
For more demandingareas of work and environments, where Russian speakers are normally dealt with, the minimum level required for many offers of employmen is B2. This is because it is precisely this certification that guarantees adequate language development at a high intermediate level. 

This TECH Global University certificate responds to the need of professionals and people interested in improving their language skills and certifying their validity with a language test that  adheres to the main guidelines of the CEFR. Thanks to the thoroughness of the evaluation methodology, the student's reading, oral and written comprehension is ensured at an upper intermediate level. 

The B2 university certificate in Russian will open the door to a much more prosperous working future, which you will access thanks to the distinctive quality of your curriculum" 

Add to your language competences, your skills and abilities in Russian-speaking environments, with a distinguished university certificate developed on the basis of the CEFR"

By validating the B2 level of Russian, the student is demonstrating their already high level of proficiency in the language, with high intermediate reading, writing and listening comprehension. This is a competitive advantage, especially in international environments, where this language level is necessary.

This university certificate does not require renewal, as it has an unlimited duration, and serves the student to stand out among other candidates and earn better job offers and positions.

TECH gives you the flexibility and freedom you need to certify your language level, and you can even choose the time you want to take the exam.

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”  

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer and teacher.

Flexible and Tailored

Take your exam wherever you are, 100% online, at the time of your choice. You choose the exam that best suits you.  

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No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure.  

reloj Universidad Tecnologica

No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you.  


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand the main ideas of a linguistically complex discourse, dealing with both concrete and abstract topics delivered at a standard language level, including technical discussions within their field of specialization
  • Understand long speeches and complex lines of argument as long as the topic is reasonably familiar and the development of the discourse is facilitated by explicit markers
  • Understand any type of speech, both face-to-face conversations and broadcast speeches, on topics, usual or not, of personal, social, academic or professional life. Only excessive background noise, inadequate structuring of speech or idiomatic use of language affect their ability to understand
  • Pick up with some effort much of what is being said around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in a discussion with several native speakers if they do not modify their speech in some way
  • Follow lively conversations between native speakers
  • Understand the main ideas of linguistically complex lectures, talks and reports, and other forms of academic and professional presentation
  • Understand statements and messages on concrete and abstract topics, in standard language and at a normal pace
  • Understand most radio documentaries and other recorded or rebroadcast material spoken in standard language, and identify the speaker's mood and tone
  • Understand recordings in standard language that may be encountered in social, professional or academic life, and identify the speaker's points of view and attitudes, as well as the content of the information

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Read with a high degree of independence, adapt reading style and speed to different texts and purposes, and use appropriate reference sources selectively. Have a large active reading vocabulary, but may have some difficulty with infrequent idioms
  • Read correspondence related to their field of expertise and easily grasp the essential meaning
  • Quickly search through long and complex texts to locate relevant details. Quickly identify the content and significance of news stories, articles and reports on a wide range of professional topics and decide whether further analysis is appropriate
  • Understand articles and reports related to current problems in which the authors express specific viewpoints
  • Obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within your field of interest. Understand specialized articles that are not in their area of expertise assuming they can use a dictionary from time to time to confirm their interpretation of the terminology
  • Understand lengthy and complex instructions that are within their expertise, including details about conditions and warnings as long as they can re-read difficult sections
  • Understand most television news and current affairs programs including documentaries, live interviews, debates, theatrical plays and most standard-language films

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Participate in conversations with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that enables regular interaction with native speakers without strain for either party
  • Emphasize the personal importance of certain facts and experiences, express and defend points of view with clarity, providing adequate explanations and arguments
  • Speak fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, professional or leisure topics, clearly marking the relationship between ideas. Communicate spontaneously and have good grammatical control without showing many signs of having to restrict what to say and adopting a level of formality appropriate to the circumstances
  • Understand in detail what is said in standard language, even in an environment with background noise
  • Approach in a clearly participatory manner extensive conversations on most general topics, even in a noisy environment
  • Hold conversations with native speakers, without unintentionally amusing or annoying them, and without demanding different behavior from them than you would with a native speaker
  • Convey a certain emotion and highlight the personal importance of facts and experiences
  • Follow the rhythm of lively discussions between native speakers. Express ideas and opinions with precision, present complex lines of argument convincingly and respond to them
  • Take an active part in informal discussions that occur in everyday situations by making comments, clearly expressing their points of view, evaluating alternative proposals, making hypotheses and responding to them
  • With some effort, pick up much of what is said in discussions going on around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in discussions with several native speakers if they do not modify their speech in some way
  • Express and sustain their opinions in discussions by providing appropriate explanations, arguments, and comments
  • Understand, with complete certainty, detailed instructions. Contribute to the progress of the work by inviting others to participate, speak up, etc.
  • Outline an issue or problem clearly, speculating on the causes or consequences and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches
  • Negotiate the resolution of conflicts, such as claiming an unfair traffic fine, claiming financial responsibility for damages caused in an apartment or for fault in an accident
  • Develop their case for damages, using persuasive language to claim compensation, and clearly establish the limits of any concession they are willing to make
  • Explain a problem that has arisen and make it clear that the service provider or customer must make concessions
  • Understand and exchange complex information and advice on all matters related to their profession. Communicate detailed information with complete certainty
  • Make clear and detailed descriptions of how to carry out a procedure. Synthesize and communicate information and arguments from a variety of sources
  • Conduct effective and fluent interviews, even spontaneously departing from prepared questions, follow the thread and give interesting answers
  • Take the initiative in an interview, and expand and develop their ideas, either with little help or getting it if needed from the interviewer

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Express news and points of view effectively when writing and establish a relationship with other people's points of view
  • Write letters that convey some emotion and highlight the personal significance of events and experiences; comment on the news and views of the person you are writing to
examen en linea nivel b2 de ruso

CEFR B2 Russian Exam

At TECH Global University we want to provide individuals interested in becoming certified in the Russian language with an opportunity to prove their abilities and obtain a certificate that certifies them as Russian speakers. The CEFR B2 Russian Exam of TECH Global University was designed by the best specialists in the field, thanks to this, the applicants will face a innovative test, in which they will be able to understand long speeches and lectures and even follow complex lines of argument as long as they are able to follow complex lines of argument, as long as they have a good command of the Russian language; The test is designed for: understanding long speeches and lectures and even following complex lines of argument, provided the topic is relatively familiar; participating in a conversation with a certain fluency and spontaneity, making it possible to communicate normally; and writing clear and detailed texts on a wide range of topics related to the applicant's interests.

Get qualified in Russian with TECH

TECH has become the best university in the digital field, our commitment to academic excellence has led us to create the world's largest School of Languages. For this reason, our Russian language test has a high standard, which was created within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The aim of the test is for the applicant to have the necessary skills to develop with confidence in social and professional environments, being able to express ideas clearly and establish interpersonal relationships thanks to the use of the Russian language.