
Dr. Nuria Cortés Álvarez is a specialist in Pediatrics who has devoted a large part of her medical career to the diagnosis and treatment of allergies for younger patients. She also has experience with children in need of urgent care. Throughout his extensive professional career, he has worked as a pediatrician in the Children's Allergy Section of the Hospital Universitario Mutua Terrassa, where he has also worked on call in Neonatology and Pediatrics.  

In compatibilization with his medical activity, he has devoted part of his time to the more academic branch, being a regular speaker at courses and conferences on his specialty. In addition, she has written several scientific publications oriented to Pediatrics as co-author.  

  • Pediatrician expert in Childhood Allergy
  • Pediatrician attached to the Pediatric Allergy Section of the University Hospital Mutua Terrassa
  • Pediatrician on Neonatology and Pediatrics duty at the University Hospital Mutua Terrassa 
  • Pediatrician in Pediatric Allergy consultation at the Nens Hospital of Barcelona
  • Assistant Pediatric Emergency Physician at the Mataró Hospital
  • Author of several scientific publications on her specialty
  • Regular speaker at courses and conferences on Pediatrics 
  • Doctor in Pediatrics from the University of Barcelona
  • Master's degree in Pediatric Immunology and Allergy at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu 

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