
Get up to date on the latest technological and procedural advances, thanks to this completely practical program, of Clinical Ultrasound in the Primary Care setting”


Clinical Ultrasound has years of application behind it, but it continues to be a safe, fast, reliable, innocuous, non-invasive, well tolerated by the patient and relatively inexpensive diagnostic test. In addition, and with the advance of new technologies applied to the health field, Clinical Ultrasound has evolved towards new working methods with smaller and more mobile devices and, therefore, much more accessible.

In the last 50 years, ultrasound has been extremely relevant to advances in healthcare, becoming an indispensable tool for health professionals when physically examining patients. This discipline has evolved in recent decades, from being restricted to radiodiagnostic services, to being included in all healthcare environments.

Being aware of the relevance of Clinical Ultrasound in nursing practice, TECH has prepared this Practical Training program that aims to provide the professional the opportunity to learn in a reference center everything related to this specialty. Therefore, after 3 weeks of intensive academic practice, the nurse will be prepared to put into practice the latest advances in Clinical Ultrasound in their daily practice in Primary Care.

A unique opportunity that gives access to state-of-the-art equipment, to high-level professionals who will tutor the work and, above all, to the treatment of real cases in professional practice. All this only by taking this Practical Training with TECH.


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences

Why our program?

Healthcare professionals are subject to constant updating with the aim of always working in accordance with the latest technical and technological advances in their field. In this sense, clinical ultrasound is a basic tool in numerous procedures, and its use in primary care has been increasing in recent years. In addition, the equipment for this non-invasive technique has been evolving, introducing a more precise and detailed view of the area of the body being scanned Therefore, it is necessary to provide professionals with a program such as this one, of a practical nature, where they will have the opportunity to spend time in a prestigious health center. In addition, it will be taught by experts from the institution itself, ensuring active and intensive learning in a 100% real working environment. 

vocational apprenticeships primary care clinical ultrasound nursing TECH Global University

Up-to-date yourself, thanks to TECH, in a real environment with experienced professionals, in the applications of Clinical Ultrasound in Primary Care” 

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Clinical Ultrasound is a procedure that has a long history but has undergone numerous technological changes. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to these changes, being able to perform from the most advanced equipment. And this completely practical TECHprogram takes into account this situation to offer the professional the latest technology in this area, which will be available at the center where the student stays. 

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

The student will be accompanied by a large team of professionals with extensive experience in the use of Clinical Ultrasound in the field of Primary Care. Therefore, and with the constant guidance of a specifically designated tutor, you will be able to access cases and patients in a completely real environment, carrying out various activities related to this health procedure. 

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship program. Therefore, the professional will have the opportunity to access a highly prestigious clinical environment, where they will be able to work in the Primary Care area. There you will have the opportunity to perform the most advanced health procedures in Clinical Ultrasound, always surrounded by a team of experts from the health center itself. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

This program has been designed with you in mind" Therefore, all the activities that the student will carry out during the stay have a direct and immediate application in the professional field. For this reason, the student will be prepared to apply the most advanced techniques of Clinical Ultrasound in their own workplace, without cumbersome theoretical lessons. 

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

Internship program offers the possibility of doing this Internship Program, not only in national, but also in international centers. This way, the Nurse will be able , to expand their frontiers and catch up with the best professionals who practice in first class centers and in different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH, the largest online university in the world, could offer.  

professional practices primary care clinical ultrasound nursing TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Clinical Ultrasound in Primary Care

Ultrasound is one of the most widely used imaging procedures in the clinical area to quickly and non-invasively obtain an anatomical diagnosis of the patient. In the work of Nursing it is essential that each professional knows in detail the new developments in the field, in order to include in their daily practice the most updated techniques. The Internship Program in Clinical Ultrasound in Primary Care offered by TECH Global University is a program specially developed to polish your skills in this field. The program employs state-of-the-art academic resources, including lessons taught in a hospital setting, continuous support from experts and completely innovative study material. The syllabus will allow you to explore aspects such as the physical principles of ultrasound and how it works, followed by basic and advanced procedures in ultrasonography at a diagnostic or therapeutic level. In turn, you will study the types of clinical ultrasound: head, neck, thoracic, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, vascular and digestive system. As a result, you will be able to manage ultrasound-guided procedures in hospital and out-of-hospital situations in a safer and more efficient way.

Learn about clinical ultrasound in primary care

Primary care encompasses elementary healthcare that uses practical methods and technologies to democratize the healthcare system to all populations. It is thanks to it that a community can have access to both medicine and/or Nursing, as well as to different specialized diagnostic tests; among them ultrasound. Hence the great value of this Internship Program. Here at TECH you will find a preparation of excellence, you will have the opportunity to access the latest generation of equipment and the treatment of real cases in professional practice. The program has a duration of three weeks, distributed in eight-hour days from Monday to Friday, which guarantees that you will receive a totally immersive and dynamic learning. Through the study plan, you will learn the ultrasound modalities, the indications or limitations of ultrasonography and its application in the most frequent clinical situations. In this way, you will manage to include the latest advances in the field in your daily work.