
This specialization will provide you with a sense of security in medical practice, which will help you grow personally and professionally”

This postgraduate certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine, combines scientific application with the practical side, while at the same time adapting to new technologies with the implementation of online training. 

The postgraduate certificate meets the needs of professionals who demand adequate knowledge to enable them to carry out forensic assessments and postgraduate certificate reports, as well as the ability and fluency to ratify their opinion and understand the stages of the legal proceedings when necessary. At the same time, it offers the possibility for all students to learn how to assess not only bodily injury, but also to quantify negligence, assess disability, and determine disabilities.

Currently, law firms and private clients require a forensic expert examination for most of their procedures. It is for this reason, in addition to the lack of existing professionals, that we consider it appropriate to implement a correct, up-to-date, and especially useful syllabus for the daily practice of this activity.

Improve your knowledge in Criminology in Forensic Medicine in through this program, where you will find the best didactic material with real clinical cases Learn here about the latest advances in the specialty to be able to perform a quality medical practice"

This postgraduate certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the postgraduate certificate are:

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in Criminology in Forensic Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • News in Criminology in Forensic Medicine
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • With special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Criminology in Forensic Medicine
  • All complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate may be the best investment you can make when choosing a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Criminology in Forensic Medicine, you will obtain a postgraduate certificate from TECH Global University"

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of Criminology in Forensic Medicine, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training program to train in real situations.

Problem-Based Learning underpins this program design, and the doctor must use it to try and solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the University Course. For this purpose, the physician will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field of Forensic Medicine with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this postgraduate certificate"

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Criminology in Forensic Medicine and improve your patient care"


The postgraduate certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine is aimed at facilitating the performance of the physician in all types of situations that require professional assessment.

This postgraduate certificate is designed to help you update your knowledge in Criminology in Forensic Medicine, with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with both quality and safety to decision-making, diagnosis, treatment and patient support"

General Objective

  • Update the knowledge of the professional with special training and interest in the field of Legal and Forensic Medicine
  • Promote work strategies based on a comprehensive approach to the expert witness as a reference model to achieve expert-level excellence
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuing education and research

Specific Module Objectives

  • Define the components of the antisocial personality
  • Define the characteristics of diverting personality
  • Differentiate between the concept of normality and abnormality according to different authors
  • Describe the Principles and Levels of Criminological Interpretation
  • Describe the criminology of personality
  • Explain what egocentrism consists of
  • Explain developmental criminology
  • Explain methods and techniques in research in Forensic Criminology
  • Apply the different investigative techniques in Forensic Criminology
  • Explain the phases and characteristics of the criminological interview
  • Explain and describe the characteristics and aspects to be taken into account in criminological examinations
  • Explain the concept of victimization and its relationship to forensic criminology

Update your knowledge through the postgraduate certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine"

Postgraduate Certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine

It is well known the importance of the role of the forensic doctor in the scrutiny of a crime, since a hair, a fingerprint or the particular disposition of a wound is enough to clarify many of the points in the judicial aspect. If you are interested in this investigative field and want to venture into it or if you have curricular bases in it and want to update your skills, you should choose to study thePostgraduate Certificate in Criminology in Forensic Medicine offered by TECH Global University. Throughout 175 hours taught in a 100% virtual format, you will not only be able to delve into topics such as fingerprinting or blood stain investigation, but you will do so by regulating your own schedule and pace of learning, a more than ideal advantage for those who do not have full time availability. In addition to this, we have a remarkable staff of expert teachers and a learning proposal maximized by the latest advances in digital education.

Titúlate in criminology for the area of forensic medicine

Throughout history, criminological studies are those that have allowed to provide new approaches to judicial expertise by rethinking the facts and finding new clues that often serve to catch the real culprit (or culprits) or to reveal the nature behind a criminal event. The psychological aspect of those involved in a crime is as revealing to the medical examiner as rigor mortis or the trajectory of a bullet. In our University Course you will be able to learn from the psychoanalytical aspects of criminology to identify, for example, the characteristics of a deviant or antisocial personality; to more technical knowledge of criminalistics, such as ballistics, forensic genetics and handwriting expertise. All in a comfortable and immersive simulated environment that uses the best of multimedia and superior educational pedagogy. If you are passionate about forensic science, don't miss the opportunity to enroll with TECH.