
Jorge Miguel Alcántara Espinosa began his career as a nurse in private companies. This gave him the opportunity to work in nursing homes, among other organizations. Subsequently, he worked in emergency units and ambulance services.  

After several years working for the Galician Health Service, he began training in the development of analytical skills to better understand health data and patients' needs. He therefore trained in data analysis, statistics, epidemiology and database design. These skills in particular have allowed him to be linked to different research institutes.  

  • Biostatistics Specialist at Biostatnet 
  • Specialist in Biostatistics in Institute of Sanitary Investigation of Santiago de Compostela 
  • Nurse in Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela 
  • Nurse at DomusVi Spain 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Informatics and Biostatistics at the Oberta de Catalunya University
  • Professional Master's Degree in Big Data and E-Health 
  • Degree in Nursing from the University of Cádiz 
Programmes in collaboration with

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