
Dr. Jaime Rubio Pérez is an expert in Oncology and, in particular, he has studied Head and Neck Tumors in depth. He has also studied Colorectal Carcinoma and Neoplasms of the Rectum, an academic area in which he obtained his PhD degree.  

His professional career has been mainly in the Department of Oncology at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz in Madrid. More recently, he has focused his attention on Clinical and Molecular Research in Lung Cancer.  

  • Medical Oncologist Expert in Head, Neck and Lung Tumors.
  • Specialist in the Department of Oncology at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz in Madrid.
  • Doctor in Medicine and Surgery by the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. 
  • Master's Degree in Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Thoracic Tumors from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid.
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