
You'll delve into the benefits of dance in motion at the world's best digital university according to Forbes”


More and more organizations in the healthcare field are demanding the incorporation of ED experts. This is due to the increase of these psychological conditions, motivated by factors such as traumatic experiences or social pressure. In this sense, institutions want to integrate psychologists into their departments who are able to detect these conditions early and provide the necessary support during the recovery processes. This opens up a wide range of job opportunities for these health professionals.

With the aim of delving deeper into the most modern therapeutic procedures, TECH will develop this Postgraduate diploma aimed at psychologists who wish to broaden their techniques. Under a faculty specialized in this subject, the academic itinerary will delve into how to diagnose disorders accurately. Students will be able to use different therapeutic approaches based on scientific evidence. The syllabus will also enable them to implement successful therapies, among which social support stands out. Likewise, graduates will promote a healthy body image and encourage the prevention of EDs among young people as a risk group.

To consolidate all these contents, TECH is based on the innovative Relearning system. This teaching method is based on the repetition of key contents, to guarantee a progressive and natural learning process. In addition, the only thing graduates will need is a device with Internet access to access the study materials remotely, at the time or place of their choice. In addition, the Virtual Campus will be available at all times and will allow users to download the contents so that they can consult them whenever they wish. In short, this program will provide psychologists with the indispensable
the indispensable specialization to broaden their professional profile.

Get the most out of mindfulness techniques and improve the emotional state of users through the innovative contents of this program"

This Postgraduate diploma in Treatment of Eating Disorders contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in psychology, Dietetics and Nutrition, etc…
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Looking to enhance your your therapeutic skills? Get specialized in motivation and coaching of ED cases through this Postgraduate diploma"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will apply the most advanced strategies to treat feeding resistance thanks to this 100% online program"


With the Relearning system you will integrate the concepts in a natural and progressive way. Forget about memorizing"


This program will provide students with a broad vision of eating disorders. For this purpose, the academic itinerary will offer the most updated and complete contents of the academic market. Likewise, students will be up to date with all the advances that have emerged in this health field.

In this way, psychologists will make the best diagnoses while providing the most effective treatments to their patients.


In just 6 months you will give your career the boost it needs, in the approach to pathologies of eating behavior”

General Objectives

  • Assess and diagnose Eating Disorders in an accurate and early manner
  • Rate the causal factors of EDs
  • Identify and manage medical and psychological comorbidities
  • Design and implement personalized therapeutic plans for patients with EDs
  • Employ evidence-based therapeutic approaches
  • Manage critically ill patients with ED effectively
  • Establish the group therapy and social support for patients and their families
  • Promote a healthy body image and prevent EDs in educational settings

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Transdiagnostic Multidisciplinary Integrated Treatment

  • Understand the fundamental principles of the transdiagnostic approach to in the treatment of Eating Disorders (EDs)
  • Recognize the crucial role of health professionals in comprehensive treatment, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding the specific roles of each specialist in the treatment of eating disorders
  • Acquire skills for nutritional assessment in patients with EDs, planning adapted and balanced diets, and addressing resistance to eating effectively
  • Establish the different levels of care, from outpatient to intensive treatment, and apply criteria for selecting the appropriate level including ongoing assessment of severity
  • Define medical and psychological parameters for the identification of critically ill patients, using assessment tools and scales, and fostering collaboration between professionals to establish a diagnosis of critical illness

Module 2. Evidence-based psychological and psychopharmacologic intervention

  • From diagnosis to recovery and maintenance of the ED patient
  • Understand the principles of motivational interviewing in the context of Eating Disorders (EDs), developing therapeutic skills to foster motivation and change in patients
  • Evaluate the types of psychotropic drugs used in the treatment of EDs, considering indications, prescription and the efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy
  • Establish the principles of humanistic therapies and their application in EDs, promoting self-acceptance and self-reflection in the patient and evaluating the effectiveness of these therapies
  • Analyze the role of the family in the treatment of ED, exploring the approach of third generation therapies and applying specific strategies to involve the family
  • Clarify the benefits and dynamics of group therapies in EDs, analyzing types of therapeutic groups and examples of successful programs
  • Explore creative therapies, dance movement therapy and coaching as new treatments in EDs, broadening the spectrum of therapeutic approaches
  • Understand the stages of recovery in EDs, evaluate factors that influence successful recovery, analyze the process of adaptation and behavioral change, and explore strategies for relapse prevention and long-term maintenance

Module 3. Nutritional Treatment in the ED Patient

  • Identify nutritional treatment goals according to the findings of the nutritional assessment
  • Identify nutritional imbalances and specific deficiencies in patients with EDs what are the mandatory and complementary examinations
  • Establish nutritional goals adapted to each type of ED, such as Anorexia, Bulimia or Binge Eating Disorder
  • Design individualized dietary plans that are adjusted to the needs, preferences of the patient and sociocultural aspects of the family. Review the concept of food insecurity
  • Apply principles of nutritional therapy to address dysfunctional eating patterns in patients with Binge Eating Disorder
  • Recognize the importance of consistent nutritional follow-up throughout the treatment of EDs

You will have access to a library full of multimedia resources in different audiovisual formats, to guarantee dynamic learning"

Postgraduate Diploma in Treatment of Eating Disorders

Address the complex challenges of eating disorders with our specialized training. The Postgraduate Diploma in this discipline created by TECH Global University is designed for mental health and clinical professionals seeking to acquire advanced knowledge and specialized tools to guide patients toward sustainable recovery. Begin your academic journey by exploring the theoretical and practical foundations of eating disorders (ED) treatment. This will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the complexity of these disorders and the foundations for effectively addressing them. Next, you will discover cutting-edge therapeutic approaches designed to address EDs from a variety of perspectives. This module focuses on personalized strategies and innovative techniques that optimize the recovery process. From this, you will be ready to lead effective interventions and support patients on their journey to recovery.

Get qualified with a Postgraduate Diploma in Eating Disorder Treatment

To achieve our goal of being the best online university in the world, we employ innovative methodologies, multimedia supported classes and Relearning teaching models that, together will achieve a dynamic and efficient educational process. With us, you will explore specific psychological therapies and psychoeducation techniques to strengthen therapeutic intervention. This module will equip you with practical tools to guide patients in their understanding and management of ED. Finally, you will understand the importance of the nutritional approach to treatment and learn to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams; enabling you to address the comprehensiveness of treatment to address the physical and emotional dimensions of ED. Upon completion of this program, you will become an expert in the treatment of eating disorders, ready to lead effective interventions and support patients on their journey to recovery. Join us and make a significant difference in the field of mental health - enroll now and mark the beginning of your specialization in the treatment of EDs!