
Get updated in the management of Urgencies and Emergencies in the dental clinic and identify the most common medical complicationsā€¯


In the dental practice, the management of emergencies and emergencies is a vital issue. Many patients come to the dentist's office with pain, infections, bleeding or any other emergency, and dental professionals need to be prepared to deal with these cases effectively. In this sense, it is crucial that dental professionals have up-to-date knowledge and skills on emergency management protocols.

That is why this program is designed to provide a high-level preparation in the management of Emergencies and Emergencies in the dental clinic. In this sense, the course covers key areas such as coumarin derivatives, heparins and direct oral anticoagulants, as well as the management of patients with congenital diseases and alterations of the white and red series.

The best part is that each and every topic in this Diploma is taught 100% online, which means that students can take it from anywhere and at any time that is convenient for them. In addition, the degree uses the Relearning pedagogical methodology, which allows students to develop advanced knowledge in a more effective and lasting way.

Flexibility is another important feature, as students can organize academic resources according to their own needs and schedules. In this sense, study materials are available online and can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection.

Act quickly and effectively in the face of challenging odontology pathologies thanks to this Diplomaā€¯

This postgraduate certificate in Emergency and Urgent Care Management in the Dental Clinic contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Emergency Management in the Dental Clinic
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Incorporate into your odontology strategies the latest advances in the odontology management of patients with pathologies that require urgent actionā€¯

The programā€™s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Will be a dentist of reference to face systemic complications related to oral healthā€¯


Will proficiently handle the tools and techniques necessary to provide quality and safe care in emergency situations in the dental clinicā€¯


During the 6 weeks of this course, the professional will obtain a complete update on how to deal with urgencies and emergencies of patients from the odontology point of view. The syllabus of the program covers various protocols of action, allowing the professional to be aware of the characteristics and specific pathologies of patients who require urgent care.


It achieves the objectives of the program and establishes the alert criterion and alarm criteriaā€¯

General Objectives

  • Update knowledge on the identification of endocrine pathologies that may affect the normal development of dental treatment
  • Analyze digestive pathologies that may hinder dental treatment
  • Define the pharmacological guidelines for patients with IBD
  • Define and analyze the basic and advanced aspects that define the actions to be taken in case of the main urgent and emergent conditions in a dental office
  • Address the most common medical complications in patients with renal pathology
  • Provide updated recommendations based on scientific evidence for an adequate dental approach to patients affected by head and neck cancer
  • Describe the appropriate actions in the pre-treatment period, during and after cancer treatment, from an odontological point of view
  • Identify the main oral characteristics of patients with functional diversity
  • Delve into the cardiovascular pathologies with the highest incidence in our daily practice in the dental clinic
  • Update knowledge on the medical conditions and medication with hematological alterations
  • Deepen in the main complications derived from the medical pathology presented
  • Delve into the possible interactions derived from the medical pathology in the dental setting

Specific Objectives

  • Define the concepts of urgency and emergency
  • Analyze the definition of alert criteria and alarm criteria
  • Study the principles that define the critical patient in a generic way
  • Define the principles of severity standardization
  • Analyze the specific action guidelines for each syndromic condition included in emergency medicine and its application in the dental office
  • Study and analyze the principles governing life support for patients in CRA (cardiorespiratory arrest) according to the European Resuscitation Council 2021 recommendations
  • Define and analyze the essential technical and pharmacological resources for a dental office

Analyzes in detail the essential technical and pharmacological resources for a dental office a dental officeā€¯

Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency and Urgent Care Management in the Dental Clinic

Dental professionals are exposed to emergency situations during their daily practice, so it is essential to have the necessary knowledge to act quickly and effectively. The Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency and Urgent Care Management in the Dental Clinic is designed to train students to deal with critical situations that may arise during dental treatment. Through this program, participants will be able to acquire skills and abilities necessary to act in cases of urgency, as well as learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of different pathologies.

The course will address the following topics: Dental Emergency Management and Emergency Management.

The program addresses a wide variety of topics related to emergency management in the dental clinic, from initial patient assessment to the management of complex situations, such as anaphylaxis and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In addition, students will have the opportunity to practice in real emergency situations, which will allow them to improve their skills and confidence. Upon completion of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of emergency and urgent care management in the dental clinic, enabling them to provide safer and more effective care to their patients.

The course is designed to provide a solid understanding of emergency and urgent care management in the dental clinic, enabling them to provide safer and more effective care to their patients.

Improve your skills in the management of emergencies in the dental clinic

The Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency and Urgent Care Management in the Dental Clinic is an excellent opportunity for dental professionals to update their knowledge and improve their skills in the management of emergency situations. The program provides comprehensive and up-to-date training on the most effective techniques and procedures in dental emergency care, which will enable participants to provide safer, quality care to their patients.

The program is designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date training on the most effective techniques and procedures in dental emergency care, which will enable participants to provide safer, quality care to their patients.

During the course, students will have the opportunity to interact with experts in dental emergency management and share experiences with other dental professionals. In addition, the program is designed to be practical and applied, which means that participants will be able to develop skills and abilities by performing simulations and practice in real situations. In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency and Urgent Care Management in the Dental Clinic is an investment in the education and training of dental professionals, which will enable them to provide safer, more effective and quality care to their patients.