
Veterinarians specializing in Birds, Wildlife and Fish are increasingly in demand. Don't think twice and improve your skills in this area"


The Postgraduate Diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish is a high quality training program that focuses on the study of the main pathologies, diagnostic techniques and treatments in this type of animals to provide high-level training to veterinarians who want to specialize in this field.

Keeping wild birds or birds from breeding farms is a common fact nowadays that the veterinary professional must face in the daily clinical practice, for this reason it is necessary to understand the anatomical, physiological and ethological differences in conventional pets at home and between avian species in order to approach the patient correctly. 

The need to visit a specialist in birds is generally for two specific reasons: when the bird has just been acquired for a routine check-up, deworming, comment on contagious diseases and take appropriate preventive measures; and when the bird has any pathology. 

The management of the decompensated avian patient in the clinic needs to be fast and efficient, taking into account the appropriate instrumentation. In addition, its origin must be taken into account, either to consider it as a possible transmitter of zoonotic diseases, or to evaluate its possible reinsertion into the wild if it is a possible wild bird.

On the other hand, this Postgraduate Diploma will also delve into the medicine and surgery of wild animals, focusing on veterinarians working in zoos, aquariums, rescue centers, confiscation centers and rehabilitation centers, among others. 

The veterinarian specialized in this type of animals must be qualified to develop all the rescue tasks, clinical care and reception of the animal, diagnostic techniques and interpretation of results, as well as the application of updated medical and surgical treatments that will be developed throughout this module.

Finally, it should be noted that the ornamental fish clinic is largely unknown to the vast majority of clinical veterinarians, yet there is a high awareness of responsibility in their care. As a consequence, the clinical veterinarian today is forced to perform a high level of specialization in these species. Specifically, this Postgraduate Diploma focuses on ornamental fish, fish for animal feed and laboratory fish.

Being an online diploma, the student is not constrained by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, but can access the contents at any time of the day, balancing their work or personal life with their academic life as they wish.

Train with us and learn how to diagnose diseases of Birds, Wildlife and Fish"

This postgraduate diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in birds, wildlife and fish
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest news on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in birds, wildlife and fish
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the field of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in birds, wildlife and fish
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Do not miss the opportunity to do this Postgraduate Diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish with us. It's the perfect opportunity to advance your career"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the veterinary field, who bring the experience of their work to this training, as well as recognised specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Birds, Wildlife and Fish. 

This Postgraduate Diploma is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in Birds, Wildlife and Fish"


This training comes with the best didactic material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning"


The postgraduate diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish is aimed at facilitating the medical professional's performance with the latest advances and most innovative treatments in the sector.  


Our main objective is to offer you quality training that allows you to keep up to date with the main advances in the field"

Objetivos generales

  • Examine the symptoms that a bird has when sick
  • Explain the principles of the use of radiology in poultry and present the most commonly used images
  • Explore ultrasound scanning in birds, a forgotten diagnostic technique
  • Develop the basic principles of endoscopy in birds
  • Examine the different anatomical and physiological aspects of birds in order to apply them to the most effective treatments
  • Develop specialized knowledge in the treatment of emergencies in situations of hemorrhage, bone fractures and their treatment in emergency conditions
  • Establish anesthetic emergency protocols as with any animal that is anesthetized
  • Reach the protocol of state of shock, which is very difficult to determine in avian patients. Clinical signs may include weakness, mucosal paleness and poor peripheral perfusion
  • Develop risk prevention for the public, zoonosis and animal escape
  • Carry out management, nutrition, deworming, vaccination, reproductive management and hygiene plans
  • Determine the main diseases, required diagnostics and therapeutics in the main animal species
  • Analyze the principles of anesthesia, main techniques
  • Avoid the first common mistake: Go directly to seek information from sick or already dead fish
  • Identify pathologies, understanding that the result of an observation or test can never be considered of absolute diagnostic value without first having assessed and performed other diagnostic tests
  • Take a much more cautious and prudent approach to pathologies. Pathological problems in fish are often complex and multifactorial
  • Establish the necessary guidelines applied to each medical treatment

Specific Objectives

Module 1

  • Develop specialized knowledge about the different bird species
  • To examine the anatomical differences in order to be able to detect them in the daily consultation
  • Design appropriate facilities in each situation and for each species, understanding the key factors for each of them
  • Set a basic list of nutrients for birds
  • To develop the nutritional requirements for Psittacidae, the most frequent exotic birds in practice
  • Perform mathematical energy calculations depending on the needs according to the established classifications
  • Determine the feeding of other bird species that are less frequent but also come to the daily practice

Module 2

  • Perform management techniques and preventive medicine in avian patients
  • Establish the proper sampling and routes of drug administration, understanding their anatomical differences with the rest of the species
  • Master the techniques of radiology, ultrasound and endoscopy as vital diagnostic imaging tools in avian patients
  • Detect the most common dermal pathologies, such as acariasis, follicular cysts, itching and cutaneous lipomas
  • Classify diseases caused by viruses, as well as important traumatologic pathologies
  • Analyze the most frequent emergencies
  • Establish the appropriate treatment for each of them and understand the most common treatments

Module 3

  • Establish which are the handling tasks of the veterinarian, together with his work team
  • Develop specialized criteria to decide on the release of a wild species treated for a pathology
  • Develop preventive medicine programs, such as vaccinations, coprologicals, and vermifugations
  • Develop specialized knowledge to perform the mandatory clinical examination of any patient who is hospitalized or has just been admitted to a recovery center
  • Interpret the laboratory tests performed on the animals in order to treat their disease
  • Establish guidelines for nutrition and nutritional diseases, infectious diseases, reproductive aspects and rescue work of primates, ursids and wild felines
  • Analyze the most commonly used anesthesia techniques in zoo animals

Module 4

  • Analyze, in each case, the 4 main contexts to carry out an adequate anamnesis
  • The general informative context: Identifies the type of customer and general typology
  • The context of the particular system: Technology of the aquatic environment
  • The context of the population: Assesses the number of fish, ages, species
  • The individual context: When all the above points have been evaluated, we identify the affected fish, its organs and pathologies
  • Analyze the clinical management and establish guidelines for the correct collection of laboratory samples
  • Learn the different pathologies of ornamental fish
  • Describe the predisposing causes and establish differential diagnoses for each case
  • Establish a definitive diagnosis and apply a medical or surgical treatment and follow-up of your case
  • Assess the use of anesthetics and updated protocols
  • Examine the most commonly used antiparasitic treatments and external disinfectants
  • Evaluate the degree of learning with the presentation of a clinical case
  • Inspect updated anesthetic studies
  • Analyze the anatomical and physiological particularities of each species in order to make the appropriate anesthetic considerations
  • Establish the basic and routine surgical techniques in clinical practice
  • Discuss other important surgical issues
  • Describe the pathologies presented by reptiles with more complex causes

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Postgraduate Diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish


Dive into the fascinating world of birds, wildlife and fish with our online Postgraduate Diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish program. At TECH Global University, we offer you the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in this exciting field, providing you with the necessary tools to become an expert in the conservation and care of these species. Our University program is perfect for nature lovers and professionals who wish to expand their knowledge in the management and conservation of these species. Through a practical and theoretical approach, you will explore the diversity of birds, wildlife and fish, their biological characteristics, behavior and natural habitats.

Enroll now and start in online mode


At TECH Global University, we are proud to offer a high-quality online educational experience. Our program combines interactive virtual classes, multimedia resources and practical activities that will allow you to apply your knowledge in real situations. In addition, you will be supported by a team of expert teachers who will guide you throughout the learning process. As a student of this Postgraduate Diploma, you will have the opportunity to explore the latest research and techniques in the field of bird conservation. You will learn about the importance of their preservation, the challenges they face today, and the management and rehabilitation strategies needed to ensure their survival. Once you complete the program, you will be prepared to work in areas related to wildlife conservation, such as nature reserves, zoos, research centers and organizations dedicated to the protection of species. In addition, you will have the foundation necessary to undertake independent research projects and promote environmental awareness in your community. Don't miss the opportunity to become an expert in birds, wildlife and fish! Join TECH Global University and begin your path to an exciting career in biodiversity conservation - enroll in our Postgraduate Diploma in Birds, Wildlife and Fish program today!