
The intensive face-to-face stay provided by TECH with this internship program will allow you to expand your professional practice with the most modern technological resources and skills in relation to Pediatric Cardiology”


Congenital Heart Disease represents one of the most important health problems for pediatric patients. For this reason, science and technology are continually exploring the development of therapeutic and surgical procedures to improve the quality of life of pediatric patients and, above all, to prevent deaths. Specific care tools for the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents have been developed on the basis of various research and clinical trials, which are frequently advanced and updated. These innovations represent a challenge for medical specialists who must master all of them from a theoretical and, at the same time, practical point of view.

For this reason, TECH has developed this tIntership Program, 100% practical and intensive, where the pediatric cardiologist will be able to update himself/herself on the most modern praxis in the management of these diseases. The program consists of 3 weeks of exhaustive and rigorous learning in a hospital institution of reference in the study of Congenital Heart Disease. During this time, you will have access to optimal surgical, hemodynamic and diagnostic technologies that will significantly enhance your skills. In addition, you will be able to choose the healthcare facility that best suits your geographic location or your interests in international advancement.

Likewise, the academic stay offers the possibility of exchanging with great experts in pediatric cardiology. From this educational process, the physician will be able to acquire new experiences, based on excellent research results. Likewise, an assistant tutor will be in charge of supervising their progress, including dynamic and innovative activities throughout the duration of this internship program.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"

Why our program?

Nowadays, the programs of learning about Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease do not offer the physician the main practical aspects for the care of these conditions. For this reason,TECH has created a degree program based on the direct, face-to-face and immersive study of all the problems of this medical area. This academic modality, which lasts 3 weeks, facilitates contact with real cases of varying complexity, under the supervision of leading experts in the field. Thus, the physician will acquire the most requested competencies in the therapeutic and surgical scenario with greater speed and flexibility.

vocational apprenticeships diagnosis treatment pediatric cardiology congenital heart disease TECH Global University

Enroll in this TECH internship program and you will learn the main surgical advances to implement fetal and neonatal cardiac surgeries”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Throughout this internship program, the specialist will handle modern technologies for the diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies and other problems related to the human heart in children. At the same time, they will examine the most innovative surgical tools that today make possible such complex procedures as cardiac or pulmonary transplantation.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

This internship program will provide the pediatric cardiologist with the support of a renowned healthcare team. Through these professionals, the physician will develop high competencies in reading echocardiograms and other non-invasive diagnostic tests. In addition, he or she will be able to perform difficult interventions to repair congenital defects in an optimal way.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH also facilitates the access of its graduates to prestigious and rigorous healthcare institutions. In these facilities, the doctor will have access to the best equipment to perform stress tests, surgical procedures and provide the necessary follow-up to pediatric patients with different heart diseases. In turn, he or she will work with distinguished experts who possess the highest level of skills in this area of health.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

The academic market has educational Programs focused on the theoretical assimilation of the latest developments in the area of Pediatric Cardiology and the study of Congenital Heart Disease. However, this degree stands out in the educational panorama, offering a 100% practical preparation to professionals and the opportunity to execute their competencies in first person, to attend several real cases.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH, as the largest digital academic institution of the moment, dedicates special attention to the training of its graduates in a practical and comprehensive way. For this reason, it has developed this academic modality that favors the access of professionals to international centers where they will update their skills in the management of various pediatric cardiac pathologies.

professional practices diagnosis treatment pediatric cardiology congenital heart disease TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Practical Training in Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease

Pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease are medical specialties that focus on the study, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in children from birth. At TECH Global University we have designed a practical program that provides the necessary tools for a solid and updated training in this area. In this program, participants will learn about the theoretical foundations of pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease, as well as the most advanced diagnostic procedures, including echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. In addition, the various treatment options, from cardiac surgery to pharmacologic therapy, will be addressed.

The practical part of our course will cover the most advanced diagnostic procedures, including echocardiography and cardiac catheterization.

The practical part of our training program is of vital importance, as participants will have the opportunity to perform clinical internships in specialized pediatric cardiology and congenital heart centers. In this way, they will be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired and gain experience in the management of complex clinical situations. In addition, participants will work in teams with specialists and other health professionals, which will allow them to develop skills in teamwork and effective communication. In short, our hands-on training in diagnosis and treatment in pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease is the best option for those healthcare professionals seeking comprehensive and up-to-date training in this important area.