
Jon Peralta Alonso is a Lawyer with experience and trajectory in the Legal Sector, Specialist in Data Protection, Cybersecurity and ICT Law, who, throughout his career, has worked as a Consultant for companies of high prestige and national recognition in Spain.  

He stands out for his extensive knowledge and more than outstanding development of the praxis, which is why he is one of the most respected lawyers in the Digital World. In addition, he has contributed to numerous investigations on the advances in Cybersecurity.  

  • Senior Data Protection and Cybersecurity Consultant at Altia  
  • Lawyer / Legal Advisor at Arriaga Asociados Asesoramiento Jurídico y Económico S.L. 
  • Legal Advisor / Intern in Professional Firm: Óscar Padura 
  • Law Degree from the Public University of the Basque Country
  • Master's Degree in Data Protection Delegate by EIS Innovative School 
  • Master's Degree in Legal Practice from the Public University of the Basque Country
  • Master's Degree in Civil Litigation Practice from the International University Isabel I of Castilla 
  • Professor in Professional Master's Degree in Personal Data Protection, Cybersecurity and ICT Law


Programmes in collaboration with

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