
Dr. Sergio Garrido Jimenez is a Psychologist expert in Psycho-Oncology and Psychology in Palliative Care accredited by the General Council of Psychology of Spain, with 15 years of experience that has allowed him to be linked to several hospital units dedicated to the care of oncology patients. As a psychologist, he has specialized in the therapeutic mediation of patients and their families with all phases of the disease: diagnosis, treatments, relapses, end of life and bereavement.  

Thanks to his experience, he is able to manage the design of group and individual therapeutic intervention protocols, implementation and monitoring of cancer education and prevention programs and provides advice to professionals in the health sector.   

  • Head of the Psychosocial Care Team at the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Jaen.  
  • Psycho-oncologist in the Medical Oncology Unit at the Jaén Hospital Complex.
  • Psycho-oncologist in the Oncohematology Unit at the Doctor Sagaz University Hospital.
  • Psychologist in the Pain Unit at the San Agustín University Hospital.
  • Psychologist in the Palliative Care Unit at the San Juan de la Cruz Hospital
  • Psychologist in the Home Care Unit at the Alto Guadalquivir Hospital. 
  • General Health Psychologist by the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Government). 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Psycho-Oncology from the Complutense University of Madrid.   
  • Degree in Psychology from the University of Jaén. 
  • Member:  
    • Spanish Society of Psycho-Oncology 
    •  Spanish Association of Health Psychology (AEPSIS)   
    • Committee of Ethics of Research with Medicines (CEIm)
    • Provincial de Jaén - Committee on Research Ethics
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