
Forensic psychologists must have training throughout their work stage to expand their skills and adapt to new methods”


Psychology is the science that studies human behavior, tries to give explanations to the behaviors that human beings perform  and infers which behavior is more likely to occur under certain circumstances, The specialty of Forensic Psychology studies all this applied to the field of justice.

The objective of the postgraduate diploma in Forensics Psychology is to cover a field of research that is booming thanks to the professionals who want to continue their training in this area. This postgraduate diploma is intended to provide knowledge about multiple topics that are developed within Forensics psychology as well as the explanation and implementation of various questionnaires used in professional practice that help to know the current pathologies in the individual to be able to make the assessment of them when it is appropriate. 

In this Training you will study topics related to the issues that are carried out in the world of Forensics Psychology and its relationship with the courts, as well as the from assessment psychological damage derived from accidents, complicated situations or negligence, among others. Specifically, it has several theoretical blocks where topics such as the definition of Forensics Psychology and its path in Spain will be developed, the most relevant aspects in this field, focused on Judicial Psychology, the different personalities focused on the legal field or the child and adolescent.

In addition, this 100% online program allows students to continue their education while carrying out other obligations in their daily life, since they will be able to organize themselves and choose when and where to study, since they only need a device with an Internet connection. Professionals must join this community of students and will notice how they advance in their career. 

Update your knowledge, through the postgraduate diploma in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology”

This postgraduate diploma in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Forensic Psychology
  • Its graphic, schematic and practical contents provide scientific and assistance information on those disciplines essential for the professional practice
  • Latest developments on the role of the forensic psychologist
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Its special emphasis on evidence-based psychology and research methodologies in Forensic Psychology
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in selecting an update program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology, you will obtain a degree from TECH Global University”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of Legal and Forensic Psychology, who pour the experience of their work into this training, as well as renowned specialists from scientific reference societies .

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn 
in real situations.

The design of this program supports Problem-Based Learning, through which Psychologists must try to solve different professional practice situations that arise. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned experts in the field of Forensic Psychology In childhood and and Adolescence with great experience.

Increase your confidence in decision making by updating your knowledge through this postgraduate diploma”


Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology and develop in this exciting field”


The postgraduate diploma in Forensics Psychology is aimed at facilitating the performance of psychologists in expert and legal environments in which their clinical experience is required.


Increase your capabilities with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and safety to decision making"

General Objectives

  • Broaden the knowledge of psychology applied to the legal field
  • Facilitate the acquisition of knowledge about forensic psychology, as well as La assess the different cases presented
  • Promote the acquisition of skills and abilities in the forensic field
  • Encourage the study of this program through a theoretical-practical basis

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Forensic Psychology

  • Understand the history of psychology and its arrival in the courts
  • Understand how the process undergoes a radical behavioral change to the cognitive-behavioral, one that is maintained nowadays
  • Infer the division of judicial psychology and the differences with criminal psychology, which is closely linked to forensic psychology
  • Review the phases through which forensic psychology passed at the national level
  • Delve into the law of minors, the APA, and the different jurisprudence associated with forensic psychology

Module 2. Children and Adolescents in Court

  • Learn how to interview a minor in custody 
  • Understand how to conduct interviews with child victims of mistreatment or sexual abuse 
  • Analyze the most relevant aspects of child issues, custody assessment and sexual assault 
  • Analyze adolescent psychology and criminal careers, as well as the application of the penal code at early ages of growth 
  • Interpret psychometric tests used by specialists 
  • Know the most frequent diseases associated with sexual abuse 

Module 3. Judicial Psychology– Legal Approach to Concepts

  • Know the evaluation instruments in cases of guardianship and custody of minors
  • Understand the work methodology of psychologists in medical-forensic clinics and know the most frequent types of requests
  • Study the criminal law of the best and group juvenile delinquency
  • Defining the role of the prison psychologist throughout history
  • Delve into the different phases of specialized psychological assistance
  • Learn about problematic behaviors associated with criminal behavior, addressing the expert opinion of aggressors
  • Differentiate the manifestations of psychological violence and anticipate the most frequent consequences derived from ill-treatment by carrying out a correct expert evaluation
  • Delve into sexual assault establishing the degree of prior knowledge and relationship between aggressor and victim

Take the step to catch up on the latest developments in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology

If you are looking to specialize in forensic psychology and have an interest in working with minors, the Postgraduate Diploma in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology from TECH Global University is the ideal program for you. This course will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge of the psychological, social and legal aspects that influence cases involving minors in the judicial field. It will provide you with tools for the assessment and psychological treatment of these cases, through a practical and applied approach. With the guidance of professionals with extensive experience in the area, you will learn how to perform psychological evaluations in cases of sexual abuse, child abuse, neglect, among others. Also, you will learn the best practices to work with minors in the judicial environment, respecting their integrity and rights.

Become a highly trained professional in the assessment and psychological treatment of cases related to minors in the judicial field.

The program is aimed at psychologists, lawyers, social workers and other professionals interested in the forensic field and in working with minors. It is also an opportunity for those who wish to broaden their field of work and improve their professional profile. The Postgraduate Diploma in Childhood and Adolescence in Forensic Psychology from TECH Global University is an investment in your future. With this program you will be able to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in an area in growing demand in the labor market. Don't think twice and make the most out of this opportunity.