
This professional masterā€™s degree will give you the keys to know how to implement prototypes of electronic systems that will revolutionize electronic engineering"


Electronics are an essential part of today's economy and are also present in many everyday actions that are performed almost without thinking. The products and services that are used every day make use of them, so it is essential to address the storage of the energy that is generated and consumed, and its distribution and sale, in order to achieve top-level expertise. Certainly, this is an essential area for society, which, in addition, is involved in various sectors to provide them with innovative tools that facilitate their execution.

Engineers who decide to work in this field are aware of the importance of looking for highly specialized programs with which to obtain advanced, useful and quality knowledge that can be of great help for their professional development. For this reason, TECH offers you this professional masterā€™s degree in Electronic Systems Engineering, a first level program that has been developed by a large group of teachers with extensive experience in the sector.

This professional masterā€™s degree will provide specialized knowledge on the new lines of the labor market in an increasingly dynamic world, from embedded systems, real time systems, energy, health, transportation, distribution, communication and marketing. In this way, students will become professionals of the future, capable of tackling jobs related to sustainable energy, IoT, autonomous cars, smart buildings, satellite communications, energy generation, distribution and storage, medical electronics, robotics, control, security. Specifically, all the elements of society that have an electronic component associated with them.

A 100% online Postgraduate Certificate that will allow students to distribute their study time, not being conditioned by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, being able to access all the contents at any time of the day, balancing their work and personal life with their academic life.

Knowing how to design, analyze and control electronic systems will position you as a reference professional in the industryā€¯

Esta professional masterā€™s degree in Electronic Systems Engineering contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Electronics Engineering
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Electronic Systems Engineering
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program will help you to boost your qualifications and enhance your professional growthā€¯

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of engineering, who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

TECH proposes a didactic methodology focused on practical cases to reinforce theoretical knowledge, which favors the learning process"


A top-level program, designed with the most up-to-date material on the market"


The program in Electronic Systems Engineering has been developed by TECH faculty to offer engineers the qualification they need in a field of great relevance in today's society. In this way, the main objective is to provide students with the necessary tools with which they will be able to know the sector as a whole and be more competent in their professional development, which will allow them to act more safely. the sector and become more competent in their professional development, which will allow them to act with greater security.


If you are interested in developing your professional career in Electronic Systems Engineering, this professional masterā€™s degree will be essential to improve your qualificationā€¯

General Objectives

  • Analyze current techniques to implement sensor networks
  • Determine real-time requirements for embedded systems
  • Evaluate microprocessor processing times
  • Propose solutions adapted to the specific requirements of IoT
  • Determine the stages of an electronic system
  • Analyze the schematics of an electronic system
  • Develop the schematics of an electronic system by virtually simulating its behavior
  • Examine the behavior of an electronic system
  • Design the implementation support of an electronic system
  • Implement a prototype electronic system
  • Test and validate the prototype
  • Propose the prototype for commercialization
  • Compile the main materials involved in microelectronics, properties and applications
  • Identify the operation of the fundamental structures of microelectronic devices
  • Understand the mathematical principles that govern microelectronics
  • Analyze signals and modify them
  • Analyze technical documentation by examining the characteristics of different types of projects in order to determine the data necessary for their development
  • Identify standardized symbology and plotting techniques in order to analyze drawings and diagrams of automatic systems and installations
  • Identify breakdowns and malfunctions in order to supervise and/or maintain installations and associated equipment
  • Determine quality parameters in the work carried out in order to develop the culture of evaluation and quality, and to be able to assess the quality management procedures
  • Determine the need for power electronic converters in most real-world applications
  • Analyze the different types of converters that can be found, based on their function
  • Design and implement power electronic converters according to the need of use
  • Analyze and simulate the behavior of the most commonly used electronic converters in electronic circuits
  • Examine the current techniques in digital processing
  • Implement solutions for the processing of digital signals (images and audio)
  • Simulating digital signals and devices capable of processing them
  • Program elements for signal processing
  • Design filters for digital processing
  • Operate with mathematical tools for digital processing
  • Value the different options for signal processing
  • Identify and evaluate bioelectrical signals involved in a biomedical application
  • Determine a design protocol of a biomedical application
  • Analyze and evaluate biomedical instruments designs
  • Identify and define the interferences and noise of a biomedical application
  • Evaluate and apply electrical safety regulations
  • Determine the advantages of Smart grids deployment
  • Analyze each one of the technologies on which Smart grids are based
  • Examine the standards and safety mechanisms valid for the Smart grids
  • Determine the characteristics of real type systems and recognize the complexity of programming these types of systems
  • Analyze the different types of communication networks available
  • Assess which type of communications network is the most suitable in certain scenarios
  • Determine the keys to effective marketing in the industrial marketplace
  • Develop commercial management to create profitable and long-lasting relationships with customers
  • Generate specialized knowledge to compete in a globalized and increasingly complex environment

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Embedded Systems

  • Analyze current embedded system platforms focused on signal analysis and IoT management
  • Analyze the diversity of simulators for configuring distributed embedded systems
  • Generate wireless sensor networks
  • Verify and assess risks of violation of sensor networks
  • Process and analyze data using distributed systems platforms
  • Programming microprocessors
  • Identify and correct errors in a real or simulated system

Module 2. Electronic Systems Design

  • Identify possible problems in the distribution of circuit elements
  • Establish the necessary stages for an electronic circuit
  • Evaluate the electronic components to be used in the design
  • Simulate the behavior of the electronic components as a whole
  • Show the correct operation of an electronic system
  • Transfer the design to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
  • Implement the electronic system by compiling those modules that require it
  • Identify potential weak points in the design

Module 3. Microelectronics

  • Generate specialized knowledge on microelectronics
  • Examine analog and digital circuits
  • Determine the fundamental characteristics and uses of a diode
  • Determine how an amplifier works
  • Develop proficiency in the design of transistors and amplifiers according to the desired use
  • Demonstrate the mathematics behind the most common components in electronics
  • Analyze signals from their frequency response
  • Evaluating the stability of a control
  • Identify the main lines of technology development

Module 4. Instruments and Sensors

  • Determine measuring and control devices according to their functionality
  • Evaluate the different technical characteristics of measurement and control systems
  • Develop and propose measurement and regulation systems
  • Specify the variables that intervene in a process
  • Justify the type of sensor involved in a process according to the physical or chemical parameter to be measured
  • Establish appropriate control system performance requirements in accordance with system requirements
  • Analyze the operation of typical measurement and control systems in industries

Module 5. Power Electronic Converters

  • Analyze the converter function, classification and characteristic parameters
  • Identify real applications that justify the use of power electronic converters
  • Approach the analysis and study of the main converter circuits: rectifiers, inverters, switched-mode converters, voltage regulators and cycloconverters
  • Analyze the different figures of merit as a measure of quality in a converter system
  • Determine the different control strategies and the improvements provided by each of them
  • Examine the basic structure and components of each of the converter circuits
  • Develop performance requirements for generating specialized knowledge in order to be able to select the appropriate electronic circuit according to the system requirements
  • Propose solutions to the design of power converters

Module 6. Digital Processing

  • Convert an analog signal into a digital one
  • Differentiate between the types of digital systems and their properties
  • Analyze the frequency behavior of a digital system
  • Process, code and de-code images
  • Simulate digital processors for voice recognition

Module 7. Biomedical Electronics

  • Analyze the signals, direct or indirect, that can be measured with non-implantable devices
  • Apply the acquired knowledge of sensors and transduction in biomedical applications
  • Determine the use of electrodes in bioelectrical signal measurements
  • Develop the use of signal amplification, separation and filtering systems
  • Examine the different physiological systems of the human body and signals for behavioral analysis
  • Carry out a practical application of the knowledge of physiological systems in the measurement instrumentation of the most important systems: ECG, EEG, EMG, spirometry, and oximetry
  • Establish the necessary electrical safety of biomedical instruments

Module 8. Energy Efficiency. Smart Grid

  • Develop specialized knowledge on energy efficiency and smart grids
  • Establish the need for the deployment of Smart grids
  • Analyze the functioning of a Smart Meter and its requirement in Smart grids
  • Determine the importance of power electronics in different network architectures
  • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of integrating renewable sources and energy storage systems
  • Study automation and control tools required in smart grids
  • Evaluate the security mechanisms that allow Smart grids to become reliable grids

Module 9. Industrial Communications

  • Establish the basis of real-time systems and their main characteristics Cone relation to industrial communications
  • Examine the need for distributed systems and their programming
  • Determine the specific characteristics of industrial communications networks
  • Analyze the different solutions for the implementation of a communications network in an industrial environment
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the OSI communications model and the TCP protocol
  • Develop the different mechanisms to convert this type of networks into reliable networks
  • Address the basic protocols on which the different mechanisms of information transmission in industrial communication networks are based

Module 10. Industrial Marketing

  • Determine the particularities of marketing in the industrial sector
  • Analyze what a marketing plan is, the importance of planning, setting objectives and developing strategies
  • Examine the different techniques to obtain information and learn from the market in the industrial environment
  • Manage positioning and segmentation strategies
  • Assess the value of services and customer loyalty
  • Establish the differences between transactional marketing and relationship marketing in industrial markets
  • Value the power of the brand as a strategic asset in a globalized market
  • Apply industrial communication tools
  • Determine the different distribution channels of industrial companies in order to design an optimal distribution strategy
  • Address the importance of the sales force in industrial markets

If you are looking for a program to specialize in electronic systems, this is the place for you. Don't miss the opportunity to enroll at TECHā€¯

Professional Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering

Whether it is doing maintenance to indispensable tools in daily routine such as telecommunications and industrial machines, or innovating in futuristic fields such as robotics and virtual reality, engineering applied to electronics plays a transcendental role in the advancement of our society. It is for this reason, and given the great potential for job growth in this field, that TECH Global University offers the Professional Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering: a completely online postgraduate program that covers in ten modules everything related to the world of microcontrollers, integrated circuits, sensors, current conversion and digital processes. Using a convenient curricular scheme free of fixed schedules and coupled with methodological innovations in higher education, you will have full access to a unique content that you can study even from a smartphone. Do you want to learn about design techniques for embedded systems, programmable logic devices and microcontrollers, or bioelectric signal processing? Then take advantage of this program.

Qualify yourself as an expert engineer in electronic systems


The technological revolution is a fact that you can't stay away from. From the GPS used by the car that takes us to our destination to the drone that shows us a panoramic shot in some news report; every device that facilitates the tasks in our daily lives has advanced to unimaginable scales thanks to this metamorphosis that technology has had in recent times and that would not be possible without improvements in electronic systems. Possessing solid skills in this branch of engineering is to have a master key to ensure a bright future, and with TECH you will be able to achieve it. Our postgraduate program is an unmissable alternative to delve into a variety of useful topics: circuit design and electromechanical elements such as coils, power converters, digital processing, biomedical electronics, energy efficiency, among several others, including industrial marketing. Flexible classes, interactive material, highly qualified teachers and a sophisticated educational platform: everything you need to boost your career in one place.