
Think about how you would sell a multiplayer adventure videogame. What would you offer to the customers? How would you do it? We'll show you!” 


One of the most important tasks within a company is to create a marketing campaign. This aims to attract customers who consume the company's product, which in this case would be video games. For this purpose, it is important to learn how to design a Digital Marketing plan, giving priority to customer orientation in order to know what their needs are or what they are looking for to be able to offer it to them. 

To achieve these purposes, this program will teach students to communicate with the customers through digital assets that function as means of communication. Through them, two fundamental things will be transmitted to the customer: a commercial message and an experience. Of course, there are many techniques for this customer acquisition: Search, Display, programmatic advertising, etc. For this reason, all these concepts will be studied in detail so that the graduates know in depth how to work with the market. 

The syllabus of this Postgraduate certificate, has the latest updates and key concepts in Digital Marketing. Also, the teaching staff leading this program is highly qualified for their work with students who wish to join this labor market. Because creating and designing a video game is a complex task, but convincing and analyzing how to distribute it is essential. 

TECH not only has a completely online methodology, but also highly effective teaching practices. This is the case of Storytelling or Realearning, which have already been endorsed by various institutions and personalities in the teaching environment around the world. This program offers an educational proposal adapted to current times, adapting to the students at all times.

Join a pioneering educational proposal that is the future of teaching. The most important is that you achieve your goals when you complete the program”  

This Postgraduate certificate in Digital Marketing in Video Game Companies contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Practical cases so that learning is carried out in a more direct way 
  • Specialized content on video game development and animation  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the experts, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

The automation of processes is a vital part of today's companies. We will help you to learn how to put them into practice in the future”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

TECH is a leader in learning methodologies, such as Relearning. All of them endorsed by professionals and institutions of great worldwide prestige"


Learn how to attract customers through different techniques such as SEO or programmatic advertising"


The general and specific objectives of this program will help students to learn the most relevant notions within Digital Marketing in Video Game Companies. Upon completion of this program, the graduates will be able to put into practice all the knowledge acquired during their learning period.


Achieve the objectives of this program and face the labor market as a true professional in the world of Digital Marketing”

General Objectives

  • Generate strategies for the industry 
  • Learn how to develop marketing and sales strategies in detail  

Specific Objectives

  • Identify and know how to develop all the disciplines and techniques of Gaming Marketing that enable companies to boost their business models in the video game industry

Achieve all the objectives proposed by this program and obtain yours: specialize in the Management of Video Game Companies” 

Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Marketing in Video Game Companies

Creating a Digital Marketing campaign is essential to attract customers and increase sales in any company, being an aspect as relevant or more in the video games sector. All the more reason why it is essential to target the customer and know their needs and desires in order to offer them quality products and experiences. In fact, TECH gives you the opportunity to delve into all these aspects through the Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Marketing in Video Game Companies.

Plot the most effective Digital Marketing strategies for your video game company

In this Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Marketing in Video Game Companies, you will go through the design of a Digital Marketing plan and how to communicate with the customer through digital assets. All this in order to convey a commercial message and provide a satisfactory experience. Similarly, you will delve into different techniques for customer acquisition, such as Search, Display or programmatic advertising, among others. Consequently, the syllabus of this Postgraduate Certificate has been updated with the most relevant concepts of Digital Marketing and has a teaching staff highly versed in the subject to guide you in this 100% online academic experience. To do this you will use the advanced content they have developed, presented in formats such as interactive videos, case studies or interactive summaries.