
Alfonso Estébanez Aldonza is a Civil Engineer and his specialties are Tunnel Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Sustainable Traffic Management and Urban Development.

He has more than twenty years of experience in Geotechnical and Tunneling projects, carrying out Calculation, Design and Project Management of Tunnels and Underground Works both in Spain and in other countries such as Dominican Republic, Portugal, Ireland, India, Azerbaijan or USA for public and private clients. This trajectory has led him to occupy positions such as Engineer and Technical Director in Alfestal Ingeniería.

  • Civil Engineer, Specialist in Geotechnics and Tunnels, and Technical Director of Alfestal Ingeniería.
  • Project Manager in the Department of Tunnels and Underground Works at Inarsa SA.
  • Assistant Technician in the Geology and Geotechnical Department at Intecsa-Inarsa.
  • International Consultant and Project Manager at D2
  • PhD student in Roads, Canals and Ports at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid in the Department of Land Engineering.
  • Civil Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Health and Safety Coordinator in Construction Works registered by CAM No. 3508.
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