Muñoz Pérez, Sergio Antonio
Attorney at Law at Lupicinio International Law Firm
School of Business
Sergio Antonio Muñoz Pérez's professional career has always been related to Technology and Law. He has performed Business Consulting, Project Management and In-house Legal Advisory activities in multinational technology companies and with multidisciplinary teams.
In addition, he has worked for clients in both the public and private sectors, acting as a Specialist and Advisor in the Digital Transformation that is currently underway.
- Lawyer at Lupicinio International Law Firm.
- Legal Counsel at Ibermática SA
- Legal Consultant at Ibermática S.A.
- Consultant at Electronic Data Systems SA
- Lecturer in the program for the Postgraduate Certificate in Data Protection at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset.
- Degree in Law from the University of Alcalá de Henares
- Specialist in Digital Law
- Master's Degree in Business Law from the University of the Basque Country.
- Program in Legal Practice at ICADE