
Get to grips with the fundamentals and benefits of Cloud Storage in just a few weeks”


Cloud Infrastructures offer a huge number and variety of possibilities in the field of Storage and Databases. They have a flexibility and advantages that companies cannot let go unnoticed and that they have to take full advantage of. To do so, they need professionals who are experts in their use and management, who can get the most out of these tools in a quick and easy way.

For this reason, TECH has created a Postgraduate Certificate in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures, to address the characteristics of these tools and make students acquire the ability to get the most out of them in the most efficient way. To this end, it delves into topics such as the Fundamentals of Cloud Storage, its Advantages, CloudStorage Use Cases, Database Classification, Big Data or Database Migration and Optimization, among other relevant aspects. 

All this in a convenient 100% online mode, which offers students the possibility of combining their work and personal life with their studies, without time limits or the need to travel. In addition, with the guarantee of being able to enjoy the most complete multimedia content and the most updated information possible, which has been structured by renowned experts in the field.

Get to stand out in the Cloud Infrastructure sector in a short time and with total freedom of organization”

This Postgraduate Certificate in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get to know all the necessary elements to get the best performance from Cloud Databases”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.   

Deepen your knowledge and become an expert in Cloud Storage and Databases thanks to TECH”


Manage your time with total freedom and expand your knowledge in Cloud Data Storage, without affecting your daily activities”


The objective of this program is to provide students with the necessary needs and skills to design, manage and extract the maximum performance from storage tools and databases in the cloud. All this, thanks to the latest and updated content, in addition to a variety of activities with which to put into practice the knowledge acquired.  


Reach your most demanding work goals and boost your professional profile in one of the sectors with the brightest future”

General Objectives

  • Develop specialized knowledge about what infrastructures are and what motivations exist for their transformation to the cloud
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and manage IaaS solutions effectively
  • Acquire specialized knowledge to add or remove storage and processing capacity quickly and easily, enabling you to adapt to fluctuations in demand 
  • Examine the scope of Network DevOps, demonstrating that it is an innovative approach for network management in IT environments
  • Understand the challenges faced by an enterprise in Cloud governance and how to address them 
  • Use security services in Cloud environments such, as Firewalls, SIEMS and threat protection, to secure applications and services 
  • Establish best practices in the use of Cloud Services and the main recommendations when using them
  • Increase user efficiency and productivity: by enabling users to access their applications and data from anywhere and on any electronic device, VDI can improve user efficiency and productivity
  • Gain specialized knowledge about Infrastructure as Code 
  • Identify key points to demonstrate the importance of investing in backup and monitoring in organizations

Specific Objectives

  • Determine the features and benefits of cloud storage, the different cloud storage options (public, private, hybrid) and the selection of the appropriate storage option 
  • Develop specialized knowledge about cloud databases, advantages and disadvantages of databases in by the cloud, the different cloud database options (relational, non-relational) and how to select the right option 
  • Examine Cloud Database and Storage Design and Architecture: the principles of cloud database and storage design, cloud database and storage architectures, and common design patterns
  • Manage cloud storage and databases: how to create, manage and monitor cloud storage and databases, how to backup and recover data in the event of loss 
  • Analyze security and privacy in the cloud: how to protect stored data and databases in the cloud, privacy and security policies and regulations in the cloud 
  • Compile use cases and examples of cloud storage and databases: examples of how cloud storage and databases are used different use cases of big data management, real-time data analytics, and integration of data from different sources 
  • Addressing scalability and performance in the cloud and how to optimize them in cloud applications 

You will achieve your goals thanks to the most innovative teaching tools in Cloud Storage"

Postgraduate Certificate in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures

Data management is essential for the development of any company or business today. The cloud has revolutionized the business world by offering a more accessible, secure and efficient data storage and management solution. At TECH Global University we have developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures. The intention is to provide the professional with updated training in the management of cloud technology. In this study program, the knowledge and use of tools will be deepened. Also in the application of methodologies for the design, implementation and maintenance of cloud infrastructures. All this, in order to enhance the professional's ability to make decisions in a highly competitive business environment.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Storage and Database Management in Cloud Infrastructures from TECH Global University is designed to provide the professional with a complete and updated curriculum in cloud data management. Topics such as planning, design and migration of infrastructures to the cloud will be addressed. As well as the handling of specific technologies and tools, and database management. This course offers the professional highly specialized content. Acquiring these skills will allow you to advance in your career. Being a key element in business development in the field of data management in the cloud will be within your reach.