
The Hybrid professional master’s degree in Sports Psychology will enable you to learn and manage the coaching techniques that help optimize the athlete's performance during sports practice" 


In recent years, Sports Psychology has positioned itself as an excellent ally for all athletes who wish to achieve sustainable and balanced competitive success. In this line, this discipline is completely effective in helping athletes to manage Anxiety, Stress and other negative emotions that can affect their performance and quality of life. It also helps to deal with a lack of concentration or self-confidence, which can contribute positively to the prevention of muscular injuries. Given the wide range of benefits it provides, more and more sportsmen and women are seeking the services of these professionals to optimize their sports practice.  

This is why TECH has designed the Hybrid professional master’s degree in Sports Psychology, a complete program that will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this demanding sector. Throughout 12 months of theoretical instruction, you will be able to identify effective leadership techniques applied to sport or state-of-the-art tools to establish the psychological assessment of the athlete. Similarly, you will learn how to properly manage your personal brand through social networks or delve into the role played by the psychologist in e-Sports. 

Thanks to the Relearning methodology, which provides an excellent opportunity to adapt learning based on the student's educational needs, knowledge retention will be maximized. It also has a 100% online mode, allowing students to adapt their learning to their individual schedules, which facilitates the reconciliation of studies and personal life. 

At the end of this theoretical stage, the student will enjoy a 3-week practical stay in a state-of-the-art clinical environment. Integrated in a team composed of the best specialists in Sports Psychology, you will have an excellent opportunity to transfer to the real work environment all the knowledge acquired throughout the degree.

Get the cutting-edge techniques of effective leadership applied to the world of sports through this complete Hybrid professional master’s degree" 

This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Sports Psychology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • More than 100 practical cases presented by specialist in Forensic Psychology
  • Their graphic, schematic and practical contents provide essential information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice
  • Management of state-of-the-art methods to evaluate the psychological situation of the athlete
  • Cutting-edge coaching techniques to help athletes control their emotions during sports practice 
  • Acquisition of skills for the management of personal branding and social networks for professional purposes
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a internship in one of the best Companies 

Enjoy a program with a theoretical stage taught in a 100% online mode, which will allow you to optimize your learning from your own home" 

In this proposal for a Master's Degree, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating specialists in Psychology. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into psychological practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision making in patient management. 

Thanks to multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, professionals will enjoy a situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to prepare professionals for real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Put yourself at the forefront of Sports Psychology in only 12 months of theoretical learning and 3 weeks of practical teaching"


Increase your chances of working as a sports psychologist for prestigious elite athletes through this Hybrid professional master’s degree"


Once the student completes the evaluations of the Hybrid professional master’s degree, they will have acquired the essential skills to work in the area of Sports Psychology with the utmost rigor and updating. This enables them to excel in this area and enjoy a successful professional career alongside top athletes, ensuring the achievement of their competitive goals and mental well-being.  

formacion semipresencial sports psychology TECH Global University

Acquire the skills required to guide prestigious athletes towards the achievement of their professional goals, perfectly managing their emotions at different moments"

General Skills

  • Lead high performance teams in different sports environments, including e-sports
  • Master Sports Psychology, both in its basic and more advanced stages
  • Know which psychological strategies to use in each situation 
  • Lead both teams and individuals, clearly differentiating strategies in individual and team sports 
  • Develop a strong and prominent personal brand in the sports arena of your choice
  • Understand the cultural particularities that concern sports organizations
  • Employ the different Support Tools specific to sports coaching

Specific Skills

  • Distinguish the strategies to follow according to the level of sport, whether it is high performance, advanced or basic sport
  • Psychological intervention in risk situations of the athlete
  • Acquire and develop a working methodology for sports coaching
  • Promote confidence and emotional self-control in the athlete
  • Apply Live Training to sports coaching 
  • Effectively diagnose the psychological state of sports teams or organizations
  • Address retirement in professional sports in an integrated and agile manner
  • Apply Mindfulness and neuroscience to the perception and performance of the sportsperson 
  • Design workshops and intervention sessions in different sports settings 
magister sports psychology TECH Global University

By means of this Hybrid professional master’s degree, you will obtain a series of competences that will guarantee you to stand out in the field of Sports Psychology"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Sports Psychology

Sport Psychology is a discipline of psychology that focuses on the study of human behaviors in the field of sport and physical activity. At TECH Global University, we offer a Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Sports Psychology, which aims to instruct professionals capable of designing, implementing and evaluating psychological intervention programs in the field of sport. The program focuses on the development of skills and competencies in the field of sports psychology, through learning techniques and strategies to improve the sports performance of athletes and teams. This Hybrid Professional Master's Degree offers a specialized education in the identification and management of psychological factors.

The Hybrid Professional Master's Degree provides a specialized education in the identification and management of psychological factors.

In addition, students in the program have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a practical setting, through supervised internships in sports environments. Topics related to motivation, decision making and problem solving in the sports context are also addressed, all with the aim of enhancing sports performance and promoting the mental health of the athlete. With this Hybrid Professional Master's Degree, our graduates will be qualified to work as sports psychologists in sports organizations, sports clubs, sports federations and sports centers, among others.