University certificate
The world's largest school of business”
Enter the complex world of labor consulting and acquire the necessary skills to develop successfully in your daily practice”

Why Study at TECH?
TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.
TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"
At TECH Global University
Innovation |
The university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus.
"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system.
The Highest Standards |
Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high...
95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
Networking |
Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.
100,000+ executives trained each year, 200+ different nationalities.
Empowerment |
Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.
500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
Talent |
This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision.
After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent.
Multicultural Context |
While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea.
TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities.

Learn with the best |
In the classroom, TECH teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world.
Teachers representing 20 different nationalities.
TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique:
Analysis |
TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.
Academic Excellence |
TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Relearning method (a postgraduate learning methodology with the highest international rating) with the Case Study. A complex balance between tradition and state-of-the-art, within the context of the most demanding academic itinerary.
Economy of Scale |
TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.
At TECH, you will have access to the most rigorous and up-to-date case studies in the academic community”
The Executive Master's Degree in Labor Advisory is a tailor-made program that is taught in a 100% online format so that students can choose the time and place that best suits their availability, schedules and interests.
A program that takes place over 12 months and is intended to be a unique and stimulating experience that lays the foundation for your professional success in this field of Labor Advisory.
We will help you to develop your skills and abilities in the field of labor advisory thanks to this very complete syllabus"
The Executive Master's Degree in Labor Advisory of TECH Global University is an intensive program that prepares students to face challenges and business decisions in the field of Labor Advisory.
The content of this program is designed to promote the development of managerial skills that enable more rigorous decision making in uncertain environments. Throughout 1,500 hours of study, the student will analyze a multitude of practical cases through individual work. It is, therefore, an authentic immersion in real business situations.
In this way, this Executive Master's Degree addresses Labor Advisory in depth from a strategic, international and innovative perspective.
A plan designed for students, focused on their professional improvement and preparing them to achieve excellence in the field of Labor Law. A program that understands your needs and those of your company through innovative content based on the latest trends, and supported by the best educational methodology and an exceptional faculty, which will provide you with the skills to solve critical situations in a creative and efficient way.
This program takes place over 12 months and is divided into 10 modules:
Module 1. The Employment Relationship, the Employer and the Employment Contract
Module 2. The modalities of labor contracting and the managerial power of the entrepreneur
Module 3. Vicissitudes of the Labor Relationship: Working Hours, Rest Periods, Modification of Conditions and Interruption of the Labor Relationship
Module 4. Termination of the Labor Relationship
Module 5. Freedom of Association and Company Representation Model
Module 6. Company Agreements and Conflict Resolution Measures
Module 7. Social Security Law
Module 8. Occupational Risk Prevention: Obligations and Responsibilities
Module 9. The Labor Process: Declarative Tutelage (General Part and Procedural Modalities)
Module 10. The Labor Process: Means of Contestation and Enforcement Protection

Where, When and How is it Taught?
TECH offers the possibility of completely this Executive Master's Degree in Labor Advisory entirely online. Throughout the 12-month program, the professionals will be able to access all the contents of this program at any time, which will allow them to self-manage their study time.
Module 1. The Employment Relationship, the Employer and the Employment Contract
1.1. Sources of Labor Law I
1.1.1. Labor Content of the Spanish Constitution of 1978
1.1.2. International and Supranational Standards
1.1.3. Rules with the Force of Law
1.1.4. Regulations and Other Regulatory Provisions
1.2. Sources of Labor Law II
1.2.1. The Individual Employment Contract
1.2.2. Custom and General Principles of Law
1.2.3. The Most Beneficial Condition
1.2.4. The criteria for the Arrangement of Concurrent Labor Standards
1.3. The Concept of Worker: Definitional Notes and Gray Areas
1.3.1. The Assumptions of labor: Personal Service, Voluntary, Remunerated, Dependency and Dependence
1.3.2. Special Labor Relationships
1.3.3. Activities Excluded from Labor Legislation
1.4. The Labor Employer I
1.4.1. Concept of Employer in Labor Law
1.4.2. The Company, the Work Center and the Productive Unit
1.4.3. Groups of Companies for Labor Purposes
1.4.4. Outsourcing of Services: Contracts and Subcontracts
1.5. The Labor Employer II
1.5.1. Illegal Assignment of Workers
1.5.2. The Transfer of the Company
1.6. Recruitment and Selection of Workers
1.6.1. The Employee Recruitment Process
1.6.2. The Employee Selection Process
1.6.3. Discrimination in Access to Employment
1.6.4. Affirmative Action Measures in Access to Employment
1.7. Labor Contracting: Limits and Essential Elements
1.7.1. Ability to Work
1.7.2. Limitations on Employment of Minors
1.7.3. The Form of the Employment Contract
1.7.4. The Ineffectiveness of the Employment Contract
1.7.5. The Basic Copy of the Employment Contract
1.7.6. Protection of Personal Data
1.8. Covenants Ancillary to the Employment Contract
1.8.1. The Agreement of Full Dedication or Exclusivity in the Labor Performance
1.8.2. The Company's Permanence Pact
1.8.3. The Prohibition of Post-contractual Competition
1.9. The Legal Regime of the Probationary Period
1.9.1. The Probationary Period Agreement and its Duration
1.9.2. Free Withdrawal During the Trial Period
1.9.3. Withdrawal During the Probationary Period of a Pregnant Worker
1.10. The Rights of Workers over their Intellectual Creations
1.10.1. Exploitation Rights of Workers' Creations: Requirements and Scope
1.10.2. Exploitation Rights of Computer Creations
1.10.3. Moral Rights
Module 2. The Modalities of Labor Contracting and the Managerial Power of the Employer
2.1. Indefinite-Term Contracts
2.1.1. The Ordinary Indefinite Term Contract
2.1.2. The Promotion of Permanent Hiring
2.1.3. Discontinuous Fixed Term and Periodic Fixed Term Contracts
2.2. Temporary Hiring I
2.2.1. The Contract for a Specific Work or Service
2.2.2. Temporary Contracts due to Production Circumstances
2.2.3. The Interim Contract
2.3. Temporary Hiring II
2.3.1. The Training and Apprenticeship Contract
2.3.2. Internship Contracts
2.4. Temporary Hiring III
2.4.1. Provisions Common to Temporary Contracting
2.4.2. Other Types of Temporary Contracts
2.4.3. Temporary Employment Agencies (TEAs)
2.5. The Part-Time Contract and its Varieties
2.5.1. The Common Part-Time Contract
2.5.2. Aspects Related to Part-Time Contracts
2.5.3. Supplementary Hours
2.5.4. Partial Retirement and Relief Contracts
2.6. Telecommuting and Teleworking
2.6.1. The Voluntary Nature of Telecommuting
2.6.2. The Requirements to be Included in the Contract
2.6.3. The Day and the Digital Disconnection
2.6.4. Control of Labor Activity
2.7. The Right to Effective Employment and Fundamental Workers' Rights
2.7.1. The Right to Effective Occupancy
2.7.2. Fundamental Rights Specific to the Employment Relationship
2.7.3. Fundamental Rights not Specific to the Employment Relationship
2.7.4. Compensation for Damages: Moral Damages
2.8. Duties of the Employee
2.8.1. The Duty not to Compete with the Company's Activity
2.8.2. Duty of Care and Good Faith
2.8.3. The Duty to Observe Safety and Health Measures
2.8.4. The Duty to Comply with the Employer's Orders and Instructions
2.9. Managerial Power and New Technological Control Mechanisms
2.9.1. The Managerial Power of the Entrepreneur Control of Lockers and Personal Belongings
2.9.2. The Power of Management and New Surveillance and Control Mechanisms IT Control of Technological Tools Control via Geolocation or GPS Systems Monitoring through CCTV Systems
2.10. Determination of Employee Benefits and Functional Mobility
2.10.1. Determination of Work Performance: General Aspects
2.10.2. The Professional Classification System: Professional Groups
2.10.3. Functional Mobility and Corporate ius variandi General Requirements: Qualification and Respect for the Worker's Dignity Functional Mobility within the Professional Group: Horizontal Functional Mobility outside the Professional Group: Vertical
Module 3. Vicissitudes of the labor relationship: working hours, rest periods, modification of conditions and interruption of the labor relationship
3.1. Working Time: The Working Day
3.1.1. Ordinary Working Hours Duration of the Day Distribution of the Day
3.1.2. Special Workdays due to the Activity
3.1.3. Special Days for Personal Reasons
3.1.4. Obligation to Register
3.1.5. Overtime Concept and Classification Nature Compensation for its Execution Prohibition Records Working Hours
3.1.6. Timetable
3.1.7. Night Work and Night Worker
3.1.8. Shift Work
3.2. Adaptation of Working Hours and Work-Life Balance Rights
3.2.1. Reduction in Working Hours for Infant Care
3.2.2. Absence or Reduction of the Working Day due to Premature Childbirth or Hospitalization of the Newborn.
3.2.3. Reduction of Working Hours for Reasons of Legal Guardianship of Minors, Family Members or Handicapped Persons
3.2.4. Reduction of Working Hours or Adaptation in the Case of a Minor Affected by Cancer or any other Serious Disease
3.2.5. Reduction of Working Hours due to Gender Violence or Terrorism
3.2.6. Reduced Working Hours to receive OHS training
3.3. The Annual Vacation and Rest Regime
3.3.1. The Work Calendar
3.3.2. The Rest Regime Rest During the Day Rest Between Shifts Weekly Rest
3.3.3. Holidays
3.3.4. Vacations Commencement, Duration and Accrual Proportionality and Computable Periods Coincidence of Vacations with Sick Leave Situations Vacation Time Payable Nature and the Possibility of Substitution
3.4. The Wage Benefit
3.4.1. Concept and Function of Salaries
3.4.2. Salary in Cash and in Kind
3.4.3. Non-Salary Benefits
3.4.4. Wage Systems: Procedures for their Determination
3.4.5. Salary Structure Base Salary Salary Supplements Consolidation of Salary Supplements
3.4.6. Extraordinary Payments
3.4.7. Wage Determination Minimum Interprofessional Salary Professional Salary Contractual Salary
3.4.8. The Salary Absorption and Compensation Mechanism
3.4.9. Payment of Salary
3.4.10. Wage Protection Non-Attachability of Wages Wages as a Privileged Credit
3.5. Geographic Mobility of Workers
3.5.1. Concept and Characteristics
3.5.2. The Legal Regime of Transfers Concept Causal Element Types of Transfers Procedure
3.5.3. The Legal Regime of Movements Concept Causal Element Procedure Effects
3.6. Substantial Modification of Working Conditions
3.6.1. Scope of Article 41, ET and Excluded Assumptions
3.6.2. Causal Element
3.6.3. Working Conditions Subject to Change
3.6.4. Concept of Substantial Modification
3.6.5. Type of Substantial Modification: Individual or Collective
3.6.6. Procedure Individual Modification Collective Modification
3.6.7. Substantial Modification of Working Conditions Provided for in a Statutory Collective Agreement: Article 82.3 ET
3.7. Modifications of Working Conditions at the Employee's Will
3.7.1. Promotions Concept Legal Regime
3.7.2. Family Reunification
3.7.3. Purpose
3.7.4. Legal Regime
3.7.5. Objective Causes Protection of Female Workers who are Victims of Gender Violence and Terrorism Protection of Persons with Disabilities Protection of the Worker's Physical Integrity
3.8. Interruption of Employment Benefits: Paid Leaves of Absence
3.8.1. Concept and Characteristics
3.8.2. Types of Permits
3.8.3. Other Interruptions of Work for Reasons Not Imputable to the Worker
3.8.4. Effects and Enjoyment
3.9. Suspension of the Employment Contract due to Business Causes or Force Majeure
3.9.1. Concept and Characteristics
3.9.2. Causes for Suspension Suspension of the Contract at the Will of the Parties Suspension due to Temporary Disability Suspension for Family Reasons Suspension at the Employee's Will Victim of Gender Violence Exercise of the Right to Strike Suspension at Will of the Company For Disciplinary Reasons Due to Legal Closure of the Company
3.9.3. Suspension and Reduction of Working Hours due to Business Causes
3.9.4. Suspension and Reduction of Working Hours due to Force Majeure
3.10. The Legal Regime of Leave of Absence from Work
3.10.1. Concept and Typology
3.10.2. Forced Leave of Absence Appointment or Election to Public Office Union Positions Effects
3.10.3. Leave of Absence for Child and Family Care Assumptions Effects
3.10.4. Voluntary Leave of Absence Requirements Effects
Module 4. Termination of the Labor Relationship
4.1. Termination of the Employment Contract by the Joint Will of the Parties
4.1.1. Termination of Contract by Mutual Agreement of the Parties Concept Requirements Effects
4.1.2. Termination of a Contract for Causes Validly Stated in the Contract: Concept and Requirements
4.1.3. Termination of the Contract due to Expiration of the Agreed Time or Performance of the Work or Service under Contract
4.2. Termination of the Employment Contract for Other Causes Related to the Parties to the Contract
4.2.1. Death, Retirement, Incapacity or Extinction of the Legal Personality of the Entrepreneur
4.2.2. Death, Retirement or Disability of the Employee
4.3. Voluntary Termination or Termination of the Employee
4.3.1. Concept of Resignation and Abandonment
4.3.2. Resignation with Notice
4.3.3. Notice of Resignation
4.3.4. Formal Aspects and Effects
4.3.5. Resignation of Senior Management Personnel
4.4. Termination of the Employment Contract at the Employee's Will due to a Breach of Contract by the Company
4.4.1. Termination of the Contract for Breach of Contract by the Company: Causes Substantial Modifications that Result in the Impairment of the Worker's Dignity Lack of Payment or Continued Delinquencies Other Serious Corporate Noncompliance
4.4.2. Procedure
4.4.3. Effects
4.5. Disciplinary Dismissal
4.5.1. Concept and Characteristics
4.5.2. Causes Repeated Absences in Attendance or Punctuality Indiscipline or Disobedience in the Workplace Verbal or Physical Offenses Breach of Contractual Good Faith and Abuse of Trust in the Performance of Work Continuous and Voluntary Decrease in performance Habitual Drunkenness or Drug Addiction Discriminatory Harassment of the Employer or Persons Working in the Company
4.5.3. Form and Procedure The Letter of Dismissal The Effective Date Notification of Dismissal to the Employee
4.5.4. The Disciplinary Dismissal Procedure in the Case of Workers' Legal Representatives
4.6. Termination of the Employment Contract for Objective Causes: Objective Dismissal
4.6.1. Concept and Legal Regime
4.6.2. Causes Worker Ineptitude Lack of Adaptation to Technical Changes in the Workplace Economic, Technical, Organizational and Production Causes Insufficient Budgetary Appropriation
4.6.3. Formal and Procedural Requirements The Provision of Compensation The Letter of Dismissal The Notice Period and the Hours of Leave to Find Employment
4.6.4. Priority of Permanence
4.7. Collective Dismissal
4.7.1. Concept and Characteristics
4.7.2. Causes Economic Reasons Organizational Causes Technical Reasons Productive Causes
4.7.3. Scope of the Impact of the Causes: Benchmarks
4.7.4. The Procedure Collective Phase of Collective Dismissal: Consultation Period and Negotiation Process Individual Phase of Collective Dismissal
4.7.5. Brief Reference to Collective Dismissal in Bankrupt Companies
4.8. Dismissal due to Force Majeure
4.8.1. Concept of Force Majeure
4.8.2. Procedure
4.8.3. Effects
4.9. Termination of Employment Contracts for Public Administration Employees
4.9.1. Termination due to Contract Termination
4.9.2. Disciplinary Dismissal of Public Administration's Labor Personnel
4.9.3. Dismissal for Objective Causes
4.9.4. Collective Dismissal
4.10. Termination of the Contract of Senior Management Employees
4.10.1. Withdrawal by the Manager
4.10.2. Dismissal Ad Nutum or Without Cause
4.10.3. Dismissal for Disciplinary Reasons
4.10.4. The Golden Parachute Clauses or Indemnity Clauses in Favor of Executives
4.10.5. Extinction in Bankruptcy Proceedings
Module 5. Freedom of Association and Company Representation Model
5.1. Trade Union Rights and their Constitutional Recognition
5.1.1. The International Model: the ILO Doctrine as a World Standard for the Legal Regulation of the Trade Union phenomenon
5.1.2. The Legal Recognition of Trade Unions in the Spanish Legal System Background: Origins and Consolidation of Workers' Associations in Spain Constitutional Recognition of Freedom of Association Essential Content Additional Content
5.2. Greater Union Representativeness
5.2.1. Electoral Hearing
5.2.2. Irradiation
5.3. Protection of Freedom of Association
5.3.1. Challenges to Union Bylaws
5.3.2. The Special Process for the Protection of Trade Union Rights
5.3.3. Constitutional Judicial Protection
5.3.4. Administrative Protection of Freedom of Association
5.3.5. International Protection of Freedom of Association
5.4. Representation of Collective Interests and Social Concertation
5.4.1. Legitimized Parties
5.4.2. Functions of Institutional Participation
5.4.3. Social Dialogue
5.4.4. Participation in Tripartite Bodies
5.5. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
5.5.1. Structure of Collective Negotiation
5.5.2. Statutory Collective Negotiation
5.5.3. Extra-Statutory Collective Bargaining and Other Types of Negotiation
5.5.4. Framework Agreements
5.5.5. Negotiated Internal Flexibility Mechanisms and Company Collective Bargaining Agreements
5.6. Union Organization and Action in the Company and in the Public Administrations
5.6.1. Company Union Sections and Union Delegates
5.6.2. Legal Regime: Scope and Legal Types
5.6.3. Functions and Competencies
5.6.4. Guarantees for Union Representatives in the Company
5.6.5. Union Representation in the Civil Service
5.7. Elective Representation of Workers in the Company
5.7.1. Unitary Representation
5.7.2. Company Committee
5.7.3. Personnel Delegates
5.7.4. Inter-Center Committee
5.7.5. Procedure for the Election of Workers' Representatives
5.8. Attributions and Competencies of Institutionalized Representation
5.8.1. Guarantees of Workers' Representatives
5.8.2. Liability of Workers' Representatives: The Requirement of Confidentiality
5.9. Other Legal Representations
5.9.1. Ad Hoc Committees
5.9.2. Prevention Delegates and Health and Safety Committee
5.9.3. Representations on European Works Councils
Module 6. Company Agreements and Conflict Resolution Measures
6.1. The Statutory Collective Agreement
6.1.1. Concept and Nature of the Collective Agreement
6.1.2. Types of Collective Agreements
6.1.3. Scope of Application of Collective Agreements
6.2. The Statutory Collective Agreement and the Negotiation Process
6.2.1. Parties to the Collective Agreement, Authority and Parties Bound by the Agreement
6.2.2. Procedure for Drawing Up the Collective Agreement
6.2.3. Content and Limits of the Collective Agreement
6.3. The Statutory Collective Agreement and its Temporary Application
6.3.1. Duration of the Collective Agreement
6.3.2. Ultra Activity
6.3.3. Non-Application of Collective Agreements
6.4. Relationships between Agreements
6.4.1. The Concurrence of Collective Agreements
6.4.2. Adherence to and Extension of Collective Agreements
6.5. Company Agreements
6.5.1. Types of Corporate Agreements
6.5.2. Subsidiary Corporate Agreements
6.5.3. Modifying Corporate Agreements
6.5.4. Production Reorganization Corporate Agreements
6.5.5. Informal Corporate Agreements or Covenants
6.5.6. Corporate Agreements Procedure
6.6. Autonomous Dispute Resolution Procedures
6.6.1. Mediation
6.6.2. Reconciliation
6.6.3. Arbitration
6.7. The Procedural Modality of Collective Disputes or Global Framework Agreements and Collective Community Negotiation
6.7.1. Parties Entitled to Bring the Action
6.7.2. Vicissitudes of this Special Modality
6.7.3. Effects of the Judgment
6.8. The Right to Strike: Ownership and Typology
6.8.1. Ownership of the Right to Strike
6.8.2. The Civil Servants' Strike
6.8.3. Strike Modalities
6.9. The Procedure to Carry Out the Strike
6.9.1. Call for Strike
6.9.2. Administration of the Strike: Strike Committee
6.9.3. Termination of the Strike
6.10. Effects of the Strike and Limits to its Exercise
6.10.1. Effects of the Strike
6.10.2. Security and Maintenance Services
6.10.3. Minimum Services
Module 7. Social Security Law
7.1. Risk Protection
7.1.1. Social Risks
7.1.2. Risk Protection Techniques and their Evolution
7.1.3. Social Security as a Paradigmatic Example of the Welfare State's Welfare Benefit Activity
7.1.4. The Constitutional Configuration of the Social Security System
7.2. System Structure and Composition
7.2.1. The Two Levels of Protection
7.2.2. The Division by Regimes
7.2.3. The Scope of Application of the General Regime
7.2.4. The Consequences of an Incorrect Framing of the Market
7.2.5. The Effects of Double Framing
7.3. The Legal Relationship with Social Security
7.3.1. Employer Registration
7.3.2. Affiliation
7.3.3. Discharge
7.3.4. The Low
7.3.5. The Administrative and Criminal Consequences of Late Discharge or Lack of Discharge
7.3.6. The Special Agreement with Social Security
7.4. The Financing of the Social Security System
7.4.1. The Different Financing Systems
7.4.2. The Obligation to Contribute
7.4.3. The Administrative and Criminal Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Obligation to Contribute
7.4.4. Settlement of Quotas
7.4.5. Social Security Collection
7.5. The General Rules of Protective Action
7.5.1. The Causal Risks (Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases)
7.5.2. The Privileged Treatment of Occupational Risks
7.5.3. Types of Social Security Benefits
7.5.4. General Requirements for Access to the Protective Action (the Requirement of Registration and the Requirement of Deficiency).
7.6. The Amount of Benefits
7.6.1. The Dynamics of Benefits (Recognition, Payment and Termination)
7.6.2. Liability for Benefits
7.6.3. Benefit Guarantees
7.7. Disability Protection
7.7.1. The Effects of Disability in the Workplace
7.7.2. Temporary Disability Benefit
7.7.3. Compensation for Non-Disabling Permanent Injuries
7.7.4. Permanent Disability
7.7.5. Pension for Permanent Disability
7.8. Benefits in Connection with the Birth or Adoption of a Child
7.8.1. The Allowance for Risks during Pregnancy or Breastfeeding
7.8.2. The Co-Responsibility Allowance for Infant Care
7.8.3. Birth and Custodial Care Benefits
7.8.4. The Allowance for the Care of Critically Ill Children
7.9. Retirement Pension
7.9.1. Ordinary Retirement
7.9.2. Early Retirement
7.9.3. Late Retirement
7.9.4. Cases of Compatibility between Work and Pension (Partial Retirement, Active Retirement and Flexible Retirement)
7.10. Protection Against Job Loss
7.10.1. Contributory Unemployment Benefits
7.10.2. Unemployment Benefits
7.10.3. Termination Benefits for Self-Employed Professionals
Module 8. Occupational Risk Prevention: Obligations and Responsibilities
8.1. The Preventive Obligation
8.1.1. General Content, Scope and Limits
8.1.2. Instrumental Obligations
8.1.3. Evaluation and Planning of Preventive Activities
8.1.4. Training and Information Obligations
8.1.5. Obligation to Provide Work Equipment and Means of Protection
8.1.6. Documentation Requirement
8.1.7. Obligations to Record and Notify Occupational Accidents and Occupational Illnesses
8.1.8. Serious and Imminent Risk
8.2. The Specific Obligation of Health Surveillance
8.2.1. Subjects in Charge. Time of Materialization
8.2.2. The Voluntariness Principle and its Exceptions
8.2.3. The Results of Health Surveillance: Access to and Confidentiality of Information
8.3. The Specific Obligation of Coordination of Business Activities
8.3.1. Obligations in the Event of Concurrency of Activities
8.3.2. Contracts and Subcontracts
8.3.3. The Special Regulation of the Construction Sector
8.4. Obligation to Protect Certain Groups of Professionals
8.4.1. Particularly Sensitive Workers, Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women, Temporary Workers and Temporary Agency Workers
8.4.2. Risk Prevention in Self-Employment
8.5. The Obligation to Prevent Psychosocial Risks
8.5.1. Types of Psychosocial Risks
8.5.2. Preventive Measures
8.5.3. Digital Disconnection as a Worker Health Protection Formula
8.6. Harassment at Work as an Occupational Hazard
8.6.1. Mobbing
8.6.2. Sexual Harassment and Harassment Based on Sex
8.6.3. Differences with Labor Disputes
8.6.4. Prevention Obligation and Preventive Measures
8.7. Administrative Liability in Occupational Risk Prevention Matters
8.7.1. Principles of the Administration's Sanctioning Powers
8.7.2. Responsible Parties
8.7.3. Infringements and Penalties in Occupational Health and Safety Matters
8.7.4. The Administrative Sanctioning Procedure
8.7.5. The Infringement Report as a Precondition for the Initiation of the Sanctioning Proceeding
8.8. Criminal Liability in the Field of Occupational Risk Prevention
8.8.1. Specific and Generic Occupational Risk Prevention Offenses
8.8.2. Concurrent Offense Situations
8.8.3. Compatibility of Criminal Liability with Other Liabilities
8.8.4. Subjective Scope of Criminal Liability
8.8.5. The Legal Entity as a Criminally Liable Party
8.8.6. Criminal Liability of Directors, Executives and Employees
8.9. Civil Liability
8.9.1. Nature of Civil Liability Arising out of Occupational Accidents and/or Occupational Diseases
8.9.2. Employer's Liability for the Acts of its Employees
8.9.3. Responsibility for the Coordination of Activities: Decentralization of Production and Responsibility of Contractors and Subcontractors
8.9.4. Group Liability
8.9.5. Responsibilities of Manufacturers and Suppliers
8.10. Social Security Liabilities
8.10.1. The Benefits Surcharge and its Compatibility
8.10.2. Concept and Nature
8.10.3. Responsible Parties
Module 9. The Labor Process: Declarative Tutelage (General Part and Procedural Modalities)
9.1. The Social Jurisdiction: Organs and Competencies
9.1.1. Regulatory Sources of the Social Jurisdiction
9.1.2. Jurisdiction of the Social Jurisdiction
9.1.3. Out-of-Court Settlement
9.1.4. The Different Courts of the Social Jurisdiction, Functional and Territorial Jurisdiction
9.2. The Proceeding Parties
9.2.1. Concept, Capacity, Legitimacy
9.2.2. Proceedings with Plurality of Parties
9.2.3. Intervention of the Wage Guarantee Fund
9.3. Process Avoidance
9.3.1. Acts Prior to the Process
9.3.2. Reconciliation
9.3.3. Preliminary Claim
9.4. Initiation of the Declaratory Judgment
9.4.1. Preparatory Acts and Anticipation of Evidence
9.4.2. Preventive Measures and Preventive Attachment
9.4.3. The Lawsuit: Filing, Admission, and Correction of the Lawsuit
9.4.4. Accumulation of Actions and Proceedings
9.4.5. Payment Order Procedure
9.5. The Oral Trial
9.5.1. Concept of the Oral Trial and Pre-Trial Proceedings
9.5.2. Judicial Conciliation
9.5.3. Arguments of the Parties
9.5.4. Proposition and Evidence Gathering
9.5.5. Conclusions
9.6. Dismissal Challenge
9.6.1. Action Forfeiture
9.6.2. The Requisites of the Claim
9.6.3. The Sentence and the Qualification of the Dismissal
9.6.4. The Effects of the Declaration of Justifiable Dismissal
9.6.5. The Effects of the Declaration of Unfair Dismissal
9.6.6. The Effects of a Declaration of Invalid Dismissal
9.7. Challenging Disciplinary Sanctions
9.7.1. The Invalidity of the Sanction
9.7.2. Confirmation of the Sanction
9.7.3. Total Revocation of the Sanction
9.7.4. Partial Revocation of the Sanction
9.7.5. Non-Appealability of the Judgment and its Exceptions
9.8. Termination of the Contract for Objective Causes
9.8.1. The Process for Termination due to Objective Causes
9.8.2. Collective Dismissals for Economic, Organizational, Technical or Production Causes
9.9. Procedural Modalities Related to the Development of the Employment Contract
9.9.1. The Vacation Process
9.9.2. The Professional Classification Procedure
9.9.3. The Procedure for Geographic Modification, Substantial Modification of Working Conditions and Reduction of Working Hours due to Economic, Technical, Organizational or Production Causes.
9.9.4. The Process for Breastfeeding and Family Leave and Reduced Working Hours
9.10. Social Security Processes
9.10.1. Legitimized Parties
9.10.2. Preliminary Claim and Exhaustion of Preliminary Proceedings
9.10.3. Demand
9.10.4. Effects of the Judgment
Module 10. The Labor Process: Means of Contestation and Enforcement Protection
10.1. Means of Challenge
10.1.1. General Considerations
10.2. Appeal for Reconsideration
10.2.1. Resolutions Subject to Appeal
10.2.2. Procedure
10.2.3. Effects of the Rejection and Estimation of the Appeal for Reconsideration
10.3. Appeal of Complaint
10.3.1. Resolutions Subject to Appeal
10.3.2. Procedure
10.3.3. Effects of the Rejection and Estimation of the Complaint Appeal
10.4. Appeals for Review
10.4.1. General Considerations
10.4.2. Resolutions Subject to Appeal
10.4.3. Procedure
10.4.4. Effects of the Dismissal and Upholding of the Appeal for Review
10.5. Cassation Appeal
10.5.1. General Considerations
10.5.2. Resolutions Subject to Appeal
10.5.3. Processing of the Appeal before the Social Division of the Supreme Court
10.5.4. Effects of the Rejection and Estimation of the Appeal for Reconsideration
10.6. The Appeal for the Unification of Doctrine
10.6.1. General Considerations
10.6.2. Resolutions Subject to Appeal
10.6.3. Substantive Requirements of the Contradiction
10.6.4. Processing of the Appeal
10.7. General Considerations in Labor Enforcement
10.7.1. Executive Titles
10.7.2. The Competent Judicial Body
10.7.3. Legal Standing in the Enforcement Process
10.7.4. Execution Procedure
10.8. Ordinary Executions
10.8.1. General Considerations
10.8.2. The Seizure of Goods: Concept, Phases and Incidences in the Seizure of Goods
10.8.3. The Procedure for the Enforced Execution of Foreclosed Assets
10.8.4. Payment to Creditors
10.8.5. Corporate Insolvency
10.9. Special Executions
10.9.1. Execution of Dismissal Judgments
10.9.2. Enforcement of Judgments against Public Entities
10.9.3. Collective Executions
10.10. Provisional Execution
10.10.1. General Considerations
10.10.2. Provisional Enforcement of Judgments for the Payment of Sums of Money
10.10.3. Provisional Enforcement of Social Security Sentences
10.10.4. Provisional Enforcement of Dismissal Judgments

A unique, key, and decisive educational experience to boost your professional development and make the definitive leap"
Professional Master's Degree in Labor Advisory
Labor advisory focused on the business field plays a fundamental role for the good development of a company in all the areas that compose it. As a consequence of its importance, it is essential to have specialized professionals who are able to provide efficient tools in the mitigation of legal damages. The Professional Master's Degree in Labor Advisory of TECH Global University was designed by the best specialists in the field, thanks to this, students have the possibility of accessing an innovative study plan, which has up-to-date thematic axes to enhance their skills and allow them to create an optimal conceptual background. In addition, at the end of the course, students will have the necessary skills to advise the company on labor responsibilities, hiring modalities, basic rights and other areas necessary to ensure the welfare of workers and the progress of the company.
Take a Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Advisory 100% online
The TECH program's main objective is to provide the best practical-theoretical content available in relation to the business approach. To achieve this goal, we structure our course with sophisticated thematic axes that will offer students specialized knowledge in the following referent topics: extension of the labor relationship, social security, union freedom, management power of the employer, as well as other conceptual areas of great educational value. Moreover, students will obtain the necessary skills to be able to file a lawsuit within the social jurisdiction and face the subsequent tasks within the procedural processing.