
You are before a Hybrid professional master’s degree that will lead you to progress professionally in the area of Data Science and become part of the big companies in the sector"


Today, in a globalized world immersed in online commerce, information and data flow at high speed and in large quantities. That is why the collection of data and its application in business strategy has been an important boost to data science. This is why companies are betting on its use to be able to draw better business strategies, expand their knowledge about the consumer, detect the risk of losses or establish more effective marketing campaigns.

In this way, Data Science comprises a combination of mathematical methods, computer science, analysis skills and optimal communication of the results obtained. A specialty, therefore, that requires qualified professionals with team management skills. In this scenario, TECH offers this Hybrid professional master’s degree, which provides students with a quality education, with a theoretical framework 100% online, complemented by an internship in a leading company in this area.

A program that will lead over 12 months to delve into the main information management systems, the life cycle of data, machine learning and web analytics. All this, through multimedia teaching resources that can be accessed, comfortably whenever you want, from any electronic device with internet connection.

Likewise, the graduate will be able to apply all the concepts acquired during the 3 weeks of the internship. A period where students will be tutored by professionals of excellent level and experience in Data Science. This scenario will not only provide the student with first-hand knowledge of the current techniques and methodologies used in this area, but will also lead to a more complete learning process in an area of constant innovation.

This institution therefore offers an excellent opportunity for students who wish to advance professionally in a booming sector. All this, through a theoretical-practical approach, which brings you closer to the most current reality of Data Science, through a unique program in the current educational landscape.

With this program you will gain an advanced knowledge of web analytics and contribute to the successful development of online businesses"

This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of more than 100 cases presented by Data Science professionals in companies
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Development of the activities and phases of the data protection impact assessment process
  • With a special emphasis on data management regulations
  • Knowledge of the most useful tools for the implementation of IaaS and PaaS models
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • In addition, you will be able to do an internship in one of the best Data Science centers in the world

Take an intensive 3-week internship in a prestigious center and acquire the skills you need to progress professionally with an excellent team of experts"

In this proposal for a Hybrid professional master’s degree, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating physical activity professionals who develop their functions in sports centers, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in the practice of Data Science technical management, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and will allow the appropriate decision making in the technological field.

Thanks to multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, professionals will enjoy a situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to prepare professionals for real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Thanks to this program, you will master the main tools for the implementation of IaaS and PaaS models in business"


With this program you will be able to establish the communication protocols and technologies used in the Internet of Things"

Why our program?

This Hybrid professional master’s degree responds to the current demand from IT professionals and companies, who wish to have highly qualified Data Science personnel in their teams. The trend in recent years towards this specialization has led to the creation of a program that goes beyond the theoretical concept and provides the necessary and essential practical phase. Therefore, this program combines intensive learning in Internet of Things, project management and information management systems with an internship in a leading company in the sector.

master corporate technical data science management TECH Global University

TECH provides you with a unique program in the academic panorama, with an excellent combination of theoretical framework and internship in a reference company in the Data Science sector"

1. 1. Update based on the latest technology available.

The professional path of a Data Scientist runs parallel to their mastery of the programming language and the different platforms and technologies used for data mining, modeling, clustering, data visualization or predictive analysis. For this reason, and with the aim of bringing graduates closer to these indispensable tools, TECH has created this Hybrid professional master’s degree, where you will not only get a solid theoretical knowledge, but where you can also apply this learning in a modern business environment, accessing the latest generation technology in Data Science.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

In such a specialized area, excellent learning can only be obtained from the best professionals. That is why this institution carefully selects companies where students will carry out their internship. It is in this scenario and with experts in the field, where the graduate will be able to directly apply the acquired learning, developing in a real professional scenario.

3. Entering first-class environments

With the maxim of offering a high level and quality education, TECH carries out a rigorous selection of companies where students will be able to do their internship. In this way, the graduate will have guaranteed access to a relevant professional environment in the Data Science area. Therefore, they will be able to experience the day-to-day of a demanding area of work, applying the latest techniques, software and methodologies in this discipline.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

TECH offers a new learning model that seeks a balance between the acquisition of theoretical concepts and their application in daily professional performance. That is why this program moves away from long hours of study, to focus on key concepts, cementing a consistent basis, which leads students to know how to develop it in an excellent practical phase. In this way, the graduate will boost their career towards the technical management of Data Science in the best companies in the world.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

This Hybrid professional master’s degree is oriented to students who wish to expand their professional possibilities in the best companies dedicated to Data Science. Considering that this specialty is booming, this program is an excellent opportunity for students who wish to fulfill their highest career aspirations. A unique pedagogical option that only TECH, the largest digital university in the world, could offer.

master degree corporate technical data science management TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management

In an increasingly digitized world, data analysis has become a key factor for the success of companies. At TECH Global University, we present you our Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management, a unique opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and lead the digital transformation in your organization. Our master's degree combines the best of two modalities: 100% online classes and 100% face-to-face practices. This will allow you to access a complete academic program from the comfort of your home, but you will also have the opportunity to do internships in specialized companies, applying your knowledge in real environments and enriching your experience. In this Master, you will learn the most advanced techniques of Data Science and its application in strategic decision making in the company. You will acquire skills in the use of programming tools and languages, data analysis, machine learning and information visualization. In addition, our hands-on approach will give you the opportunity to work on real projects and develop innovative solutions to current business challenges.

Study 100% online theory and 100% face-to-face your internship

At the end of the Master, you will be prepared to take on leadership roles in the area of Data Science, leading teams and contributing to the success of your organization. You will be able to identify business opportunities based on data analysis, make informed decisions and implement efficient strategies for the growth and competitiveness of your company. Do not miss the opportunity to become an expert in Data Science Technical Management in the company. Enroll in our Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management at TECH Global University and take a step forward in your professional career - become the leader who drives digital transformation in your organization and achieve success in the business world!