
You will master the effects of Eating Disorders on the cardiovascular system through the most exclusive 100% online program"


Bulimia Nervosa can lead to a chemical and electrolyte imbalance in the body, which can even affect the functions of the heart and other major organs. For example, laxative abuse may cause irregular bowel movements and chronic constipation. Also, periods of binge eating increase the risk of potential gastric rupture. In this context, it is vital that psychologists have a thorough understanding of the medical and emotional complications of EDs. This will enable them to employ treatments aimed at emotional regulation, which will also bring great therapeutic benefits.

In response to this need, TECH has developed a pioneering program to make students aware of the gastrointestinal complications of EDs. Backed by experienced faculty, the curriculum will address in depth the damage to the esophagus and stomach lining. In addition, it will address the dangers of both perforation and bleeding in the esophagus. In this sense, students will learn how to detect the symptoms of bulimina nervosa and apply the most beneficial cognitive-behavioral therapies according to the particularities of each patient.  In addition, mental health professionals will promote a healthy body image and develop actions to prevent eating disorders in society. 

On the other hand, students will only require a device with Internet access to access the didactic material. In this sense, the schedules and evaluation chronograms can be planned individually. It should be noted that the syllabus will be based on the innovative Relearning teaching system that relies on repetition to guarantee the mastery of its different aspects. At the same time, it mixes the learning process with real situations so that knowledge is acquired in a natural and progressive way, without the extra effort of memorizing. Also, the program uses resources in various formats such as explanatory videos or infographics.

Expand your knowledge without geographic limitations or pre-established timing. Specialize from anywhere in the world!"

This Postgraduate certificate in Medical and Emotional Complications of EDs - Organs and Systems Affected by EDs contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Psychology, Nutrition, Dietetics, etc.
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Looking to reduce the occurrence of arrhythmias and myocardial damage? This hands-on training provides you with the guidelines to stop them"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will learn more about the risk of acute renal failure in cases of severe EDs"


Relearning will enable you to learn with less effort and more performance, involving you more in your professional specialization"


This module will enable students to comprehensively understand the consequences of eating disorders, which will be essential for effective treatment. Upon completion of this academic pathway, graduates will recognize vulnerabilities to infections and immunosuppression in patients with ED. In addition, they will develop optimal strategies to strengthen the immune system and develop optimal therapies. 


In just 6 weeks, you'll give your career the boost it needs by understanding in detail pathologies such as anxiety"

General Objectives

  • Assess and diagnose Eating Disorders in an accurate and early manner
  • Rate the causal factors of EDs
  • Identify and manage medical and psychological comorbidities
  • Design and implement personalized therapeutic plans for patients with EDs
  • Employ evidence-based therapeutic approaches
  • Manage critically ill patients with ED effectively
  • Establish the group therapy and social support for patients and their families
  • Promote a healthy body image and prevent EDs in educational settings

Specific Objectives

  • Understand the impact on metabolism, hormone function, risk of osteoporosisand bone weakness in people with EDs
  • Determine changes in skin, hair and dental problems caused by malnutrition in patients with ED and apply preventive measures
  • Analyze the impact of ED on the brain, identify neuropsychiatric symptoms and assess the risk of brain damage
  • Recognize loss of muscle mass and weakness, assess risks for osteoporosis and bone fractures, and develop physical rehabilitation strategies
  • Detect kidney damage due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, assess risk of acute renal failure, and implement treatment and monitoring measures
  • Recognize vulnerability to infections and immunosuppression in patients with EDs and develop strategies to strengthen the immune system in recovery

A university program that will provide you with strategies to strengthen the immune system during recovery"

Postgraduate Certificate in Medical and Emotional Complications of EDs - Organs and Systems Affected by EDs

Eating disorders (ED) are a multifaceted challenge that goes beyond the emotional sphere, extending into direct impact on organs and systems of the body. Would you like to specialize in this field? TECH Global University has the ideal option for you. Through the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical and Emotional Complications of ED - Organs and Systems Affected by ED, you will obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to work in this area. Through a 100% online mode of study and an innovative curriculum, you will explore the complexities of how EDs affect the cardiovascular system. From the bradycardia associated with anorexia, to the long-term implications on heart health, you will address the medical and emotional complications that arise in the cardiovascular setting. In addition, you will analyze how TCAs influence the gastrointestinal system and nutrition. From malabsorption, to electrolyte imbalances, you will gain an in-depth understanding about the complications that can arise and how they affect physical and emotional health.

Get your degree from the largest online psychology school

Here, you'll get a detailed analysis of how ACTs affect the body's organs and systems, highlighting the importance of comprehensive intervention. You'll explore the emotional complications that accompany EDs. Depression, anxiety and personality disorders are significant facets of mental health affected by these disorders. This module highlights the need for comprehensive care that addresses both the medical, as well as the emotional aspects. Finally, you will investigate how EDs impact the skeletal and endocrine system. From osteoporosis, to hormonal dysfunctions, this module examines the medical and emotional complications that can arise, highlighting the importance of prevention and early management. Upon completion, you will be equipped with in-depth knowledge that will enable you to contribute significantly to the intervention and treatment of such disease. Join us and delve deeper into the complexity of these disorders - enroll now and lead the way to comprehensive care!!!