
A program designed to meet the specialization and refresher needs of professionals in the sector, with a high quality intensive course that covers each and every one of the areas of intervention in Equine Hospital Medicine"


Equine hospitalization requires extensive in-depth knowledge in order to understand how to intervene in the pathologies that affect quadrupeds. Equine hospitalization encompasses many pathologies, so a veterinary professional must update their knowledge to be aware of the latest developments.

The program will cover the foundations for specialization in equine hospital medicine, which define the logistics and clinical strategy needed in any hospital for horses. We will also delve into digestive disorders, which can present themselves with varied symptoms and evolution, and can represent a real challenge in terms of stabilization and treatment of the patient. In addition, we will address cardiac diseases in horses, which are relatively rare in relation to the pathologies they suffer. 

The program will also analyze the respiratory system, neurological and muscular problems, neonatology, pathologies of the genitourinary system, endocrine problems, ophthalmic pathologies, parasitic diseases in horses and pathologies or diseases that vary according to age. To conclude this professional master’s degree, hospital care of the surgical patient will be addressed, a fundamental part in the successful outcome of the surgical procedure performed when it has been carried out electively.

It is a 100% online program, without any face to face classes or pre-established schedules, which allows veterinary professionals to organize their time and schedule sessions whenever they wish from any mobile device with an Internet connection. In addition, the professional will be able to download all the academic content and study it as they wish, emphasizing specific topics and resolving doubts and concerns with a team of first class teaching staff.    

Join the elite, with this highly effective program and open new paths to help you progress in your professional career"

This professional master’s degree in Equine Hospital Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course

This comprehensive program has been created as an intensive route to specialization and refreshment that will allow the professional to boost their skills to the highest levels in this field"

TECH teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. Therefore, TECH ensures that it delivers the refreshment objective intended.  A multidisciplinary team of professionals who are prepared and experienced in different settings will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but, above all, will provide the student with practical knowledge based on their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this program. 

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the effectiveness you need in your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, telepractice will be used: with the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were facing the scenario they are learning at that moment. A concept that will make it possible to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

With the experience of working professionals and the analysis of real success stories, in a high impact training"


With a methodological design based on proven teaching techniques, this innovative program will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


The objective is to help professionals access a much higher level of competence and control. A goal that, in just a few months, can be achieved with high intensity and effective instruction. 


If your objective is to broaden your skillset to open up new roads to success and development, this is the place for you: a program that aspires to excellence" 

General Objectives

  • Organize and design an equine hospital for optimal clinical and logistical performance for patients of varying severity
  • Offer specialized knowledge on hospital pharmacology in detail, so that an equine hospital is properly equipped with the necessary medication for medical therapies for common pathologies, and ICU, resuscitation, and supportive care therapies
  • Establish fluid therapy, plasma therapy, and nutrition of hospitalized patients
  • Delve into the most common pathologies of the hematopoietic and immune systems that may appear or develop in a hospital during the course of other primary pathologies
  • Examine analytical interpretation: blood count, serum biochemistry and blood gas analysis
  • Expand knowledge of diseases affecting the digestive tract from the stomach to the rectum, assessing the stage of the different presentations and further understanding the needs for critical care
  • Teach the doctor how to correctly assess the animal's systemic state and the consequent severity of the pathology, as well as the tools available for its monitoring
  • Establish digestive and hepatic diagnostic protocols with the objective of generating optimized treatments and prognoses
  • Develop a global understanding of endotoxemia in horses and therapeutic measures aimed at its clinical management
  • Expand knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanism of laminitis caused by endotoxemia and a carbohydrate overload
  • Generate specialized knowledge in enteral and parenteral nutrition available to the hospitalized patient
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for examination of horses with heart disease 
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with cardiovascular disease and determine clinical relevance
  • Determine the specific clinical approach to horses with a cardiovascular condition 
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the management of critical horses complicated by cardiovascular problems 
  • Interpret the clinical signs shown by patients with respiratory conditions and learn to classify them according to their clinical relevance
  • Establish a protocol of specific diagnostic tests and further understand their interpretation to establish the exact location and severity of pathologies
  • Analyze the advantages of diagnostic methods that can be performed in hospitals as opposed to field clinics
  • Present the latest advances in the treatment of both upper and lower airway pathologies
  • Compile guidelines for management, monitoring and treatment of hospitalized respiratory patients
  • Review the detailed neurological examination procedure to ensure anatomical localization of injuries
  • Compile diagnostic methods specific to the neurological system
  • Provide the basis for the evaluation, monitoring and treatment of hospitalized neurological patients
  • Describe the diagnosis and treatment of the main neurological pathologies most commonly seen in hospitalized horses
  • Describe the diagnosis and treatment of the main muscular pathologies that can be observed in hospitalized horses
  • Analyze and understand, according to organ systems, all the differences between neonates and adult equids
  • Establish a methodology to identify all clinical signs associated with neonatal pathology and existing diagnostic methods
  • Learn how to treat and evaluate the severity of pathologies in the neonate, in order to establish the precise monitoring methods in the hospital, as well as the prognosis
  • Be familiar with all methods of stabilization and supportive therapy during established hospital treatments
  • Establish an appropriate methodology to evaluate genitourinary problems in equids
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with the urinary system, their severity and chronicity
  • Review all diagnostic methods used in the evaluation of the genitourinary system
  • Generate specialized knowledge on how to treat and evaluate the severity of urinary system pathologies, combining clinical signs with the interpretation of specific diagnostic tests
  • Be familiar with the most frequent endocrine disorders in equine patients
  • Differentiate the existing diagnostic methods for the most common endocrine pathologies, addressing the fact that some of these methods are dynamic and require hospitalization for serial sampling
  • Provide an in depth knowledge of the most common dermatological problems
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with each dermatological disease
  • Establish the specific clinical approach for each pathology and determine the prognosis and the most appropriate treatment for each skin disease
  • Determine the main causes of intoxication and their involvement in different systems
  • Establish an appropriate approach and methodology for ophthalmologic evaluation
  • Identify the clinical signs of ocular pathologies 
  • Provide an in depth knowledge of parasitosis in equids
  • Differentiate a clinical approach in the geriatric patient and in donkeys
  • Generate specialized knowledge of the correct diagnosis, treatment and management of infectious and/or notifiable diseases
  • Develop specialized knowledge of the hospital care of the different surgical patients studied
  • Determine the applied surgical techniques and diagnostic imaging techniques for the treatment of inpatient emergencies
  • Establish medical treatment and post-surgical protocols for each hospitalized equine patient depending on the pathology
  • Identify complications during the evolution of equine patients and provide appropriate therapies for them

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Introduction to Hospital Medicine

  • Examine, in detail, the facilities required in an equine hospital
  • Define the protocols for action and disinfection in an equine hospital
  • Establish guidelines to be followed for infectious animals, as well as the different protocols depending on the degree of infection
  • Develop specific pharmacological guidelines and protocols according to the most frequent pathologies in equines
  • Establish multimodal analgesia protocols in equids and how to establish pain monitoring in the equine patient
  • Classify patients according to their severity when they are hospitalized
  • Analyze appropriate maintenance therapies in most hospitalized patients, with emphasis on fluid therapy and water and electrolyte imbalances that may arise during the course of these therapies
  • Maintain the correct metabolic status of patients through nutritional control, according to their circumstances
  • Develop the pathologies of the hematopoietic and immune systems by developing existing diagnostic methods and appropriate therapies in each case
  • Correctly interpret blood analysis, serum biochemistry and blood gases in all types of pathologies and the most common alterations in each of them

Module 2. Digestive and Hepatic Problems in Hospitalized Patients

  • Develop advanced general examination procedures, as well as diagnostic tests such as abdominocentesis, glucose absorption test, endoscopy, interpretation of analytical tests and diagnostic imaging 
  • Expand knowledge of critical care patient monitoring
  • Generate knowledge on the most advanced lines of treatment for hospitalized patients with digestive pathology
  • Examine, in depth, the infectious and parasitic diseases affecting the digestive tract, as well as their various treatments
  • Teach the veterinarian how to prevent secondary complications derived from digestive pathology
  • Identify clinical signs associated with endotoxemia and endotoxic shock in horses
  • Cover the neoplastic diseases that affect the digestive tract, as well as their various treatments
  • Cover equine liver and biliary tract diseases and their possible treatments
  • Determine specific action protocols for patients with laminitis due to endotoxemia or carbohydrate overloading
  • Establish protocols for enteral and parenteral feeding in hospitalized patients

Module 3. Cardiac Pathologies in Hospitalized Patients

  • Specify the information needed in the clinical examination of horses with heart disease 
  • Propose a diagnostic methodology for patients with a murmur or arrhythmias
  • Delve into advanced critical patient monitoring techniques 
  • Identify cardiac disorders requiring emergency treatment
  • Detail the action mechanisms of cardiovascular medication
  • Establish cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocol
  • Examine in depth all the most common pathologies in horses
  • Identify cardiac complications in hospitalized horses in order to establish early treatment
  • Establish the clinical management of the critically ill patient due to heart failure or shock
  • Provide adequate management of vascular conditions

Module 4. Respiratory Pathologies in Hospitalized Patients

  • Specify the necessary and relevant information in the clinical examination of respiratory patients
  • Develop in depth the complementary diagnostic methods available in a hospital and their clinical relevance
  • Perform an updated review of upper tract pathologies, their diagnosis and treatment
  • Develop the usefulness of bronchoalveolar lavage, tracheal aspirate and stress test in the evaluation of lower airway inflammation and its clinical implications
  • Present an updated review of infectious diseases of the respiratory system and their treatment
  • Provide guidelines for monitoring and treating respiratory patients in hospital
  • Detail the procedures to be performed in the evaluation of a horse's sporting performance, associating them to their clinical relevance

Module 5. Neurological and Muscular Problems in Hospitalized Patients

  • Describe all the components of the diagnostic process in neurological diseases, from the pertinent anamnesis and injury localization to advanced imaging techniques 
  • Analyze available diagnostic techniques and discuss their uses and limitations
  • Update new trends in the treatment of neurological horses, from common strategies to the management of decubitus horses
  • Detail the characteristics and prevalence of the different neurological diseases and their differential diagnoses
  • Describe all components of the diagnostic process, from physical examination to advanced pathological diagnostic techniques 
  • Detail exercise-related muscle diseases and establish appropriate medical treatments and management therapies
  • Detail non-exercise related muscle diseases and establish appropriate medical treatments and management therapies

Module 6. Medical Pathologies and Hospitalization for Foals

  • Learn about neonatal care and stabilization, as well as minimum supportive care
  • Understand all the differences between adult and newborn equids in the gastric, respiratory, endocrine, muscular, neurological and ophthalmic systems
  • Differentiate between premature and stunted foals and what to do in each case, as well as how and when to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Further understand pathologies that have to do with the immune system such as failure of immunoglobulin transfer, as well as understand the neonatal septicaemia state and how to treat it in hospital
  • Understand the neurological pathologies in neonates, differentiate them and treat them in hospital, in order to be able to establish a prognosis during monitoring
  • Understand the most important respiratory pathologies in neonates, the most commonly used diagnostic methods and the precise treatments in the hospital
  • Identify the main gastrointestinal and hepatic pathologies in neonates, how to establish main differential diagnoses, as well as their treatment and monitoring in the hospital
  • Evaluate the different musculoskeletal pathologies that could affect the neonate, both congenital and acquired, and the possible treatments
  • Identify urinary and endocrine pathologies, their treatment and monitoring in the hospital
  • Learn how to establish the necessary support therapy in the neonate in terms of fluid therapy, feeding, antibiotic therapy and analgesia during hospitalization

Module 7. Genitourinary System Pathologies in Hospitalized Patients: Treatment and Monitoring

  • Clinically evaluate the genitourinary system and the different parameters that can be monitored systemically and at urinary level
  • Analyze the physiology and pathophysiology of the genitourinary system
  • Recognize the most common pathologies of the urinary system, both at functional, infectious and obstructive levels
  • Identify the exact location of pathologies with common clinical symptomatology, which in many cases require hospitalization for the performance of dynamic diagnostic tests
  • Establish how to treat and assess the severity of urinary system pathologies and the advantages of hospitalization for many of these patients for monitoring and avoiding the possibility of chronic processes
  • Evaluate the male and female reproductive systems and, respectively, the most common pathologies 
  • Identify sexually transmitted diseases in males and females and their consequences, as well as possible treatments
  • Monitor pregnant mares and the possible problems that may arise during postpartum, as well as the advantages of hospitalization in order to avoid them

Module 8. Endocrine System Disorders Hospitalization of horses with dermatological problems

  • Recognize the main endocrine problems, as well as the static and dynamic diagnostic methods for each of them
  • Establish the appropriate medical stabilization therapies for endocrine problems and how to adjust them according to the evolution of the disease
  • Determine adequate nutrition in patients with endocrine problems, as well as obesity control in animals with metabolic syndrome
  • Identify the main pathologies affecting the skin in equids
  • Examine the etiology, clinical and laboratory signs, and establish the prognosis of the main dermatological diseases in horses
  • Determine the symptoms of bacterial and viral skin diseases and propose treatment options
  • Identify the symptoms of skin diseases of fungal and parasitic origin and propose treatment options
  • Determine the symptoms of allergic and immune-mediated skin diseases and propose treatment options
  • Identify the symptoms of other skin diseases such as vasculitis and nutritional disorders that are reflected in the skin

Module 9. Poisoning. Ophthalmic Pathologies Parasitosis in equids Donkey medicine Hospitalization and medicine in geriatric patients

  • Analyze the origin of intoxications and their involvement in the gastrointestinal, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, hepatic and urinary systems
  • Recognize the clinical signs of intoxications related to body condition, skeletal system and epithelium
  • Establish work and evaluation methodology for patients with ophthalmic pathologies
  • Examine the methodology for the implementation of treatment systems and their management in hospitals
  • Gain in depth knowledge of ophthalmologic evaluation, identification of ocular pathologies and their treatment and hospital management 
  • Determine the parasites involved in respiratory and gastrointestinal pathologies
  • Establish the different treatments for equine parasites
  • Examine endocrine pathologies and their particularities in the treatment of donkeys
  • Establish an appropriate approach to the geriatric patient
  • Examine the most common notifiable diseases and their diagnosis, as well as the management and control of infectious diseases

Module 10. Surgical Patient Hospital Care and Emergency Hospital Procedures

  • Select, with updated scientific criteria, the best treatments for wounds that heal by second intention, monitoring their evolution and considering the most serious complications of the healing process in order to elaborate adequate treatment plans
  • Demonstrate extensive use of new therapies, such as laser or ozone, in the wound healing process
  • Be specialized in the technique of venography and demonstrate mastery of it both for the diagnosis of pathologies in hoofs and for monitoring the evolution of laminitis
  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of techniques and medications for the management of chronic pain in laminitis and other pathologies
  • Determine when to use synovial needle lavage and when to use arthroscopy, using up to date knowledge of synovial fluid monitoring and imaging methods
  • Develop optimal rehabilitation plans for angular or flexural deformities
  • Demonstrate a biomechanical knowledge of the shoeing techniques used in the pathologies studied in this module
  • Determine how and when to perform an emergency tracheostomy, and how to carry out aftercare
  • Examine how to adapt abdominal dressings and bandages to the status of the post-surgical incision for acute abdominal syndrome
  • Operate post-surgical incisions in both open and closed castration, proposing different rehabilitation plans according to the procedure
  • Manage the post-surgical incision of a phalloectomy and determine when to remove the urethral catheter

A path to achieve specialization and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Professional Master's Degree in Equine Hospital Medicine


Prepare to become an expert in equine health and care with the Professional Master's Degree in Equine Hospital Medicine offered by TECH Global University! Today, specialized equine veterinary care is essential to ensure the welfare of these majestic animals. Our graduate program will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide optimal and advanced care for horses. One of the advantages of our program is that it is taught in an online classroom format, allowing you to access the content from anywhere and at any time. You will not have to worry about commuting or rigid schedules. You will have the flexibility to study at your own pace and adapt your learning to your needs. At TECH Global University, we strive to offer you a quality online educational experience. You will have highly qualified professors and experts in the field of Equine Hospital Medicine. In addition, you will have access to up-to-date teaching resources and interactive tools that will enhance your learning experience.

Learn online about equine hospital medicine


Our Professional Master's Degree in Equine Hospital Medicine focuses on the most recent advances in diagnosis, treatment and management of common equine diseases and injuries. You'll learn about diagnostic imaging techniques, advanced therapies, equine internal medicine and much more. The equine field demands highly trained professionals who can provide comprehensive care for horses. By completing this Professional Master's Degree, you will be prepared to meet the clinical and medical challenges that may arise in your professional practice. Don't miss the opportunity to advance your veterinary career and become an expert in equine hospital medicine! Enroll in the Professional Master's Degree in Equine Hospital Medicine at TECH Global University and expand your knowledge in the care of these magnificent animals. Your passion for horses will lead you to new professional horizons!