a period of 6 weeks, in which the student will be able to understand all the content accurately. It is presented in practical formats for its application and development adapted to the Relearning methodology, which allows the reiteration of concepts facilitating the memorization of the principles studied. Always with the accompaniment of expert teachers who will explain to the professional their most outstanding experiences, providing the professionalization that the student needs to broaden their horizons within the creative process and also looking for the profitability of their work.  

How to do it will not be a problem, because with TECH you will study 100% online and with a methodology that facilitates your learning in a fast and efficient way”

This postgraduate certificate in Gamified Game Design contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in video game development.
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on the importance of visuals in videogames
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection.

Produce highly professional videogames and apply gamification to any product, thus opening your work frontiers inside and outside the videogame industry"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You can be the next game designer with the most users on the network. All you have to do is apply for this postgraduate certificate and learn from the experts”

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Project yourself as an expert handling the most up-to-date tools in Gamified Game Design”


The main objective of this postgraduate certificate in Gamified Game Design is to provide professionals with the necessary tools to develop their careers within the digital entertainment industry with the most up-to-date knowledge, respecting the origin and basic concepts of the game and its mechanics. Assessing the different roles that exist for their correct development both in a team and working alone. Being able to develop prototypes with the appropriate characteristics for each need. 

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If you are passionate about the world of video game design, this postgraduate certificate is for you. Professionalize your skills"

General Objectives

  • Master in depth the field of gamification, its development and expansion
  • Know the construction, application and needs of board games for their extrapolation into gamified products
  • Professionalize the theoretical bases of gamification applied in each field of specialization
  • Analyze all the variables of video games and their industry
  • Achieve autonomy in the development of videogames and their specializations
  • Enhance design skills to make video games attractive and easy to use

Specific Objectives

  • Differentiate in a professional manner interactive products and their media
  • Internalize the mission, vision and values of game development and design
  • Creation of a consistent design according to the theoretical basis of board game design
  • Analyze product types
  • Deepen in the different professional roles in the gaming industry
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You will be able to design gamified products from the theoretical and practical basis of board games"

Postgraduate Certificate in Gamified Game Design


The video game sector has become a booming industry with more and more options for users. In this context, the Postgraduate Certificate in Gamified Game Design, is presented as a unique opportunity for those who wish to specialize in this field and be at the forefront of the market. The main objective of the academic program is for game designers to be able to create experiences that engage the user and keep them interested and motivated. To achieve this, the curriculum focuses on aspects such as user psychology, game mechanics and narrative, key elements to achieve a satisfactory gaming experience. Throughout the Postgraduate Certificate in Gamified Game Design program at TECH Global University, students will become familiar with tools and techniques for the creation and design of video games, as well as the use of technology and software to develop innovative projects. All this will be complemented with theoretical classes in which different case studies of success in the industry will be analyzed.

Discover the world of gamified game design


The curriculum is designed to adapt to the needs of students, and is divided into different modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of video game design. These modules range from character and scenario design to interface creation and the implementation of game mechanics. At the end of the program, students will be able to design and develop high quality gamified video games with a user-oriented approach. In addition, they will have acquired a critical and analytical vision of the video game industry, which will allow them to make strategic and creative decisions in their future work. In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Gamified Game Design is a unique opportunity for those who wish to enter the exciting world of video game design and become experts in an industry in constant growth. Take advantage of the opportunity by studying at TECH, we have 100% online mode.