
TECH offers you a great educational opportunity that will allow you to specialize in everything related toPhysiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals with success’’


In recent years, veterinary medicine has advanced, both in the use of new diagnostic tools and in the introduction of new techniques and treatments. This has increased animals’  life expectancy and allowed them to have a better quality of life. It is evident that owners are increasingly concerned about their pets living with the best possible care and in the best possible conditions. 

Veterinary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is a growing specialty that encompasses not only the sports field, but also rheumatologic or neurological conditions, in older animals, dealing with joint problems, osteoarthritis or other age-related physical problems. The professional master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals is a response to the need to offer pet owners a quality service, something that is increasingly expected from owners who are looking for less invasive and more natural techniques. 

This program offers complete training in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, as it develops the specialized knowledge needed to safely address any situation that may arise.

It complements the theoretical aspects with clinical practice related to the wealth of experience obtained by the course professors, who have a deep understanding of the field as they are active veterinary professionals in veterinary centers specializing in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.  

At present, one of the main problems affecting continuing postgraduate specialization is the difficulty of being able to balance it with work and personal life. The online format  of this program makes it possible for clinical veterinarians to balance their studies with their day-to-day commitments. They are able to access the content at any time, without the need to travel or adhere to a fixed schedule. Therefore, students can easily balance their learning with their daily professional practice, without losing any quality in the process.

Animal Physiotherapy Rehabilitation is a booming specialty that is increasingly demanding more and more experts in the field”

This professional master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • What's new in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals?
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the experts, forums for discussion of controversial topics and individual reflection work
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Update your knowledge in this area and become a prestigious veterinarian capable of successfully taking on the latest challenges in the profession’’

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of veterinary medicine, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, elaborated with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive specialization programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals. 

All TECH specializations contain practical clinical case studies that aim to teach students through real simulated environments"


You will examine the main anatomical bone references and the different muscle groups of small animals, with the guidance of professionals who have extensive experience in the sector"


The main objective of this program is to help veterinarians understand the importance and the good results that Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation can achieve for small animals with physical, sensory and/or motor problems. In this way, after completing the program, professionals will be fully capable of designing and implementing this type of treatment, offering the animal optimal conditions and ensuring its welfare.


The program designed by TECH is undoubtedly the best option if you want to study in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals with greater guarantees of success’’

General objectives

  • Generate specialized knowledge of veterinary physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Examine the main anatomical bone references
  • Determine the main muscles and nerves involved in movement
  • Evaluate the patient globally
  • Determine the basis for a good functional assessment
  • Examine static body position and gait assessment
  • Identify pain points or behavior as well as compensatory body positions
  • Develop expertise in the identification and quantification of pain in dogs and cats
  • Address pain, detection and treatment in veterinary medicine
  • Emphasize the importance of neurolocalization to approximate the diagnosis in neurological patients and to guarantee the success of the therapy
  • Develop in an orderly manner the neurological exam
  • Analyze movement methods as a treatment
  • Examine the mechanical analysis of the movement
  • Construct exercises from anatomical elements
  • Generate local and general effects on the patient
  • Determine thermotherapy application techniques
  • Introduce ultrasound, laser therapy and electrostimulation modalities
  • Evaluate the parameters most commonly used in these techniques
  • Establish appropriate protocols for the above therapies in certain pathologies
  • Define each of the therapies and specify their use in each clinical case study
  • Introduce the benefits of diathermy, magnetotherapy and shockwave therapy
  • Examine complementary therapies to Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Generate specialized knowledge in the nutritional management of a patient with osteoarthrosis or obesity
  • Develop specialized knowledge in the rehabilitation of feline patients
  • Analyze the most frequent conditions in feline patients that may require treatment from a rehabilitation veterinarian
  • Determine the importance and value of hydrotherapy in the field of animal physical rehabilitation
  • Examine the physical principles that make hydrotherapy an important tool in animal physical rehabilitation
  • Determine the characteristics of the sporting dog
  • Analyze the optimization of the dog’s physical condition
  • Review the different sports disciplines
  • Identify the most frequent injuries
  • Establish the steps of a complete trauma examination
  • Evaluate the effects of immobilization on tissues
  • Identify the most frequent truama disorders
  • Present the possible treatments for each condition, as well as an approach to their management in physical rehabilitation
  • Generate specialized knowledge in the most relevant aspects for the indication of, and follow-up to, rehabilitation
  • Guarantee a professional rehabilitation process for all patients
  • Create a multidisciplinary work plan
  • Cover the physiotherapeutic needs of the patient
  • Develop an appropriate treatment plan for patients

Specific objectives

Module 1. Veterinary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Functional Anatomy in Small Animals

  • Determine the use of Physiotherapy in Small Animals
  • Examine the main anatomical bone references and the different muscle groups
  • Analyze the movement of each muscle group
  • Develop the most important concepts related to Rehabilitation
  • Address muscle components
  • Analyze the different phases of inflammation

Module 2. Biomechanics. Functional Assessment

  • Develop the appropriate guidelines and discipline to perform a complete assessment of our patients
  • Examine the patient as a whole, taking into account the locomotor system and associated structures
  • Define gait characteristics and identify gait abnormalities
  • Assess and identify injuries that may be affecting the forelimb and hindlimb
  • Examine the spine and identify tender points and/or lesions present, as well as neurological deficits associated with these alterations
  • Establish the bases of Biomechanics and the elements used for its study
  • Analyze the Biomechanics of a patient, theoretically, by means of a system of levers

Module 3. Physiology of Pain. Neurological Evaluation

  • Identify signs related to pain
  • Determine the most useful tools to assist in the assessment of pain
  • Develop specialized knowledge about pain
  • Compile knowledge of the latest therapies used in rehabilitation for the treatment of pain and for the management of neurological patients in rehabilitation
  • Review the functioning of the Nervous System to understand the rationale for neurological evaluation
  • Study the different parts of the neurological examination

Module 4. Manual Therapies and Kinesitherapy. Bandages

  • Develop specialized knowledge through touch and manipulation
  • Use movement for therapeutic purposes
  • Carry out treatment planning through the use of the therapist's hands
  • Restore range of motion in the patient
  • Achieve physiological effects in the patient
  • Identify a series of limitations in the patient
  • Maintain or increase trophism and muscle power

Module 5. Physical Therapies I: Electrotherapy, Laser Therapy, Therapeutic Ultrasound. Thermotherapy

  • Determine the benefits and uses of Thermotherapy
  • Establish the ultrasound parameters that can be modified in the different therapies, depending on the desired effect
  • Examine the parameters of laser therapy and electrotherapy that can be modified in the different therapies, depending on the desired effect
  • Analyze the differences between physiological and evoked muscle recruitment
  • Develop the mechanisms of pain relief worked with electrotherapy

Module 6. Physical Therapies II: Diathermy, Magnetotherapy, INDIBA, Shockwaves, other therapies used in Rehabilitation. Nutrition

  • Examine the different types of diathermy, parameters and functions of each of them
  • Define Indiba therapy and study in depth in which cases it is used
  • Examine the parameters and functions of magnetotherapy and shock waves that can be modified according to the desired effect
  • Justify the use of alternative therapies as a complement to Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals
  • Define the concept of modalities such as chiropractic, cranio-sacral therapy and ozone therapy and propose their use as complementary therapies
  • Develop the most important concepts of canine nutrition in terms of obesity and osteoarthritis

Module 7. Feline Rehabilitation. Hydrotherapy

  • Propose rehabilitation plans adjusted to the peculiarities in the character and management of the feline species both in the clinic environment and at home
  • Generate specialized knowledge to detect signs of osteoarthrosis (OA) in the feline species 
  • Compile therapies and strategies that are well tolerated by the feline species in the Rehabilitation Sessions 
  • Recognize the main differences between the principles of pool hydrotherapy and underwater treadmill hydrotherapy
  • Analyze the indications and contraindications of hydrotherapy
  • Examine the differences between swimming and walking in water
  • Develop a rehabilitation plan that includes hydrotherapy

Module 8. Sports Medicine. Sports Modalities in Dogs. Most Frequent Pathologies and Prevention

  • Examine the key points in the rehabilitation of the performance dog
  • Develop a training plan
  • Analyze the weak points of a performance dog
  • Identify abnormalities in a performance dog
  • Generate training plans
  • Establish a recovery plan after an injury
  • Determine the importance of sports rehabilitation

Module 9. Traumatologic Examination. Effects of Immobilization on Tissues Traumatologic Pathologies in Rehabilitation

  • Identify the changes in morphology and composition of different tissues when subjected to immobilization
  • Substantiate the physical therapies carried out during the period of tissue remobilization
  • Analyze the effects of different medications on immobilized tissues
  • Compile the most frequent trauma pathologies of the forelimbs and hindlimbs
  • Evaluate the most common musculoskeletal tumors
  • Establish treatment guidelines for fractures and joint dislocations

Module 10. Rehabilitation Plan: design of a rehabilitation program and communication with the owner

  • Choose the appropriate intervention methods and techniques in each case
  • Achieve control of the disease and its risk factors
  • Prevent secondary diseases, complications and sequelae
  • Adapt the residual capacity, modifying the environment to facilitate daily tasks
  • Convey as much information about the patient's condition as possible to the patient's owner
  • Maintain the follow-up of the pathological process and evolution of the patient
  • Ensure a better sense of well-being
  • Choose the appropriate intervention methods and techniques in each case
  • Generate patient follow-up
  • Facilitate the patient's daily life
  • Extend the patient's quality of life
  • Improve the patient's physical capabilities
  • Alleviate the patient's pain
  • Inform those responsible for the patients about their status

Seize the opportunity to get up to date in the latest developments in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals’’

Professional Master's Degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals


The implementation of new techniques, methodologies and practices applied to the improvement of animal rehabilitation processes highlight this veterinary field as a sector of continuous evolution. Due to this situation, constant academic updating has become very important for professionals specialized in the field, in order to make the most of the new possibilities of the sector. Understanding this fact, in TECH Global University we have prepared our Professional Master's Degree program in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals, focused on the training of the professional regarding the development of rehabilitation practices and processes based on the patient's muscular electrostimulation. In this postgraduate course, special attention will also be paid to updating the following topics: the identification of the different analgesic therapies used in rehabilitation processes and the particularities or elements to be considered in the stipulation and structuring of a kinesitherapy plan.

Study an online Professional Master's Degree in small animal physiotherapy and rehabilitation


The large number of factors, situations and unforeseen events that can affect the optimal development of a veterinary rehabilitation process highlight this sector as a field that requires the presence of specialized professionals with a high degree of knowledge and a complete ability to adapt to difficult contexts. In our Professional Master's Degree program you will approach rehabilitation and physiotherapy from the integral view of the understanding of the extensive field of application of the practices of the sector, deepening in the important role of the veterinarian in the approach of the vicissitudes of the area. Similarly, this postgraduate course will address the modernization of the following aspects: the new physical examination techniques used in the assessment of gait, static position and functionality of the patient's locomotor apparatus; followed by the possibilities present in the implementation of laser therapy methods in a rehabilitation process.