
Learn about the latest advances in Human Resources Management in Educational Institutions"

In this program, the professional is not only introduced to the teaching reality they will encounter, but is also trained to get the best out of their experience, all this hand in hand with the management of the latest technologies applied to the classroom.

The teacher will not only be qualified for professional performance in the classroom, but will also be able to propose educational innovations to improve the quality of teaching, increasing student motivation.

This is an advance over the eminently pedagogical programs, focused on teaching, which do not address in depth the educational context and the characteristics of the student body as central axes, without forgetting the role of teaching innovation.

This vision allows a better understanding of the operation of the technology center from different areas so that the professional can have different options for its application in his job according to his interest.

Update your knowledge through the postgraduate diploma program in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions"

This postgraduate diploma in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Development of case studies presented by experts in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • News on Human Resources Management in Educational Institutions.
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • With special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Human Resources
  • Management in Educational Institutions
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This expert may be the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions, you will obtain an postgraduate diploma from TECH"

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of management and human resources management in educational centers, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program to train in real situations.

The design of this programme is based on problem-based learning, whereby the teacher must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the teacher will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized experts in the field of Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this specialist course"

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions and improve the training of your students"


The postgraduate diploma in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions is oriented to facilitate the professional's performance.

This postgraduate diploma is designed for you to update your knowledge in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions, with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and security to the decision making and monitoring of your students"

General Objectives

  • The main objective of this expert is to prepare the teaching staff for the management of educational centers by understanding the new challenges of education and keeping in mind throughout its design, the need to innovate in management in order to meet the challenges, needs and demands of the XXI century society.
  • For this reason, a module focused on the concept of leader and the evolution of the term up to the current perspective is contemplated. This is intended to deepen the study of the various approaches and types of leadership as well as to define the essential management skills and how to develop them. Concepts such as participation, commitment, co-responsibility, conflict and mediation will also be discussed, with the aim of providing future managers with a complete framework for the execution of the managerial function.
  • Another important aspect of this Postgraduate Diploma is the strategic management of educational institutions and all that this entails. Special emphasis will be placed on knowledge of institutional documentation, governing bodies and planning structures. From the point of view of human resources management and administrative management, we will take a break in the balance between budget and educational quality.
  • A director must also be familiar with the selection and hiring processes, the criteria to be followed and the regulations in this regard. The management of resources, both human and material, is key to the proper functioning of a center and the second, third, fourth and fifth modules give a good account of this.
  • It is common knowledge that education and society go hand in hand, and that educational centers can be understood as engines of social change. For this to be possible, the center must be immersed in a continuous process of improvement and innovation, and in this sense the directors must be active agents of this transformation, promoting models of excellence and action plans framed in the quality system.
  • In short, management teams must learn to promote interest in the practice of active classroom methodologies such as project-based learning, gamification and the flipped classroom, among many other approaches, and implement plans for which specific teacher training is required. We refer to strategies that are designed with the clear objective of connecting the center with other realities, relying on the use of ICT, digital promotion and visibility that these tools offer us.
  • Thus, this Postgraduate Diploma provides the student, the future school director, with a broad knowledge of the operating framework of educational institutions that will guarantee the successful development of his or her managerial function.

Specific learning objectives of each module:

Module 1. Educational Leadership and Managerial Skills

  • Know the concept of leadership used in different fields of study. Differentiate between the Characteristics of the Concept
  • Know how to track the evolution of the term leadership and understand the evolution over time
  • Recognize the current perspective of the concept of leadership and know how to differentiate previous perspectives from the current one
  • Know the different approaches to leadership at the psychological, social and anthropological levels
  • Know the link between the concepts of leadership, power and authority
  • Recognize the types of leadership: autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire
  • Recognize the negative aspects of the leader. Differentiate a positive aspect from a negative one. Learn to avoid negative behaviors
  • Know how to define and identify management skills
  • Recognize the traits that define a competent manager
  • Knowing how to direct change towards a positive perspective
  • Know how to differentiate the concepts of leadership and management
  • Recognize the requirements of a good leader
  • Understand the psychological aspects of leadership
  • Recognize the psychological relationship between power and leadership
  • Understand the psychological relationship between leadership and the group
  • Learn the basic notions of social psychology related to leadership and management skills
  • Understand the origin of leadership from the field of social psychology
  • Understand the link between social psychology and leadership
  • Know the characteristics of positive leadership
  • Know the characteristics of negative leadership
  • Compare and differentiate between positive and negative leadership
  • Understanding psychosocial behavior in the creation of a leader
  • Differentiate educational leadership from other types of leadership
  • Knowing how to define the competencies needed by a director
  • Recognize core leadership competencies
  • Understand the benefits of a positive attitude in the leader
  • Identify the factors that make up a power structure in an educational center
  • Learn the concept of participation and value its importance in educational centers
  • Learn about different participatory actions
  • Understand the concept of commitment and understand its importance in an educational institution
  • Understanding the concept of conflict
  • Understand the concept of conflict as an opportunity
  • Understand the term mediation
  • To know how to establish mediation within the educational framework. Value the importance of a mediating attitude
  • Analyze the role of the director as a conflict manager
  • Knowing the competencies of the director as a conflict manager
  • Learn techniques for the correct management of conflicts

Module 2. Direction and Management of Human Resources Interpersonal Communication

  • Provide the student with the main knowledge about the importance of HR management in an educational center
  • Show different theories in human resources management
  • Determine the relationship between the concepts of companies and educational center
  • Show the student the main organization of an educational center
  • Know the main tasks of the directors of an educational center
  • Know the basic profile of the management positions of an educational center
  • Show the student the intermediate organization of an educational center
  • Know the main tasks of the middle management of an educational center
  • Know the basic profile of the middle management of an educational center
  • Knowing the teaching profiles currently demanded for teaching practice
  • Know the roles and responsibilities of the teaching staff
  • Be familiar with the internal organization of the teaching staff
  • Be familiar with the selection process for teaching staff
  • To be familiar with the regulations governing the hiring of teachers
  • Be familiar with external processes in the faculty selection process
  • Provide the necessary tools for the creation of a training plan
  • Know the training needs of the teaching staff
  • Evaluate teacher training processes
  • Know the roles and responsibilities of non-teaching staff
  • Determine the profile of non-teaching personnel needed in the educational center
  • Know the current regulations for contracting
  • Determine the profile of non-teaching personnel for recruitment
  • Know the personnel selection process
  • Know the external processes in the selection process of non-teaching personnel
  • Show the different types of contracting allowed by labor legislation
  • Know the particularities of each type of contract
  • Introduce students to the existence and usefulness of labor agreements
  • Know the basic regulations to ensure safety at work
  • Create internal regulations to guarantee the correct application of what is reflected in the regulations in force
  • Be familiar with the internal and external evaluation processes for occupational health and safety

Module 3. Teamwork, Group Dynamics and Conflict Resolution

  • Distinguish what makes a team more than a group or set of people
  • Understand the importance of creating equipment to exponentially improve the performance of all its components
  • Identify when we are in front of a group and see what deficiencies it has
  • Learn how to turn a group into a team. Be clear about which characteristics are essential for the team to perform at 100%
  • Identify the brakes to make a team less efficient
  • Understand that a high performance team needs the contribution and involvement of each and every one of its members
  • Be clear about the need for someone to lead a team
  • Identify what distinguishes a boss from a leader
  • Clarify what it really means to be a good leader and what qualities you need
  • See the importance of the leader bringing out the best in everyone to achieve a competent team
  • Be clear about the need to know the people who make up a team very well
  • See the importance of each person being in the position that best suits his or her personality
  • Analyze the different roles that a team can have
  • Be aware of the positive or negative consequences of the interaction of some roles with others
  • Be clear that the demotivation of people decreases their performance
  • Analyze what motivates and demotivates people
  • See the importance of each and every member of a team being motivated
  • Learn tools to understand the individual motivations of team members and how to satisfy them
  • Identify what values are
  • Learn tools to know what are the common values of a team
  • Be aware that the values lived as a team reinforce their union
  • The need for the leader's example as a way to implement values
  • Understand the difference between theoretical and practical learning
  • Know the positive consequences of a team dynamic
  • Be clear about the importance of preparing a team dynamic well
  • Know the steps to develop a team dynamic
  • Understand the purpose of a team dynamic
  • Be clear that the real learning takes place after the execution of the dynamics
  • Importance of the participation of all those who have carried it out in the extraction of learning
  • Learn to manage well the subsequent moment of team dynamics
  • Be clear that it is normal for there to be conflicts between people
  • See the importance of good conflict management
  • Emphasize the importance of focusing on the solution rather than the problem
  • Learn problem-solving techniques
  • Create teams to experience everything learned about them
  • Consolidate the knowledge of the entire module in a practical way
  • Experience all the positive aspects of "learning by doing"

Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions"

Postgraduate Diploma in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions

The direction and management of human resources in pedagogical environments represents one of the greatest modern labor demands regarding educational environments, largely due to the lack of professionals properly prepared and specialized in the performance of this type of tasks. Understanding the current need for academic processes that allow access to this occupational niche, in TECH Global University you will find our program of Postgraduate Diploma in Direction and Management of Human Resources in Educational Institutions, designed to address aspects such as: the strengthening of managerial and leadership skills of the professional; as well as the particularities corresponding to the correct management of human resources focused on the formation of a work team, according to the needs and objectives of the educational institution.

Study a postgraduate degree in human resources management in education

In our University Expert program you will access a comprehensive knowledge of human resources management, addressing the new trends and possibilities of the sector, as well as the modernization of aspects such as: the particularities corresponding to the selection processes of teaching and non-teaching staff; the recognition of the importance of motivation in work teams and the different strategies to achieve it, followed by the determination of values as a fundamental element in the cohesion of the work group.