
Professionals from the elite of Handball will give you the essential knowledge to progress in your training in formative categories" 


The career of the athletes can be long until they reach their goal of reaching the elite level. There is a certain similarity in the trajectory of the coach, who undoubtedly needs to direct the first stages of training, a step prior to High Performance.  

In this process it is essential that the Handball coach has a deep knowledge of the Fundamentals of Coaching, in order to adequately develop their players. For this reason, this postgraduate certificate is exclusively online and taught by an excellent teaching team distinguished in this sport. 

A program of 150 teaching hours that begins an academic journey through the most basic individual and collective aspects in sports training at an early age, to later make an incursion into the technique and tactics that every athlete must master in this discipline. In addition, thanks to the pedagogical tools will delve into the design of recreational activities and the different existing modalities of this sport. 

All this, without having to dedicate long hours of study and memorization thanks to the Relearningmethod, used by this academic institution. The continuous reiteration of the most important contents throughout the 6 weeks of duration, allows them to be consolidated in a simpler way.  

Undoubtedly, an exceptional opportunity to study a quality university education from the best and that also offers flexibility in accessing the syllabus. Students only need a digital device with an Internet connection to view this program at any time. An ideal academic option to combine with the most demanding professional and/or personal activities.  

Increase your professional skills as a coach with this qualification that will allow you to understand the teaching-learning process of Handball"   

This postgraduate certificate in Fundamentals of Formation Training contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Handball and Sports Sciences
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Enroll in a 100% online postgraduate certificate that provides you with a theoretical and practical approach to the Fundamentals of Formation Training"   

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals of the sector who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Thanks to the Relearning system of this program, you will be able to easily consolidate key concepts and reduce the hours of study"


You can study the systems of attack, defense and transition from the comfort of your cell phone with an Internet connection"


The purpose of this postgraduate certificate is to provide future handball team coaches with the knowledge and tools necessary to design training sessions in grassroots categories. The importance of these first steps in the development of the player is evident in a syllabus that includes case studies, which will facilitate the practical approach and the integration of the various methodologies in the day to day of the coach.  


Raise your players' abilities to solve any tactical situation during matches thanks to this advanced program in Fundamentals of Formation Training"  

General Objectives

  • Master the design and control of training at different stages
  • Improve the performance of athletes 
  • Interpret the analysis of data obtained through new technologies
  • Incorporate the nutritional planning of the athlete according to their characteristics and playing position
  • Know the evolution of the handball game and tactics up to nowadays
  • Analyze the multiple factors involved in the training process and in high performance players

Specific Objectives

  • Establish a categorization of the individual and collective technical-tactical elements according to the stage of development of the players
  • Learn about the different aspects that can be modified in the tasks to create adherence to handball practice
  • Train trainers in the design of sessions for the improvement of motor control according to the development of the players
  • Highlight the general characteristics that a handball player must have
  • Provide theoretical and practical knowledge to both coaches and players for the understanding of the most common situations in handball

Thanks to this postgraduate certificate you will be able to design sessions that lead to an improvement of the motor control according to the player's characteristics" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Fundamentals of Formation Training

The world of sports is dynamic and constantly evolving, which demands highly trained and updated professionals in the latest trends and techniques in sports training. At TECH Global University, we understand the importance of training in this area and we have designed our Postgraduate Certificate in Fundamentals of Coaching in Training to provide you with the necessary tools to excel in your career. Our program is taught in virtual class mode, which allows you to access the content from anywhere and adapt your studies to your schedule. One of the advantages of our Postgraduate Certificate is that it will provide you with comprehensive training in the essential fundamentals of sports training. You will learn about the theoretical and scientific bases of training, as well as the latest trends in periodization, training planning, performance evaluation and injury prevention. In addition, our program includes specialized modules in areas such as exercise physiology, sports nutrition, sport psychology and movement analysis, which will allow you to develop a complete and integrated view of sports training.

Study at the best Faculty of Sport Sciences

By studying at TECH Global University, you will have access to a team of highly qualified professors and a state-of-the-art virtual learning platform that will provide you with a high-quality educational experience. Our pedagogical approach is based on the combination of theory and practice, which will allow you to apply the knowledge acquired in real situations and develop practical skills that will differentiate you as a professional in the sport. In addition, upon successful completion of our Postgraduate Certificate in Sport Coaching Fundamentals, you will obtain a certificate endorsed by TECH Global University, which will open up new job opportunities and help you stand out in the competitive field of sport coaching. Enroll in our Postgraduate Certificate in Sport Coaching Fundamentals and take a step forward in your professional career!