Chamerois, Aurélie
Correspondent in Spain for French and French-speaking media (BFM TV, TV5 Monde, RTL, Ouest-France)
كلية الصحافة والإعلام
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Correspondent in Spain for French and French-speaking media (BFM TV, TV5 Monde, RTL, Ouest-France)
- Degree in Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic Civilizations and Languages for Foreign Affairs. Université de Bourgogne, France. 2001.
- Co-founder and director of Equinox, a French news portal in Barcelona. Since 2011.
- Journalist in French magazines. 2003-2008.
- Journalist on French radios. 2001-2003.
- Speaker at the UNED of Ceuta in the Summer Course "Image and Power of the Media". 2019.
- Speaker at Official Language Schools of Barcelona: "The Challenges of Journalism in 2019". 2019.