
With this postgraduate diploma you will delve into the definition of hypotheses and the generation of research projects to give them empirical answers”


The scientific evidence on sport differs in many aspects with professional practice, given the complexity of physical activity and the current system of publications and evaluation. There is also a great deal of intrusiveness in this area that clashes with the results of clinical trials and can deteriorate the rigor of studies in this sector. For this reason, companies increasingly require professionals who are up to date in studies dedicated to biomechanics, nutrition, sports psychology and training, as well as social sciences.

Given the interrelationship of these disciplines in the nature of sporting activity, it is essential that the conclusions of research projects can be applied in practice. In recent years this has been possible thanks to the change based on the development of methodology and the introduction of new technologies in training and competition. On the other hand, the global impact of sport, both socially and economically, has also contributed. To further develop massive and complex techniques in terms of research projects, TECH has developed a 100% online program that focuses on the scientific method to update the knowledge of specialists in the sports sector.

It is a postgraduate diploma that delves into the correct generation of research projects, the creation of working groups and the protection and transfer of results, among many other aspects involved in scientific observations. In addition, this program has a 100% online mode to allow the professional to combine the study with the development of the rest of the activities of his private and working life. A unique experience for those professionals who are committed to digital education in a socioeconomic paradigm that depends on new technologies. 

Update your knowledge in the generation of reference databases for multiple use and understand the key bibliographic management in a research project"

This postgraduate diploma in Health Research contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Health Sciences Research
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Delve your understanding of the types of clinical, basic and translational research, thanks to a degree that, in just 6 months, will update your professional knowledge"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Don't wait any longer, contribute to sports research thanks to the generation of translational projects and clinical trials that you will master with TECH Global University"


Collaborate in sports trials actively with the development of the first stage of research: the literature search"


This postgraduate diploma in Health Research aims to update the knowledge of graduates in Sports Science and other professionals interested in the research development of advances in performance and competition. In this sense, TECH Global University offers a complete and rigorous degree that delves into the generation of projects, working groups and advanced literature search, as well as the management of patents and the transfer of research results. All this, thanks to contents supported by the reliable knowledge of experts and innovative pedagogical techniques that have revolutionized the field of Education.


Increase the multidisciplinary character of your role as a researcher through theoretical and practical contents that will be useful in the development of your own project”

General Objectives

  • Do the appropriate approach to a question or problem to be solved
  • Asses the state of the art of the problem through literature search
  • Assess the feasibility of the potential project
  • Draft projects in accordance with the different calls for proposals
  • Seek financing
  • Master the necessary data analysis tools
  • Write scientific articles (papers) according to the daily magazines
  • Generate posters
  • Acquired for dissemination tools to the non-specialized public
  • Comprehension data Protection techniques
  • Transfer The knowledge generated to industry or the clinic
  • Comprehend the Use of artificial intelligence and massive data analysis
  • Interact with examples of successful projects

Specific Objectives

Module 1. The Scientific Method Applied to Health Research. Bibliographic positioning of the research

  • Become familiar with the scientific method to be followed to carry out a health research
  • Learn the correct way to ask a question and the methodology to be applied in order to achieve the best possible answer
  • Delve into learning how to search for bibliographic methods
  • Master all the concepts of scientific activity

Module 2. Generation of Working Groups: Collaborative Research

  • Learn how to create working groups
  • Create new biomedical research spaces
  • Master the new spaces for health research

Module 3. Generation of Research Projects

  • Learn how to assess the feasibility of the potential project
  • Know in depth the essential milestones for writing a research project
  • Delve into the criteria for exclusion/inclusion in projects
  • Learn how to set up the specific team for each project

Module 4. Protection and Transfer of Results

  • Introduction to the world of results protection
  • Learn to valuate the results of a research project
  • Know in depth about patents and similar
  • Delve into the possibilities of company creation

Make the most of this opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this subject to apply it to your daily practice"

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research

Health research, sports science is the study of how physical exercise and physical activity can improve the health and athletic performance of individuals, and how it relates to relevant factors such as disease, age and nutrition. This research also seeks to understand the impact of physical exercise on the human body, how it functions and how it responds to the stress of training, as well as how to prevent injury and improve sports performance.

Health, sport science research encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines, including exercise physiology, biochemistry, sport psychology, biomechanics, sports nutrition, among others. The main goals of this research are to provide scientific evidence to understand the physiological processes behind sports performance, develop strategies to improve training and recovery, and reduce the risk of injury.

In the health field, sports science research seeks to understand how physical exercise can improve quality of life and prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. It also investigates how physical exercise can be employed in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with these diseases.

The Virtual Academic University Expert in Health Research program focuses on providing advanced and specialized training in health research from an interdisciplinary perspective. This program is designed to develop advanced skills and knowledge in research methods, statistics and analysis, and application of research to improve the health and well-being of people. The goal of this virtual academic program is to provide students with advanced training in health research from an interdisciplinary perspective, enabling them to develop specialized skills and knowledge to apply in public health, clinical and research settings.