
Learn about the advances in Aesthetic Medicine applied to Dentistry and incorporate this new service into your dental clinic"


More and more people go to a dental clinic to improve their physical appearance, without necessarily having a pathology that makes them take that step. As a result, aesthetic practice is also becoming more widespread, and many dentists are looking for postgraduate programs to specialize and include a wider variety of treatment options in their practice. With this new trend in mind, TECH Global University offers this professional master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine for Dentists. A program that addresses all relevant factors for the professional in an educational and simple way. Therefore, you will update your knowledge in the medical-aesthetic treatments related to the middle and lower third of the face, as well as the correct management of possible complications, the integration of Aesthetic Medicine and the treatments involved in dental specialties such as orthodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics and orthodontics.

But this program goes a step further and not only focuses on the medical aspects, but also provides knowledge of the healthcare sector at a business level, teaching students how to draw up a business and communication plan that optimizes the exploitation of resources. Therefore, the management of marketing techniques or social networks will be a key element in the work of professionals in this area, which will provide greater visibility to their clinic and allow them to control its reputation.

For this reason, the main objective of this professional master’s degree is to enable students to broaden their knowledge of Aesthetic Medicine, improve the final result of orthodontic or dental prosthesis treatments, using rejuvenating techniques in extraoral soft tissues, and incorporate new treatments into their daily practice.

In addition, one of the main advantages of this program is that it is offered in a 100% online format, so the dentist will not have to put aside their professional work or the rest of their daily obligations in order to study it. On the contrary, they will be free to select the time and place of study that best suits them, as they will have direct access to all the resources available on the virtual campus, from the moment they enroll. Undoubtedly, a program that will be a before and after in their learning and that will place them as one of the leading specialists in Aesthetic Dentistry.

If you are looking for a program to update your knowledge in facial harmony and aesthetics, don't think twice. Enroll now in this professional master’s degree and become a renowned Aesthetic Dentist"

This professional master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine for Dentists contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Aesthetic Medicine applied to Dentistry
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies for the use of Aesthetic Treatments in Dentistry
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content fthat is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

With the most innovative teaching methodology of the moment and a first-class syllabus, you will have the opportunity to update your knowledge to improve yourself and offer more personalized patient care"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

You will achieve facial harmony in your patients thanks to the aesthetic interventions you will learn with this program"


Your clinic will be a reference in Aesthetic Dentistry thanks to the new procedures that you will be able to perform after completing this program"


Dental and Facial Aesthetics is essential in today's society. As a result, more and more dentists want to specialize in this field in order to offer more personalized treatments to their patients. With this in mind, this professional master’s degree has been created with the main objective of offering specialized information to these professionals, so that they can update their knowledge in a simple way and incorporate into their daily work those aesthetic treatments that are providing significant benefits to patients.   


Applying Botulinum Toxin, Hyaluronic Acid and performing Bichectomy Surgeries are part of your daily routine. Now you have the opportunity to update your knowledge so you can use the latest procedures”

General objectives

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the head and neck to reduce the complications and to consolidate the correct management of patients who are looking for the harmonization of tissues in Aesthetic Medicine
  • Know the treatments of Aesthetic Medicine that apply to the Dental Clinic, being able to expand the portfolio of services and acquire a specialty whose demand is booming
  • Recommend to each patient the ideal and personalized treatment for each case
  • Instill in the student the vital importance of a result that looks as natural as possible in each treatment, for which the most avant-garde materials and techniques will be studied
  • Know the business structure of the dental clinic from different angles, in order to optimize the necessary resources in the search for maximum profitability of the business
  • Be able to replicate models that are profitable and discard those that represent a business deficit
  • Understand the power of communication and marketing in attracting, retaining and promoting existing and future customers

Specific objectives

Module 1. Aesthetic Medicine

  • Have general knowledge of the combination of the dental clinic and the aesthetic clinic
  • Know the different technological tools necessary to carry out aesthetic interventions in dentistry
  • Know human aspects related to patients
  • Understand the protocols to be followed in different circumstances
  • Know how to carry out administration and accounting tasks in a clinic

Module 2. Techniques for the Creation, Development and Execution of Commercial Management, Marketing and Social Media

  • Perform an analysis of the business possibilities, of the macro market environment and be able to land on a micro analysis that allows for the optimization of existing resources to materialize them and increase the clinic's operating potential and monthly turnover
  • Learn how to use the Canvas Model in depth
  • Carry out competitive strategies in a booming sector, and other growth strategies so that the business grows in density and scale simultaneously
  • Learn various selling techniques
  • Understand the importance of sales, attraction and recurrence
  • Acquire the knowledge to understand why digital marketing allows you to connect with your target audience, making the lowest possible investment and achieving the greatest possible reach
  • Demystify the taboos generated by aesthetic treatments and integrate them as beauty treatments, with social networks being the main channel
  • Acquire the necessary skills to create quality content, using social networks as the main tool to promote your work
  • Develop effective and credible communication actions that will give reputation to the medical-aesthetic work

Module 3. Aesthetic Medicine Applied to Dentistry

  • Perform an analysis of the patients' features at a macro-aesthetic level, such as facial proportions and their measurement according to the different facial patterns
  • Analyze the facial profile knowing the different measurement parameters in order to make a better diagnosis and treatment
  • Analyze Smile Mini aesthetics
  • Learn to know the aesthetic parameters of both incisors at rest, gingival exposure in smile and gingival width
  • Study the microaesthetics in the details of each tooth, knowing the shape and contour that each tooth should have
  • Analyze the shape and texture of the gingiva, the correct positioning of the teeth and its impact on the aesthetics of the smile
  • Analyze the repercussion that different dental malocclusions have on facial aesthetics

Module 4. Anatomy of Aesthetic Medicine Head and Neck Anatomy

  • Review and memorize the anatomy of the head and neck to achieve a complete mastery of the treatments to be performed
  • Understand the aging processes in order to counteract them with the most appropriate treatments
  • Learn how to perform a correct facial diagnosis

Module 5. Dermal Fillers Hyaluronic Acid and Calcium Hydroxyapatite

  • Know the differences between the different dermal fillers 
  • Learn how to analyze and understand the different facial patterns 
  • Learn how to make decisions prior to dermal fillers treatment based on the sex of the patient
  • Know about the lower third of the face and how to treat it with hyaluronic acid
  • Learn all hyaluronic acid infiltrative lip rejuvenation, perioral rejuvenation and masculinization techniques
  • Know the indications and contraindications associated with hyaluronic acid in the lower third of the face

Module 6. Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler with Lower Third of the Face

  • Learn to analyze and understand the different facial patterns
  • Learn how to make decisions prior to dermal fillers treatment based on the sex of the patient
  • Know the lower third of the face and learn how to treat it with hyaluronic acid
  • Learn all hyaluronic acid infiltrative lip rejuvenation, perioral rejuvenation and masculinization techniques
  • Know the indications and contraindications associated with hyaluronic acid in the lower third of the face

Module 7. Dermal Filler with Hyaluronic Acid in the Middle Third of the Face

  • Learn how to analyze and understand the different facial patterns
  • Learn how to make decisions prior to dermal fillers treatment based on the sex of the patient
  • Know the midface and learn how to treat it with hyaluronic acid
  • Learn all the hyaluronic acid infiltrative techniques to correctly perform the middle third facial and nose projection
  • Know the indications and contraindications associated with hyaluronic acid in the middle third of the face

Module 8. Plasma which is Rich in Growth Factors. Aesthetic and Dental Applications Bichectomy Surgery: Microneedling

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the treatment of plasma rich in growth factors, to be able to incorporate it in the clinical practice both in the dental office and in the aesthetic office
  • Learn the methods of obtaining prp and protocols for its performance and application in different disciplines, as well as the materials necessary to carry out the technique in a simple and safe manner
  • Learn how bichat bag removal surgery is performed
  • Review anatomy to make operating room practice more predictable and simpler
  • Learn what you need to know about microneedling in order to incorporate it into your clinic's treatment portfolio 
  • Learn the importance of combined techniques to achieve better results
  • Understand the associated patient and clinical benefits of this combination of treatments
  • Know the complications and contraindications in a schematic but complete way to always know how to act in case of emergency

Module 9. Botulinum Toxin

  • Know the origin and mechanism of action of Botulinum Toxin
  • Learn the possible applications of Botulinum Toxin and, in particular, to understand its use in aesthetic medicine
  • Learn the indications and contraindications for the use of Botulinum Toxin in patients
  • Learn the technique and know how to adjust the dosage according to the patient and the application of the treatment
  • Understand the units and know each of the administration points
  • Learn how to reconstitute Botulinum Toxin in all its formats (number of units/bottle)
  • Know the complications of Botulinum Toxin, avoid them and know how to manage them in case they occur

Module 10. Other Medical-Aesthetic Treatments Peeling and Mesotherapy

  • Learn about dermatological treatments such as Chemical Peelings  and Facial Mesotherapies
  • Learn the application processes of these treatments, their mechanism of action and expected results
  • Delve into the benefits of each treatment and understand why they are beneficial to the dermis
  • Learn its medical indications, as well as the pre- and post-care that should be recommended to patients
  • Know the legal framework in which this type of dermo-aesthetic treatments are found

If you want to start your own dental practice, but have no experience in the business world, don't worry. This Professional Master's Degree will provide you with everything you need to know to achieve successful commercial management"  

Professional Master's Degree in Comprehensive Aesthetic Medicine for Dentists

If you are a dentist and want to expand your knowledge in the field of aesthetics, TECH's Professional Master's Degree in Comprehensive Aesthetic Medicine for Dentists is the ideal option. You can study online from anywhere in the world, while you learn advanced techniques in this field and specialize in facial and maxillary aesthetic treatments. With the support of experts in the field and access to state-of-the-art technology, you will be prepared to offer your patients a comprehensive and satisfying experience; boost your career in dentistry with this unique postgraduate course offered by TECH!