
Get up to date on the latest methodologies and protocols to intervene the child patient with Epilepsy through this Practical Training”


In little more than a decade, the techniques for Neurophysiological Diagnosis and Treatment have experienced exponential growth. Research in this medical area has brought with it complex methods and equipment such as the exploitation of the autonomic nervous system or the visual pathway, the use of video-electroencephalograms, invasive recordings, prolonged monitoring or electromyography of specific regions. In turn, Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring technologies have become indispensable in most surgical units of medical centers.

Based on this scenario, TECH has created a first level Practical Training in which the medical professional will be updated on the latest developments for the monitoring of the brain's electrical activity and the most innovative procedures for the detection of neuromuscular diseases. On the other hand, you will be up to date on the latest clinical and instrumental approach protocols for sleep disorders. He will also delve into Neuromodulation for therapeutic purposes.

This learning process will take place through a face-to-face and 100% practical stay in state-of-the-art medical centers. In these facilities, the neurologist will work alongside experts known internationally for their mastery of the most complex procedures in this scientific field. These professionals will monitor the physician's progress and introduce them to the care of real cases using advanced instrumentation and modern techniques. The training will be extended for 3 intensive weeks, Monday through Friday, in 8-hour days.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"

Why our program?

Neurophysiology stands out in the medical landscape as a complex, interesting, attractive and constantly growing discipline. Its contribution is fundamental for the diagnosis and certain treatments of the nervous system and is possible thanks to the continuous renovation of its techniques and working tools. TECH has developed this educational product, 100% practical, to offer a multisectorial and holistic update to the physician on the latest scientific developments in this sector. The learning process will be carried out through a 3-week intensive on-site stay in internationally renowned hospitals. Likewise, in these health facilities, the professional in academic preparation will acquire knowledge together with prestigious experts in this medical area.

vocational apprenticeships up date neurophysiological diagnosis treatment TECH Global University

With TECH, you will develop new skills for the management of complex tools to implement high-level procedures such as Polysomnography and Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring”

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

In recent years, neurophysiology has evolved at a dizzying pace, giving rise to highly complex diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. From this degree, the physician will be able to up to date themselves on the application of all of them by means of innovative technologies. In particular, it will delve into the set of tools and techniques that are integrated into the area of Electronystagmography to diagnose involuntary eye movement, dizziness and balance disorders.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

During this study program, the physician will have direct access to professionals with prestigious experience in the field of Neurophysiology. Together with them, you will work to diagnose real cases of varying complexity. You will also be guided at all times by a designated tutor who will rigorously monitor your academic progress.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments 

TECH has made a careful selection of all the centers that are now available to the health professional to complete this Practical Training. These healthcare facilities were chosen for their results and international prestige, which, in turn, were achieved through an excellent staff of expert neurologists and the use of high-end diagnostic and treatment equipment for this specialty.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment 

Although the educational environment has multiple programs about Neurophysiology, none of them emphasizes the neurologist's update in a 100% practical way. Therefore, TECH sets itself apart from its competitors by providing a unique educational program that will allow the professional to deal directly with real patients from the first hour of this training.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH's educational programs aim for its graduates to achieve international prestige upon completion of this Practical Training. To this end, it has devised an intensive educational model that will facilitate the professional's stay in cutting-edge medical institutions, located in different geographical latitudes.

professional practices up date neurophysiological diagnosis treatment TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Up to Date Neurophysiological Diagnosis and Treatment

Neurophysiology is a medical discipline that studies the nervous system and its relationship with the functioning of the human body. At TECH Global University we offer a Update in Neurophysiological Diagnosis and Treatment Internship Program designed to update and train the professional in the application of the most recent and advanced techniques in the field of clinical neurophysiology.

In this program, the student will be trained in the application of the most recent and advanced techniques in the field of neurophysiology.

In this program, the participant will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies related to the nervous system, such as sleep disorders, epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, among others. Topics such as the interpretation of electrophysiological studies, the use of neuroimaging techniques and the application of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies in the management of these pathologies will be addressed. In addition, the importance of a thorough clinical evaluation and interdisciplinary teamwork will be emphasized in order to provide comprehensive and quality care to patients.