
Mikel Mas is a renowned Director and Executive Producer, demonstrating exceptional leadership and innovative vision in the realization of Film Projects. Specializing in the field of Film Directing, he has masterfully directed both visual and technical narrative in cinema.  

At the same time, he stands out as an expert in Screenwriting and Digital Photography, enriching his ability to conceive captivating stories and capture evocative images that enhance audiovisual productions. With this, his vast experience in the field of entertainment positions him with a deep understanding of the Cultural and Aesthetic Contexts that influence his works. 

  • Executive Producer and Director at Cornelius Films
  • Expert in Film Directing from the Center for Cinematographic Studies of Catalonia
  • Expert in Screenwriting at Editrain Barcelona.  
  • Expert in Digital Photography from Editrain Barcelona
  • Degree in Art History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Programmes in collaboration with

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