
María Dolores Gálvez Alonso is a renowned Veterinarian in charge of Poultry Laying Farms and Technical Director of the Agrupación de Defensa Sanitaria Ganadera (ADSG) of Poultry; she also has experience as Head of Hen Farming in Huevos Ecológicos El Pradillo and in Huevos Ecológicos Bgüe.

With a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has developed an extensive teaching career in different universities and is a regular speaker at congresses and conferences in her field; she is also a member of the Association of Veterinarians of the Central Poultry Zone, the Spanish Association of Poultry Science and the Spanish Association of Biochemistry Schüssler.

  • Poultry Veterinarian and Technical Director of the Agrupación de Defensa Sanitaria Ganadera (ADSG) of Poultry.
  • Veterinarian in charge of hens exploitation in Huevos Ecológicos El Pradillo.
  • Veterinarian in charge of hens' exploitation in Bgüe organic eggs.
  • Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alfonso X el Sabio University.
  • Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine with the Specialty of Animal Medicine and Health from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Member:
    • AECA
    • AEBS
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