
Turn your idea into a successful story in the world of film or television thanks to this hybrid professional master’s degree. Enroll now” 


This hybrid professional master’s degree is aimed at professionals in the communication sector who wish to specialize in one of the most attractive branches of communication in the audiovisual field. The script is based on an idea, but to give it a meaningful shape and put it into practice requires a series of competencies that must be acquired from a solid knowledge of the theoretical framework. Updating in this area is necessary: even if the scriptwriter's base is broad, new television formats and languages require essential learning in order to continue captivating the audience.   

The incorporation of information for pre-production, production and post-production are fundamental to carry out a comprehensive process. All these elements must be taken into account by the scriptwriter. In this case, this degree provides a broad and deep knowledge about  Audiovisual Scripting, introducing the student in the previous phases of the creation of the script itself, to later immerse them in the creation of characters and plot.

This complete course covers the history of cinema and television, providing students with a broad vision of scripting with success stories. The audiovisual field is extensive, which is why this hybrid professional master’s degree will cover documentaries, short films, television series, Internet series and video games. The latter format is growing rapidly due to the great demand in the gaming industry, which offers every year high level titles appreciated by players from all over the world.  

An excellent opportunity for the communication professional who wishes to advance their career in the audiovisual field with an education that will allow them to combine personal responsibilities with learning. The extensive library of multimedia resources and the essential readings of the curriculum will be available in full and can be downloaded for viewing at any time, without schedules or attendance. Likewise, once the theoretical phase of this hybrid professional master’s degree has been completed, students have an eminently practical stage where they can apply all the knowledge acquired in a relevant company in the communication sector. 

Therefore, with this degree, the professional has a quality education within everyone's reach, which will allow them to achieve their objectives after the twelve months of this program.  

Create the best plots in the history of cinema with this hybrid professional master’s degree. Click and enroll"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Audiovisual Scripting contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of more than 100 cases presented by audiovisual communication professionals with extensive experience in the sector
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents, with which they are conceived, provide accurate and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest advances in character and story creation, taking into account the latest social trends and advances in multimedia formats
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on methodologies for audiovisual script creation
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making on the situations raised in screenplay creation
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • In addition, you will have the opportunity to do an internship in one of the communication studios

Complete a 3-week intensive internship in a company in the audiovisual sector and grow professionally"

In this hybrid professional master’s degree proposal, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating audiovisual communication professionals who develop their functions in companies of the sector, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in the practice of scripting and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and will allow the excellent realization of a script for audiovisual formats. 

Thanks to its multimedia content elaborated with the latest educational technology, it will allow the audiovisual communication professional a contextual and situated learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations.This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Specialize and learn how to create successful video game scripts. Enroll now"


Update your knowledge in the audiovisual field and generate scripts for webseries"

Why our program?

This learning modality has been designed to update in a practical and theoretical way those professionals with a background in the creation of Audiovisual Scripts. Throughout their study, they will be able to master the main tools and creative trends in this field. The program has multiple academic features, among which the innovative TECH study platform, 100% online and interactive, stands out. At the same time, the student will be able to complete a first-class intensive internship in a company dedicated to the development of this kind of materials during 120 teaching hours.

master audiovisual scripting TECH Global University

TECH provides you with the most updated software and creative techniques for the elaboration of high level Audiovisual Scripts"

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

Writing an Audiovisual Script depends, to a great extent, on a deep knowledge of structures and development strategies. Its correct use and advanced management is sometimes supported by innovative computer programs, to which TECH students will have access during this degree. Thus, its graduates will distinguish themselves in the labor market for their innovative and decisive skills.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists   

Through this hybrid professional master’s degree, students will broaden their skills, resolve doubts and clarify concepts of interest together with the most distinguished specialists in the area of Audiovisual Scripting. These experts will be at their disposal in two fundamental educational moments: during the theoretical study of all didactic subjects and during the professional practice period.   

3. Entering first-class audiovisual environments 

For this type of studies, TECH has carefully selected prestigious international centers that will host its students for 3 weeks. All the audiovisual companies chosen for this program have extensive experience and specialized technologies.  

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice 

Currently, many programs of study do not manage to reconcile the professional interests of their students with a quick and feasible assimilation of practical knowledge. For this reason, TECH has created this degree in which students will learn alongside the most demanding and competent experts in the creation of Audiovisual Scripting. 

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge  

This hybrid professional master’s degree has been designed to extend the horizons of its students on an international scale. This is only possible thanks to the network of contacts and agreements within reach of TECH, the largest digital university in the world at this time. 

master degree audiovisual scripting TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Audiovisual Scripting

Film and television are constantly growing industries, and the quality of audiovisual content is increasingly important to stand out in this sector. For this, it is essential to have qualified screenwriters to create original, engaging and well-structured stories. At TECH Global University, we know that continuous training is the key to stay updated in the world of film and television, and that is why we have designed the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Audiovisual Scripting. Our program will allow you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to write scripts that impact the audience, from the conception of the idea to the adaptation to different formats and genres. In addition, you will be able to do it in a flexible way, since our blended classes will allow you to organize yourself according to your schedule and needs.

Learn screenwriting at the best School of Journalism

Do you know why TECH is considered one of the best universities in the world? Because we have a catalog of more than ten thousand academic programs, presence in multiple countries, innovative methodologies, unique academic technology and a highly qualified teaching staff. In this Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Audiovisual Scripting, you will be accompanied by professionals from the audiovisual industry, who will provide you with quality training and will guide you in the development of your projects. You will learn how to create complex characters, structure the plot and create effective dialogues to tell stories that impact the audience. You will also become familiar with the technical elements of screenwriting, such as the creation of the synopsis, treatment and literary script. At TECH Global University we know that your time is valuable, that's why we have designed a blended program that will allow you to acquire the necessary knowledge to become a professional screenwriter, without sacrificing your work and personal commitments. Don't wait any longer to take a leap in your career in the audiovisual industry, enroll in our Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Audiovisual Scripting and become a successful screenwriter!