
The program is aimed primarily at professionals in the area of Obstetrics and Gynecology who may be interested in completing their training in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery” 


There are two fundamental reasons to do this postgraduate course:

  • The need to train, or boost, professional specialisation in keyhole Gynecology Surgery
  • To give those professionals certification demonstrating their complete training. Generally, this sub-speciality is under-represented in programs, at the same time as more and more gynaecology surgery professionals are looking to train in this field

What’s more, Laparascopic and hysteroscopic gynaecology surgery are becoming increasingly  clinically conventional, meaning that in the majority of centres in this country, there is a tendency to rely on it more and more. 

This program is to aid professionals employing minimally invasive surgery to diagnose and treat patients suffering from gynaecological pathologies. Using the latest educational tools, it will help them to take safe, quality-focused decisions regarding treatment options.

Este programa tiene como objetivo permitir la actualización, con el empleo de la última tecnología educativa, para contribuir con calidad y seguridad a la toma de decisiones médicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la paciente con patología ginecológica, que pueda ser llevada a cabo mediante cirugía mínimamente invasiva.

Over 12 months, this professional master’s degree, comprised of 15 modules and more than 150 subjects, addresses subjects as significant and cutting edge as: treatment of benign appendage pathology, hysteroscopic treatment of endometrial pathology, surgical Management of uterine fibroids, laparoscopic management. Of pelvic endometriosis, treatment of oncological gynaecological pathology, and special areas on new technologies including robotic Surgery, and single port surgery, as well as  treatment for pelvic floor pathology using mesh and other techniques- All of this is designed by a group specialising in minimally invasive gynaecology surgery at a national level. 

This training will generate a sense of security in the physician’s professional practice, which will help them grow personally and professionally”

This professional master’s degree in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery contains the most complete and updated scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • More than 75 clinical cases presented by experts in Minimally Invasive  Surgery in Gynecology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional
  • Diagnostic-therapeutic developments on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in Minimally Invasive  Surgery in Gynecology
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Iconography of clinical and diagnostic imaging tests
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • With special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University”

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training program to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the physician will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field of Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery with extensive teaching experience.

This TECH Global University offers training in simulated environments, which provides an immersive learning experience designed to train for real-life situations"


It includes clinical cases to bring the program's degree as close as possible to the reality of medical care"


The program in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery is aimed at enhancing the work of physicians devoted to the treatment of gynecological surgical pathology.


Through this professional master’s degree, you will be able to update your knowledge of the procedures in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, and improve patient prognosis by reducing sequelae and complications”

General Objectives 

  • Gain knowledge of all of the medical  tools available  to carry out endoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
  • Look at preparing the surgical theatre for endoscopy
  • Study general aspects such as the ergonomics of the theatre used for laparoscopy and electrosurgery  in gynecological procedures
  • Application of appropriate techniques for each particular clinical case
  • In-depth knowledge of female pelvic and abdominal anatomy
  • Gain the knowledge to create a training model (pelvi-trainer) for laparascopic stitching and other exercises aimed at acquiring skills in dissection and cutting
  • Study hysteroscopic techniques and their application in uterine pathology
  • Establish a battery of alternatives for management of benign ovarian pathology
  • Study treatment for benign uterine pathology
  • Knowledge of techniques to resolve pelvic floor problems using laparoscopy
  • Application of mini-mesh
  • Endometriosis management via endoscopy
  • Study of the different minimally invasive advanced techniques in gynecological oncology 
  • Use of medical tools to resolve complications in gynecological endoscopy
  • Knowledge of Related Economic Aspects when using endoscopic techniques
  • Knowledge of new endoscopy technology such as robotic surgery, single port and mini-laparoscopy
  • Knowledge of the importance of laparoscopy in improving fertility

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Minimally Invasive Surgery

  • Delve deeper into the history of laparoscopy
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to prepare the endoscopic operating room
  • Know the correct postural factors and ergonomics
  • Approach the management of patients pre- and post-operatively
  • Know the details of conventional laparoscopic operating rooms
  • Determine the anesthetic and recovery details of patients
  • Learn Fast-Track postoperative management and the ERAS protocol
  • Describe the main features irrigation and suction systems
  • Become familiar with the history of laparoscopy

Module 2. Instrumentation, Materials and Electrosurgery

  • Manage the preparation of the surgical site before each operation
  • Establish skin cleansing and asepsis
  • Learn how to position patients on the operating table
  • Learn the peculiarities of integrated operating rooms
  • Increase knowledge of anesthetic aspects related to endoscopy
  • Learn the different applications of bipolar and monopolar energy in instrumentation
  • Acquire information about electrosurgery for its use in clinical practice
  • Select morcellation instruments and apply them safely
  • Describe the main features of specimen extraction bags
  • Determine the types and use of tissue sealants

Module 3. General Training in Minimally Invasive Surgery

  • Identify dissection and cutting instruments for laparoscopy and the use of each 
  • piece of equipment
  • Select the correct optics for each specific patient
  • Differentiate between entry trocars used in surgeries
  • Perform pelvitrainer simulation exercises
  • Learn how to assemble a homemade pelvitrainer
  • Explain the use of learning pyramids
  • Identify the types of laparoscopic simulators
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of animal simulation procedures
  • Bring new advances to cadaver simulation procedures
  • Apply simulated organ models
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of simple laparoscopic suturing procedures

Module 4. Laparoscopic Suture Training  

  • Explore all the material for laparoscopic suturing, including suture holders, suture threads, needles and other instruments
  • Give a detailed description of all the accessory material for gynecological laparoscopy
  • Distinguish the types of recorders available for surgery
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the orientation of laparoscopic vision systems
  • Identify the types of insufflators and how they work
  • Identify general surgical instruments

Module 5. Female Surgical Anatomy 

  • Review the anatomy of the abdominal wall
  • Review the anatomy of the pelvic and abdominal visceral system, including the upper abdomen
  • Refresh understanding of pelvic vascular system anatomy and review the para-aortic vascular system and the vena cava
  • Identify the different parts of the lymphatic system and their detailed laparoscopic management
  • Review the functional anatomy of the female pelvic floor

Module 6. Exploratory Laparoscopy and Adnexal Benign Pathology 

  • Define the specific technique in suturing and intracorporeal and extracorporeal knotting
  • Adapt the avascular spaces for endoscopic surgery
  • Acquire fluency in the resolution of simple pathologies, such as polyps and endometrial hyperplasia

Module 7. Pelvic Floor Pathology and Vaginal Mesh Use 

  • Determine vulvo-vaginal area exploration and its relation to pelvic floor pathology
  • Review the functional anatomy of the female pelvic floor
  • Review the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous anatomy of the female pelvis
  • Identify abdomino-pelvic vascular abnormalities
  • Select the different types of laparoscopic and vaginal meshes for the resolution of such abnormalities
  • Incorporate advances in the application of cystoscopy after reparative techniques
  • Review the scientific evidence on the use of endoscopy in pelvic floor pathology
  • Gain a detailed understanding of the use of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
  • Foresee complications and their management in pelvic floor pathology
  • Explain the procedures for laparoscopic repair of paravaginal defects
  • Explain the placement procedure for different meshes to resolve urinary incontinence

Module 8. Benign Uterine Pathology and Dysgenesis 

  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of management procedures for benign ovarian and tubal pathology, including cystectomy and adnexectomy
  • Update procedures to manage large complex tumors

Module 9. Hysteroscopic Surgery 

  • Prepare the material for diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy
  • Update the new technological advances in hysteroscopy, such as morcellators, lasers and endometrial ablation systems 
  • Describe the tools to perform hysteroscopy in the office
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the literature on advances in hysteroscopy
  • Explain advanced techniques, such as malformation treatment or hysteroscopic myomectomy
  • Improve success rate in consultation
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the indications for office or surgical hysteroscopy
  • Learn the latest developments in hysteroscopic surgery
  • Acquire skills to resolve hysteroscopic complications, typical of the technique, such as perforations or vasovagal syndrome
  • Identify the different techniques used in uterine morcellation and myoma morcellation laparoscopically in a watertight manner to avoid the possibility of dissemination in case of uterine sarcoma
  • Select the different endoscopy applications within the different modalities of complexity in hysterectomy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the use of laparoscopy in uterine malformations and their resolution
  • Incorporate the advances of the laparoscopic neovagina technique 
  • Incorporate theoretical knowledge related to vaginal vault dehiscence 
  • Identify the different types of uterine mobilizers 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the evaluation procedures for pelvic floor defects 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of procedures to manage ectopic pregnancy using laparoscopy 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of procedures to manage ovarian torsion using laparoscopy 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures to manage pelvic infections using laparoscopy 
  • Establish the strategy to adequately access the abdominal cavity 
  • Describe the process of taking an exploratory biopsy and abdominal cytology using laparoscopy 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the laparoscopic management of ovarian remnant syndrome 
  • Update the procedures to manage uterine fibroids 
  • Establish the strategy to reduce bleeding in laparoscopic myomectomy

Module 10. Laparoscopy in Endometriosis 

  • Conduct detailed analyses of patients with possible endometriosis
  • Incorporate advances in the application of imaging techniques and tumor markers to diagnose endometriosis
  • Describe the classifications of endometriosis by different authors
  • Explain the therapeutic possibilities of endometriosis in each specific case
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures to manage endometriosis in the recto vaginal and ovarian septum
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures to manate patients with endometriosis involving the lateral compartment
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the management procedures for the recommended medical treatment of endometriosis
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of treatment in cases of intestinal endometriosis
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of laparoscopic management procedures for endometriosis of urinary origin
  • Describe the main characteristics of extra pelvic endometriosis, such as in the abdominal wall, in the lungs and other organs
  • Know the reproductive effects of endometriosis treatment

Module 11. Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology 

  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of exploratory laparoscopy for gynecologic cancer
  • Foresee the possible oncologic complications due to the specific endoscopic technique used 
  • Describe the main characteristics of port of entry metastases
  • Know the effect of mobilizers and pneumoperitoneum in gynecological cancer
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the lymphadenectomy procedures  in the gynecological context
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures involved in the specific technique of systematic transperitoneal and extraperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy
  • Select which type of laparoscopy should be used for inguinal lymphadenectomy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the applications of endoscopy in ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancer
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures involved in specific techniques, such as laparoscopic trachelectomy and parametrectomy in the context of cervical cancer
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of sentinel lymph node application procedures in endoscopy and gynecology
  • Identify the different types of tracers and fluorescence
  • Explain the technique for pelvic exenteration using laparoscopy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures involved in minimally invasive surgery for recurrences of different gynecologic cancers
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures involved in laparoscopic management of borderline ovarian tumors
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures involved in laparoscopic management of lymph node recurrences in genital cancer

Module 12. Complications in Minimally Invasive Surgery 

  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures to manage vascular lesions using endoscopy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures to manage intestinal lesions using endoscopy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the procedures used to manage urological lesions using endoscopy
  • Identify the main characteristics of abdominal wall injuries and complications
  • Explain how to manage complications in radical hysterectomy
  • Select the use of hemostatic agents in endoscopy
  • Foresee the complications derived from pelvic floor meshes
  • Foresee the complications that occur intraoperatively, as well as those that go unnoticed during surgery
  • Determine nervous and other complications, such as pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE), infections, etc.

Module 13. Stress and its Impact on Fertility 

  • Describe the peculiarities of endoscopy and its use in pregnant patients
  • Update the procedures used in tubal recanalization techniques
  • Identify the different uses of endoscopy in relation to patient fertility
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the literature on the effects of endoscopy on fertility

Module 14. Ultra Minimally Invasive Surgery 

  • Explain the main characteristics of adhesions and how to prvent them
  • Describe laparoscopic tubal chromopertubation
  • Incorporate the advances in the 3 mm laparoscopic technique
  • Select specific instruments for mini-laparoscopy
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the specific technique for 3 mm ports
  • Incorporate the novel aspects of single-port laparoscopy
  • Describe the main characteristics of the instrumentation specific single-port
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the technique for single-glove laparoscopy 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the specific technique for single-ports 
  • Describe the advantages of each of the ultra mini-invasive techniques 
  • Foresee technical problems derived from using these methods in interventions 

Module 15. Robotic Surgery in Gynecology 

  • Incorporate new options, such as surgery without entry trocars, into practice 
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of Robotic Surgery in Gynecology 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of the different types of robotic systems for surgery, such as the Da Vinci, Zeus or Amadeus 
  • Identify how to apply this type of surgery in Gynecology 
  • Describe the procedures for the specific instrumentation used in Robotic Surgery 
  • Evaluate the financial aspects of Robotic Surgery 
  • Foresee the complications typical of Robotic Surgery 
  • Identify how to apply single-port in Gynecologic Robotic Surgery 
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge of on new robotic advances

Take advantage of the opportunity and take the step to get up-to-date on the latest developments in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery"

Professional Master's Degree in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery

Updating oneself in an area such as gynecology is indispensable, especially when it comes to surgical interventions whose success depends on the physician's skills. Performing a uterine perforation to correct endometriosis or genital malformation syndrome is a task that requires specialized skills. That is why, on this occasion, TECH Global University brings a program of extraordinary educational value that breaks down in detail procedures such as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy or endoscopic surgery for oncological pathologies. It is the Professional Master's Degree in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, a 100% online program that combines highly efficient educational methodologies with an advanced platform of medical digital files that you will not find anywhere else. It lasts one year, during which you will not only have the mentoring of excellent professors, but you will also be able to manage your own schedule. Both general topics (asepsis and antisepsis, preparation of the surgical field) and specific advanced topics (urological complications, robotic systems for surgery) are explained. Do you want to grow professionally in the hospital sector? Then this postgraduate program is for you.

Get qualified in minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries

Surgical procedures involving minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy are increasingly recurrent, due to their small incisions and practices that lead to a quick recovery time, with less postoperative pain and an aesthetic result on the skin. In gynecology this method is of significant utility to address issues such as: preoperative assessment of adnexal masses, cystectomy and adnexectomy in benign ovarian tumor, or the management of complex non-endometriotic adnexal cysts. By accessing our Professional Master's Degree you will be able to learn about the above concepts and incorporate others to your competence canon: electrosurgery, pelvic floor pathology and use of vaginal mesh, benign uterine pathology and dysgenesis, endometriosis, gynecological cancers, among other interesting approaches that will be explained in ten modules. Thanks to the curricular flexibility and technological immersion provided by our platform, you will achieve an excellent command in a field that is widely requested at the clinical level. Do not hesitate and join the best online university in the world.