
You will incorporate into your daily practice the most innovative technologies for the mitigation of Competition Risks thanks to this internship program"


According to a recent report by a prestigious consultancy, a small percent of institutions have a system of legal responsibility, while 45% of organizations are unaware of the legal consequences of not having a Compliance Officer. Among the possible repercussions are significant legal risks, financial losses, lack of competitiveness and even damage to business reputation. This is why it is so important for companies to have the services of a Corporate Compliance expert. In this way, these experts will take actions to help prevent and mitigate legal dangers by ensuring that companies comply with all relevant regulations.

In this context, TECH develops a internship program in Corporate Compliance. Graduates will enjoy a 120-hour stay in a center of reference in this field. For 3 weeks, students will be part of a team of top level experts, with whom they will work actively in the development, implementation and monitoring of compliance programs to prevent or detect legal or ethical violations within the institution. To do so, they will perform both risk assessments and internal controls to identify the main existing threats. In this way, they will implement in their praxis high communication skills and acquire an analytical approach to solve problems arising in their work environments.

Moreover, during their stay, managers will be supported by an assistant tutor, whose objective will be to optimize their learning process and ensure the effectiveness of the procedures implemented. In addition, this expert will offer students personalized tutorials both to advise them on their work and to resolve any doubts they may have in this regard. Undoubtedly, a high quality educational experience that will allow graduates to make a quality leap in their profession.


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences”

Why our program?

Aware of the importance of university programs going beyond theory, TECH offers graduates the opportunity to carry out internships in prestigious centers. In this sense, this institution has developed a disruptive product in the current educational landscape, which will allow students to enter a real institution to put into practice the latest procedures in Corporate Compliance. During 3 weeks, the members of its student body will be integrated into a multidisciplinary work team, enriching their practice with the latest trends in this field of specialization.

vocational apprenticeships corporate complieance TECH Global University

This program gives you the opportunity to update your knowledge in a real scenario, with the maximum scientific rigor of an institution at the forefront of technology"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

The field of Corporate Compliance is constantly evolving due to technological advances such as compliance management software, data analysis tools or blockchaintechnology. Given this situation, TECH creates this internship program for graduates to enter a cutting-edge work environment, where they will have at their disposal state-of-the-art technological tools in the field of payments and business management software.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

Throughout their practical stay at the center, a large team of professionals will accompany students throughout their learning process. This is a first-class endorsement and a guarantee of unprecedented updating. In addition, students will have a tutor who will help them at all times and who will share the keys to success in their professional career.

3. Entering first-class Communication Management environments

In order to maintain intact the excellent quality that defines its university qualifications, TECH carefully selects all the centers available for internship program. Thanks to this, students will enjoy first-class facilities to develop their internships in comfort. Graduates will expand their knowledge and skills with the support of Corporate Compliance professionals.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

Far from focusing solely on theory, TECH's educational programs are adapted to the reality of the labor market. Therefore, this institution offers a new learning methodology, 100% practical, with which students will enrich their daily practice with the most innovative procedures for data analysis and security technologies. And all in just 3 weeks!

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH provides students with the opportunity to take this internship program in a major national organization. In this way, graduates will be able to broaden their professional horizons and learn from the best experts in Corporate Compliance. Undoubtedly, an educational experience that will allow graduates to take a leap in quality in their profession.

professional practices corporate complieance TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Corporate Compliance

Corporate compliance is fundamental in the modern business world to ensure that organizations comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you want to specialize in this field, TECH Global University has the ideal option for you. Through an innovative Internship Program in Corporate Compliance you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and maintain effective compliance programs in any business environment. In this pragmatic program, you will understand the fundamental principles of corporate compliance, including the importance of regulatory compliance, the legal and ethical risks associated with non-compliance, and best practices in developing effective compliance programs. In addition, you will explore the regulatory and policy framework governing corporate compliance in different industries and jurisdictions. You will learn about key laws and regulations such as the FCPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, GDPR and more, and how they apply to business practices. Finally, you'll learn how to design, implement and evaluate compliance programs tailored to an organization's specific needs. You'll discover how to identify and assess risks, establish policies or procedures, provide training, and monitor ongoing compliance.

Learn all about Corporate Compliance

With a practical, results-focused approach, we will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and maintain effective compliance programs that protect your organization and foster a culture of integrity and accountability. Our innovative methodology includes real-world situations through case studies and hands-on simulations, allowing you to develop problem-solving skills and make ethical decisions in a dynamic business environment. Here, you will develop skills in risk management and internal auditing to identify, assess and mitigate compliance risks. You will learn how to conduct risk assessments, design or implement internal controls, and perform audits to ensure the effectiveness of the compliance program. Finally, you will understand the importance of business ethics and organizational culture in corporate compliance. You will explore how to promote a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability within the organization to support regulatory compliance and prevent misconduct. Join us and make corporate compliance a priority!