
TECH presents this intensive program as a unique opportunity to become an expert in Packaging and Product Design at your own pace, without schedules or stress"

master diseno producto packaging

A quality and appealing design that makes a difference in the market for products of any kind has never been more important. Nowadays, the supply of all kinds of products exceeds the demand, so companies must have a thorough and carefully studied creation and marketing strategy, which also includes creative and innovative actions. Investing in attractive packaging that reflects the brand's corporate image is one of the ways to do so, as well as to attract the public's attention.

For that reason, the demand for professionals specialized in this area of design is increasing, so TECH and its team of experts has decided to launch this advanced master’s degree in Product Design, Packaging Expert.

It is a comprehensive and exhaustive program that will provide graduates with the keys to master the latest techniques in the sector, focusing on improving their creative skills.

Additionally, students will have hundreds of hours of theoretical and practical training on the creation of quality packaging in line with the image of the entity to which it belongs. It also includes a part of the syllabus dedicated to eco-design and sustainable manufacturing processes, so that students can add to their professional profiles a distinctive aspect that characterizes their commitment to the environment.

But if there is something that characterizes this qualification, it’s versatility, as well as the way it provides specialists with the opportunity to study wherever they want and with a personalized schedule, thanks to its convenient 100% online format. Professionals will also have access to all the content from the beginning of the program, which includes, in addition to the best theoretical and practical content, hundreds of hours of additional material in different formats. You can use this to contextualize your knowledge and deepen your understanding of those sections that you consider most relevant for your professional development. 

In this 100% online program, you will find an innovative, creative, dynamic and attractive syllabus, according to the current characteristics of the field of design"

This advanced master’s degree in Product Design, Packaging Expert contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Packaging and Design
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in product design and packaging
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Thanks to the meticulousness with which the syllabus has been designed, you will delve into the marketing of the company and organizations, so that you will get a broad and generalized idea of the current situation of the sector"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of design, who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as recognized specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive experience designed to learn for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will be able to invest as many hours as you want to acquire in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of design, creativity and marketing, so that you can increase your knowledge in the field"

master online diseno producto packaging

Having in-depth knowledge of current trends regarding the stages in the consumer's buying process will help you to create designs based on their habits"


Given the current demand for product design professionals specialized specifically in creating packaging, TECH has developed this qualification with the objective of providing students with all the tools to allow them to update and expand their knowledge in an intensive way and based on the current situation of the sector. In this way, you will be able to face the labor market and differentiate your practice from the rest through innovative, attractive, creative and quality professional practice.  

maestria diseno producto packaging

If one of your objectives is to acquire in-depth knowledge of the process of creating a brand, this program will give you the keys to define a customized strategy for each company based on its values"

General Objectives

  • Understand the creative, analytical and study process for the realization of any work
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of market analysis techniques and apply them to communication and marketing processes in project development
  • Understand the basic concepts that are part of the communication policy of an organization: Its identity, its culture, how it communicates, its image, its brand, its reputation and social responsibility
  • Know the basics of design, as well as the references, styles and movements that have shaped it from its beginnings to the present day
  • Master the tools of packaging design and digital illustration through the use of Adobe Illustrator software
  • Create a conceptual, experimental and/or commercial visual identity adapted to all kinds of products
  • Manage of a complete packaging project and a customized portfolio
  • Assimilate the product value chain in a comprehensive manner: from design to opening the package at home or a sale in the store
  • Generate branding and marketing strategies through the use of Big Data and continuous assessment
  • Design all packaging structures with advanced knowledge of their materials and real-life applications
  • Handle Ecopackaging and the materials involved in the design of product packaging
  • Apply packaging design from mass consumption to cosmetics, jewelry or gourmet products and the luxury packaging market

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Fundamentals of Design

  • Connect and correlate the different areas of design, fields of application and professional branches
  • Know the processes of ideation, creativity and experimentation and know how to apply them to projects
  • Integrate language and semantics in the ideation processes of a project, relating them to its objectives and use values

Module 2. Fundamentals of Creativity

  • Know how to synthesize one’s own interests, through observation and critical thinking, translating them into artistic creations
  • Lose the fear of artistic blockage and use techniques to combat it
  • Delve into oneself, into one's own emotional space and in what is around, in such a way that an analysis of these elements is carried out in order to use them in favor of one's own creativity

Module 3. Fundamentals of Marketing

  • Understand the central role of communication in a historical time defined by the paradigms of the information and knowledge society
  • Gain knowledge of communication processes in all their social manifestations (interpersonal, group and media)
  • Analyze the different approaches and disciplinary and theoretical approaches to communication
  • Develop an understanding of vocabulary adapted to the basic language of marketing and communication
  • Gain knowledge of the characteristics of social media and their difference with mass media, as well as their implications and the changes they have generated in marketing and design management

Module 4. Corporate Image

  • Understand the strategic areas that a graphic manager must manage in the communicative process of the graphic and visual identity of brands

Module 5. Design for Manufacturing

  • Achieve a sufficient level of knowledge related to the specific objectives and techniques related to the production area
  • Analyze production from a strategic perspective

Module 6. Materials

  • Analyze and evaluate materials used in engineering based on their properties
  • Understand, analyze and evaluate the processes of corrosion and degradation of materials
  • Evaluate and analyze the different techniques for non-destructive testing of materials

Module 7. Sustainable Design

  • Recognize the sustainability setting and environmental context
  • Know the main tools for environmental impact analysis
  • Recognize the importance of sustainability in design
  • Know the environmental regulations relevant to design
  • Be able to develop a sustainable product design strategy

Module 8. Materials for Design

  • Work with the most suitable materials in each case, in the field of product design
  • Explain and describe the main families of materials: their manufacture, typologies, properties, etc.
  • Have the necessary criteria to be able to identify and select the different ranges of materials according to a briefing

Module 9. Design and Illustration with Adobe Illustrator

  • Integrate Adobe Illustrator tools into product packaging design
  • Manage typography for labeling design
  • Master the use of the color palette for correct printing
  • Generate harmony in design and execute the tools with personality integrating brand values
  • Incorporate digital design workflow into the packaging project

Module 10. Vector Illustration of Packaging in Adobe Illustrator

  • Incorporate the use of vector graphics for digital design with Adobe Illustrator
  • Apply and select the necessary tools for the production of a packaging project
  • Master typography and lettering for label and logo design
  • Create photomontages that show the final product in 3D and recreate the final scenery
  • Manage packaging design in all its stages: from the creation of a volume on a blank space to its printing with all layers

Module 11. Ecodesign: Materials for Packaging Design

  • Deepen knowledge in the functioning of the circular economy in relation to packaging design
  • Master biodegradable materials and the recycling process
  • Manage design decisions with a focus on the second life of the package
  • Raise awareness of the use of plastic and the need to reduce our carbon footprint in order to preserve the environment
  • Optimize the packaging design process by becoming conscious designers

Module 12. The Structure of Packaging

  • Master the techniques of creativity and structural composition based on the culture of packaging
  • Generate a specific concept that responds to a universal identity based on coherence with the brand's purpose
  • Apply research techniques in the physical and digital environment by establishing design guidelines
  • Handle lettering and typography for packaging labeling
  • Delve into the sensory experience and transcend to the new Virtual Reality of Packaging

Module 13. Jewelry and Cosmetics Packaging

  • Incorporate the cosmetic consumer needs of traditional and emerging audiences, understanding that cosmetic packaging is the difference between the purchase of a product or not on most occasions
  • Master design techniques throughout the packaging process, aligning exterior, interior and product packaging
  • Broaden the criteria for the application of styles in the cosmetic field, since packaging design is very defined and polarized
  • Manage creative experimental packaging techniques to increase exclusivity through the value of the packaging
  • Generate new designs based on the design of jewelry packaging, taking into account the main lines of design in the luxury sector

Module 14. Gourmet and Wine Packaging

  • Incorporate family traditions and the recreation of good times in a product that is conceived as an intangible part of the country's cultural heritage
  • Manage the casuistry and technical aspects of wine and gourmet product packaging, finding a balance between functional design and aesthetics
  • Master the materials that make up the product packaging such as stoppers, glass and secondary packaging
  • Design the label according to an information architecture that takes into account the quality seals and reflects the brand's personality
  • Manage the user experience by understanding that it is a sensory experience in which the sense of taste must also enter through the eyes

Module 15. Packaging and Design in Mass Consumption

  • Generate transparency and efficiency in food packaging, determining factors in the correct development of our physical health
  • Incorporate nanotechnology and interactive packaging techniques into the mass consumption market as part of a constant innovation strategy
  • Assimilate the needs of the food product and its preservation, transportation and storage conditions
  • Analyze the results of the packaging design from a functional as well as an aesthetic perspective
  • Manage personalization trends in the field of design for brands and mass consumption audiences

Module 16. Marketing and Branding for Packaging

  • Integrate the use of data into the creative strategy of packaging
  • Master strategic and valuable communication for successful packaging design briefing
  • Create value through the projection of a brand identity that can change over time from flexibility and versatility
  • Add the user experience in the digital environment to traditional physical store packaging
  • Assimilate the use of Artificial Intelligence to support, assess and analyze behavior for the development of critical thinking

Module 17. Creative Management

  • Encourage the development of artistic skills by understanding the use of visual codes and their message
  • Apply everything learned so far to develop a personal portfolio and a briefing on our designs
  • Fit visual storytelling into the brand strategy
  • Incorporate the most advanced artistic techniques such as exquisite corpse or hypergraphics
  • Manage space, structures and volumes, as well as the chromatic range as a whole and not separately

Module 18. Operational Development of Packaging

  • Identify the role of design within the commodity supply chain
  • Manage product development, prototyping and testing techniques to be applied to packaging design
  • Increase the student's visionary design skills through a global perspective of the "package journey"
  • Incorporate all legal and regulatory knowledge on the use and exploitation of intellectual property
  • Master your role as a designer and improve your working relations
magister diseno producto packaging

There is a specific module dedicated to materials and their properties, so that you can choose the ones for your products with the total guarantee that they will meet the physical specifications you are looking for"

Advanced Master's Degree in Product Design, Packaging Expert

Nowadays, the consumption of products of various categories is massive, which implies hard and continuous work by all the people linked to the area, especially designers, who are responsible for transforming creative ideas into innovative items that have a good packaging and attract the attention of the public, especially in times of digital shopping, where the customer bases his purchase criteria on what he sees. Part of this process includes image creation, draft planning, product trial-and-error and making final adjustments. Being such a demanded field nowadays, it requires specific knowledge, therefore, in TECH Global University we designed an Advanced Master's Degree in Product Design, Packaging Expert, specialized in the newest strategies and techniques linked to the creation of articles. In this 100% online program, you will find dynamic classes taught by high-level teachers, who will instruct you in aspects such as eco-design and sustainable manufacturing processes, design and illustration materials with Adobe Illustrator and organizational marketing, as well as market strategies and their application in communication or marketing processes. By studying these concepts in depth, you will be able to create a visual, conceptual, experimental and/or commercial identity adapted to all kinds of products.

Advanced Master's Degree in the world's largest online Design School

Do you want to be an expert in product design and packaging creation? This is the ideal program for you. At TECH you will find the most avant-garde and effective teaching methodology in the educational sector. As it is a completely online postgraduate program, you will have the possibility to study at the time and place of your choice. Through the two-year curriculum, you will learn the basic concepts that are part of the creative process, analysis and study to make any product, as well as the communication policy of an organization (identity, culture, image, brand, reputation and social responsibility). In addition, you will learn about the manufacturing process or structure of packaging and the fundamentals of design, its references and styles. Finally, you will study the object's value chain (initial package design), ecopackaging and the materials involved in product design. If you want to learn more, make up your mind and enroll now.