
Incorporate to your programming knowledge, the latest techniques and programs used by the best specialists" 


Behind important titles such as Mario Bros, Final Fantasy or Mega Man there is an excellent team of designers and programmers who have given life to video games that opened the way to an industry, which currently attracts millions of users worldwide. The profile of the programmer is, therefore, highly valued in a growing sector, which requires professionals who master the latest software for the creation of new titles. 

That is why TECH has created this internship program, which aims to offer students an on-site and 100% practical experience in a leading studio in the field of Video Game Programming. In this first class scenario, the graduate will have the opportunity to progress exponentially in their field, thanks to the specialized team that will guide them at all times. 

As a result, graduates who access this internship program will be able to apply all their knowledge about the different resources and specific programming languages on different platforms and also expand their technical skills with the help of professionals in the sector who will accompany and tutor them during the 3 weeks of this program. This will give them a more real, authentic and up-to-date knowledge of the gaming industry.  An opportunity for career advancement in a field that requires specialization.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship in a prestigious center and update yourself in the latest software of Video Game Programming in order to grow professionally” 

Why our program?

TECH has gone a step further in teaching and has developed a program that gives a real answer to the current needs of professionals in Video Game Programming. Therefore, with this idea in mind, TECH has designed a unique and disruptive product in the current educational field. Students will learn firsthand how is the daily work of a first level programmer in the video game industry. During 3 intensive weeks they will be integrated into a specialized work team that will guide them at all times to obtain the necessary technical information to be able to deploy their full potential in this sector. A unique academic opportunity that only this educational institution offers. 

vocational apprenticeships video game programming TECH Global University

TECH gives you the opportunity to surround yourself with the best specialists in the field of Video Game Programming through an internship program of 3 weeks in a first class studio" 

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

Programming has undergone a major revolution in recent years, allowing in the video game industry to create higher quality titles, online game and expanding the realism of the scenarios where the action takes place. For this reason, and in order to bring students closer to this technology, TECH has created this internship program, where they will enter, along with specialists in this field, to the most cutting-edge technology used in the area of Video Game Programming. 

2. Gaining in-depth knowledge based on the experience of the best professionals

During this practical experience, students will be tutored by a professional specialized in Video Game Programming Thanks to this support, graduates will be guaranteed to update their knowledge and broaden their skills.  All this will lead to professional growth in a booming sector, through a knowledge that fits the current reality in this area. 

3. Entering first-class environments 

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, specialists will have guaranteed access to an up-to-date environment in Video Game Programming. In this way, they will be able to experience the day-to-day work of a demanding area that is constantly being renewed. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

TECH provides students with a unique educational experience, which moves away from the theoretical concept, in order to provide a strictly practical vision. In this way, knowing and participating in the day-to-day work of programming, they will obtain the knowledge they need to be part of the best creative studios and video game creators. 

5. Expanding the boundaries of knowledge

TECH offers students a range of possibilities through this internship program, as they can be next to real specialists, who have experience in Video Game Programming in worldwide studios. An excellent opportunity that only TECH, the world's largest online university, can offer.  

professional practices video game programming TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Video Game Programming

A necessary professional profile for the video game industry is that of the programmer. In fact, in recent years, through the growing demand it has experienced in the labor market, it has seen its turnover grow unstoppably. However, in order for these professionals to perform successfully in such a competitive sector, it is not only essential that they have a solid foundation in their knowledge, but also that they keep their technical skills up to date. For this reason, at TECH Global University we developed this Internship Program in Video Game Programming, a program with which you will specialize both in the processes that take place in the production phase and in the latest trends and tools in this field.

Become an expert in video game programming

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of the different resources, languages and programming platforms used during the video game production phase, this program is for you. For three weeks, in consecutive eight-hour days, you will be able to deploy your full potential in the creative and development studios in which you will have participation in one of the most important reference companies in the sector. In this way, you will review the basic structure of a computer, software and general-purpose programming languages; you will understand the function of the operating system and development kits for mobile devices and video game platforms; and you will acquire the ability to design games and interactive web applications with the corresponding documentation. At the largest Video Game Faculty you will find the necessary tools to enhance your professional growth in this field, as well as a human team capable of guiding you and developing your skills to the fullest.