
Get a head start by incorporating key technology and information leadership techniques, taking a decisive step towards the position of CIO, Chief Information Officer” 


New technologies have favored the advancement of practically all professional areas by incorporating new models for carrying out procedures, which not only speeds them up, but also makes them more secure. But these technologies themselves are also constantly evolving, as research in this field has led to the emergence of new applications and more advanced tools. Information systems managers are the professionals who must be adequately qualified to decide which of these technologies should be applied in the different areas of the companies, as well as to monitor and control them.

For this reason, it is the professional profile that is becoming increasingly important at the corporate level. The design of programs, applications and operating systems are some of the main tasks of computer scientists in this field. Therefore, this advanced master’s degree includes relevant information about them, but also covers concepts such as fields, waves, electromagnetism, circuits, etc., or the analysis and understanding of computer structures and architectures. These are all issues that may seem to be of great use in the field of information technology. However, TECH goes a step further with this program, and complements it with the most up-to-date information on Business Administration. In this way, the CIO will be able to acquire a complete and global vision of what a company is all about, understanding, in a more efficient way, which benefits can be contributed to the business and making decisions that will be key to its growth. 

For this purpose, TECH proposes a novel learning method, in which practice is the key to study. Therefore, with a modern methodology, the professional will have the opportunity to combine theoretical study with practical cases, in such a way that learning will be much more effective and efficient. And all this in a 100% online format that will allow students to study from anywhere in the world, without the need to make unnecessary trips to face-to-face classes, and being able to self-manage their study time as they wish. A unique opportunity that will be indispensable for your professional development. 

This advanced master’s degree will provide you with the necessary resources to manage new technologies applied to your business" 

This advanced master’s degree in Information Systems Management (CIO, Chief Information Officer) contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Complementary resource banks that are permanently available

A program with which you will be able to improve your specialist skills in information systems management in a simple way" 

The teaching staff for this program is composed of practisng professionals. This way, TECH can fulfill the objective that it has set for itself of updating students' knowledge. It is a multidisciplinary staff of experienced professionals from a variety of fields, who will develop theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but above all, will provide students with all the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this program. As such, it was developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts and integrates the latest advances in educational technology, allowing students to study with a range of convenient and versatile multimedia tools, giving them the operational skills they need for their education.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, TECH uses an online methodology. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were facing the scenario they are currently learning abour. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way.

Thanks to this advanced master’s degree, you will be able to carry out an exhaustive study of the main areas of knowledge involved in the management of information systems"


TECH offers students the possibility to study with the latest educational technology. A quality boost that will make a difference in your learning"


This advanced master’s degree has been designed by TECH with the main objective of offering students information on the latest concepts and strategies in the field of information systems management. In this way, computer scientists will obtain the necessary specialization to provide their company with an innovative strategic vision in this field. This will be fundamental for the proper development of the company, through the successful application of new technologies. 



Learn how to apply the most innovative information systems thanks to this complete program that will help you make a professional leap in this field” 

General objectives

  • Define the latest trends in business management, taking into account the globalized environment that governs senior management criteria
  • Develop the key leadership skills that should define working professionals
  • Scientifically and technologically train professionals and prepare them for professional practice in computer systems, all this with a transversal and versatile program, adapted to new technologies and innovations in the field

Specific objectives

Module 1. Leadership, Ethics, and CSR 

  • Develop the key leadership skills that should define working professionals 
  • Develop strategies to carry out decision-making in a complex and unstable environment 
  • Acquire the communication skills that a business leader needs in order to ensure that their message is heard and understood by the members of their community 

Module 2. Strategic Direction and Executive Management 

  • Define the latest trends in business management, taking into account the globalized environment that governs senior management criteria 
  • Create corporate strategies that set the script for the company to follow in order to be more competitive and achieve its own objectives 
  • Develop all the phases of a business idea: design, feasibility plan, execution, monitoring 

Module 3. People and Talent Management 

  • Understand the best way to manage the company's human resources, getting greater performance from employees that, in turn, increases the company's profits 
  • Define the key roles for information systems management
  • Identify people talent for talent management 

Module 4. Economic and Financial Management 

  • Understand the economic environment in which the company operates and develop appropriate strategies to anticipate changes 
  • Manage the company’s economic and financial plan 

Module 5. Operations and Logistics Management  

  • Follow the sustainability criteria set by international standards when developing a business plan 
  • Develop the skills required to manage business activities strategically 
  • Understand the logistic operations that are necessary in the business environment, so as to manage them appropriately 

Module 6. Information Systems Management 

  • Be able to apply information and communication technologies to the different areas within a company 
  • Develop techniques to manage different information systems 
  • Utilize the different tools offered by information systems

Module 7. Commercial Management, Marketing, and Corporate Communication  

  • Carry out the marketing strategy that allows us to make our product known to our potential clients and to generate a suitable image of our company 
  • Identify the main promotional tools and apply them in business marketing 
  • Develop advertising and commercial marketing techniques

Module 8. Innovation and Project Management 

  • Design innovative strategies and policies to improve management and business efficiency 
  • Create innovative strategies in line with projects 
  • Identify how new technologies are utilized in project management 
  • Identify current demands and use them innovatively within projects 

Module 9. Physical Fundamentals of Computing 

  • Acquire basic fundamental knowledge of engineering physics, such as fundamental forces and conservation laws 
  • Learn the concepts related to energy, its types, measurements, conservation and units 
  • Know how electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields work 
  • Understand the basic fundamentals of electrical circuits in direct current and alternating current 
  • Assimilate the structure of atoms and subatomic particles 
  • Understand the basics of quantum physics and relativity 

Module 10. Computer Technology 

  • Know the history of computers, as well as the main types of existing organizations and architectures 
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to understand computer arithmetic and the basics of logic design 
  • Understand the operation and composition of a computer, from the different devices that compose it to the ways of interacting between and with them 
  • Learn the different types of memory (internal memory, cache memory and external memory), as well as the operation of input/output devices 
  • Understand the structure and operation of processors, as well as the operation of control units and micro-operations 
  • Learn the basics of machine instructions, types, assembly language and addressing 

Module 11. The Structure of Computers 

  • Learn the fundamentals of computer design and evolution, including parallel architectures and levels of parallelism 
  • Understand the different ways of assessing the performance of computer work, as well as the use of performance testing programs 
  • Understand the operation of the memory hierarchy, the different types of storage and input/output issues 
  • Learn the characteristics of different types of processors, such as segmented, superscalar, VLIW and vector processors 
  • Understand the operation of parallel computers, their motivation, performance and architecture 
  • Know the characteristics of computer interconnection networks and of multiprocessors 

Module 12. Operating Systems 

  • Learn the basic concepts of operating systems as well as their structure, including services, system calls and user interface 
  • Understand the operation of process scheduling in an operating system and in general the concepts related to processes and threads 
  • Assimilate the principles of concurrency, mutual exclusion, synchronization and interlocking 
  • Understand how memory management works in operating systems and the basics of virtual memory and its policies 
  • Learn about the interface and implementation of operating systems, understanding the concepts of files, file systems, directory structure and their implementation, as well as the methods of allocation and management of free space 
  • Understand the existing protection mechanisms in operating systems 

Module 13. Advanced Operating System 

  • Deepen the knowledge of operating systems, their functions, process management, memory, directories and files, as well as the keys to their security and design objectives 
  • Know the step-by-step of the different stages of the history of operating systems 
  • Understand the structure of the main operating systems in existence 
  • Learn about the structure of the two main operating systems, as well as the use of their terminals 
  • Learn the basics of shell scripting and the main tools for programming in C language 
  • Understand the operation of system calls, either on files or processes 

Module 14. Free Software and Open Knowledge 

  • Learn the concepts of Free Software and Open Knowledge, as well as the different types of associated licenses 
  • Know the main free tools available in different areas such as operating systems, business management, content management systems and multimedia content creation, among others 
  • Understand the importance and benefits of free software in the business world, both for its features and costs 
  • Gain knowledge of the GNU/Linux operating system, as well as the different existing distributions, and how to make customized adaptations of them 
  • Learn about the operation and development of WordPress, given that this Content Management System (CMS) accounts for more than 35% of active websites in the world, and more than 60% in the particular case of CMSs 
  • Understand how the Android mobile operating system works, as well as the basics of mobile application development, both natively and with cross-platform frameworks 

Module 15. Computer Networks 

  • Acquire the essential knowledge of computer networks on the Internet 
  • Understand the functioning of the different layers that define a networked system, such as application, transport, network and link layers 
  • Understand the composition of LANs, their topology, network and interconnection elements 
  • Learn the operation of IP addressing and subnetting 
  • Understand the structure of wireless and mobile networks, including the new 5G network 
  • Know the different network security mechanisms, as well as the different Internet security protocols 

Module 16. Emerging Technologies 

  • Know the different mobile technologies and services currently available on the market 
  • Learn how to design user experiences adapted to the new emerging technologies available today 
  • Know the new developments in the world of extended reality, with AR and VR applications and services, as well as location-based services 
  • Understand how the Internet of Things (IOT) works, its fundamentals, main components, cloud computing and smart cities 
  • Acquire the basic knowledge to understand the fundamentals of blockchain and blockchain-based applications and services 
  • Learn the latest innovative technologies and the basics of research 

Module 17. Information Systems Security 

  • Learning schedule development for time management, budget development and risk response 
  • Analyze the nature of network attacks and the different types of security architectures 
  • Understand the different system protection techniques and secure code development 
  • Understand the essential components of botnets and spam, as well as malware and malicious code 
  • Lay the foundations for forensic analysis in the world of software and computer audits 
  • Obtain a global perspective on security, cryptography and classical cryptanalysis 
  • Understand the fundamentals of symmetric cryptography and asymmetric cryptography, as well as their main algorithms 

Module 18. Integration Systems 

  • Acquire the essential concepts related to information systems in the enterprise, as well as identify the opportunities and needs of information systems in the enterprise 
  • Know the basics of Business Intelligence, its strategies and implementation, as well as its present and future 
  • Understand the functioning of systems for the integrated management of company resources 
  • Understand digital transformation from the point of view of business innovation, financial and production management, marketing and human resources management

Acquire the most specialized knowledge in emerging information technologies and achieve professional success in this field" 

Advanced Master’s Degree in Information Systems Management (CIO, Chief Information Officer)


In the current era, it is undeniable that the use of state-of-the-art technologies and programs favors the execution and optimization of the processes carried out in companies, in addition to allowing the implementation of global and innovative strategies that highlight their participation in the sector. For this reason, more and more companies are choosing to implement IT tools in order to guarantee the security of their data storage and processing. In this context, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is one of the most relevant roles in the sector, since he/she is in charge of managing and designing the plan that will allow companies to rely on new technologies to promote their growth. At TECH Global University we developed the Grand Master in Information Systems Management, a program with the most rigorous information to specialize in this field and stand out as one of the reference specialists in the main techniques of leadership in technology and information.

Specialize in Information Systems Management


If your goal as an IT professional is to be part of the digital transformation by providing your technical skills in the use of the latest generation tools to meet the challenges in the business sector, this program is for you. At TECH we offer you the most innovative methodologies, the support of experts in the area and a specialized curriculum that will allow you to outline your technical skills, face the challenges of this discipline and stand out effectively in a highly competitive sector. In the largest Faculty of Computer Science you will reach a new level of knowledge to advance your professional goals.