
With an extensive management of respiratory diseases in children and adolescents, Dr. Miguel Tortajada Girbés is considered a reference in the field of Pediatrics and its specific areas. At the same time, he has also made an in-depth investigation into the different allergies that affect patients in their first years of life.  

Through his high level of knowledge and practical skills, he has held positions within specialized services of prestigious health institutions, in particular, within the medical staff of the University Hospital Doctor Peset.  

  • Pediatrician, expert in Pneumology and Allergies.
  • Pediatrician at the University Hospital Doctor Peset. 
  • Chief of Pneumology and Pediatric Allergy at the La Fe Polytechnic and University Hospital La Fe. 
  • Doctor in Medicine and Surgery by the University of Valencia. 
  • Member of:  
    • European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology 
    • Spanish Association of Pediatrics 
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