
Learn how to turn ideas into impactful and notorious multimedia projects, with the most up-to-date knowledge of this sector in a comfortable and flexible program"


Through an exclusive methodology this professional master’s degree will take you into the territory of audiovisual culture. Graphic design professionals need to know the audiovisual phenomena that move in the same paradigms of graphic communication. The influence of some media on others, the different combinations of media and the new graphic products that incorporate different techniques and approaches from other communicative areas, are a knowledge that will open new lines of thought and work. 

In this sense, having knowledge in all possible aspects of work is a gateway to very interesting possibilities and new avenues to explore. 

Therefore, this program will address the aspects that a designer needs to know to plan, develop and finalize any audiovisual project. A formative program that will help students to achieve success in the challenges of a first-class professional.

Multimedia Design is presented as a viable option for a professional who decides to work independently but also to be part of any organization or company. An interesting avenue of professional development that will benefit from the specific knowledge that we now make available to you in this program.

This program will allow you to enhance your skills and update your knowledge in Multimedia Design"

This professional master’s degree in Multimedia Design contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of a Large Number of Case Studies Presented by Experts
  • Graphic, schematic, and highly practical contents 
  • The latest developments and cutting-edge advances in this field
  • Practical Exercises where the Self-assessment Process can be Carried Out in Order to Improve Learning
  • Innovative and highly efficient methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A complete and up-to-date program that will allow you to learn all the tools you need to develop multimedia projects, with a clear vision in the practical learning of its use"

The Development of this Course is Focused on the Practice of the Proposed Theoretical Learning Through the most effective teaching systems, proven methods imported from the most prestigious universities in the world, you will be able to acquire new knowledge in a practical way. In this way, TECH strives to convert its efforts into real and immediate competencies.

The online system is another strength of the educational program. With an interactive platform that has the advantages of the latest technological developments, the most interactive digital tools made available. This way, it is possible to offer a way of learning that is totally adaptable to students’ needs, so they can perfectly combine this program with their personal or working life.

Boost your profession by incorporating the professional's perspective, through a complete program designed to teach you how to turn ideas into projects"


A training program created to allow you to implement your acquired knowledge into your daily practice in an almost immediate way"


With this professional master’s degree, students will learn to develop a complete Multimedia Design project, promoting creative thinking and providing it with confidence through the specific knowledge of the demands that the sector imposes on its professionals.

magister diseno multimedia

You will learn how to decide to express ideas using the most appropriate media in each case to give your multimedia designs the best chance of success"

General Objectives

  • Develop a complete Multimedia Design project
  • Determine the appropriate tools for its development
  • Define the ideal techniques for each graphic communicative situation 
  • Perform the whole process of creating pieces and adapting them to different formats

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Audiovisual Culture

  • Acquire the ability to integrate knowledge and generate new knowledge
  • Gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
  • Be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
  • Employ convergent and divergent thinking in the processes of observation, research, speculation, visualization and action
  • Recognize cultural diversity in the context of contemporary societies
  • Develop aesthetic sensitivity and cultivate the faculty of aesthetic appreciation

Module 2. Introduction to Color

  • Understand the importance of color in the visual environment
  • Acquire the capacity to observe, organize, distinguish between and manage color
  • Apply the psychological and semiotic foundations of color in design
  • Capture, manipulate and prepare color for its use in physical and virtual supports
  • Acquire the ability to formulate independent judgments, by means of arguments
  • Know how to document, by analyzing and interpreting documentary and literary sources with your own criteria

Module 3. Audiovisual Language

  • Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in different contexts and from a critical, creative and innovative perspective
  • Understand the audiovisual language and its importance
  • Know the basic parameters of a camera
  • Know the elements of an audiovisual narration, its use and importance
  • Be able to create audiovisual narratives, correctly applying usability and interactivity criteria
  • Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in different contexts and from a critical, creative and innovative perspective
  • Understand the relationship between technology and other fields of human knowledge

Module 4. Motion Graphics

  • Create animations with personality and style
  • Create a first animation of a character
  • Learn notions of time and space to apply in short graphics and visual projects
  • Explore and understand the basic principles of animation
  • Develop a visual and graphic style with its own identity
  • Understand what cartooning is and analyze its development throughout graphic history

Module 5. Design for Television

  • Write, develop, produce and coordinate digital design projects in the field of art, science and technology
  • Know the scope of television throughout history and nowadays, bearing in mind the new platforms that break the traditional television model
  • Understand the importance of the graphic identity of a television channel
  • Be critical and analytical of mass media, assessing their advantages and disadvantages
  • Getting started in the world of graphic compositing for television using After Effects
  • Integrate After Effects design into different types of graphics projects

Module 6. 2D Animation

  • Understand that animation is a medium that provides thematic freedom
  • Know the means available for the development of 2D animation
  • Interrelate 2D and 3D work environments for specific projects
  • Optimize the use of resources to achieve new planned objectives
  • Know and apply the principles of proportion in animated artistic representation
  • Recognize the visual and compositional language in the development of an animation

Module 7. Animation Projects

  • Know what stop motion is and its importance in the world of art and cinema
  • Learn how to make an audiovisual production using the stop motiontechnique
  • Understand the importance of a good narrative as a first step to create innovative projects that attract attention and work
  • Build stories by defining characters, scenarios and events through the planning of a script of the animation and what will be developed
  • Use techniques and strategies that encourage the creativity of the participants to create their stories
  • Understand the methodology of project-based learning: idea generation, planning, objectives, strategies, resources, testing, error correction

Module 8. Modeling

  • Know the basic characteristics of 3D rendering systems
  • Model, illuminate and texture 3D objects and environments
  • Apply the fundamentals on which the different types of projection are based to the modeling of three-dimensional objects
  • Know and understand how to apply concepts related to flat and three-dimensional representation in objects and scenes
  • Know how to apply the different techniques that exist for modeling objects and use them according to their suitability depending on the geometry
  • Know 3D modeling programs and specifically Blender

Module 9. Digital Photography

  • Capture, manipulate and prepare the image for use in different media
  • Know the basics of photographic and audiovisual technology
  • Know the language and expressive resources of photography and audiovisuals
  • Know relevant photographic and audiovisual works
  • Interrelate the formal and symbolic languages with the specific functionality
  • Handle the basic lighting and measuring equipment in photography
  • Understand the behavior and characteristics of light and valuing its expressive qualities

Module 10. Typography

  • Know the main syntax of graphic language and apply its rules to clearly and precisely describe objects and ideas
  • Know the origin of letters and their historical importance
  • Recognize, study and apply typography to graphic processes in a coherent way
  • Know and apply the fundamental aesthetics of typography
  • Know how to analyze the layout of texts in the design object
  • Be able to carry out professional work starting from typesetting

An opportunity created for professionals who are looking for an intensive and effective program to take a significant step forward in the practice of their profession”

Professional Master's Degree in Multimedia Design


Multimedia design has established itself as a fundamental discipline in web development. As a result, the demand for specialized professionals in this sector has been increasing, so qualify in this area is presented as an excellent opportunity for future job growth. The Professional Master's Degree in Multimedia Design at TECH Global University consists of 1,500 instructional hours, during which students will have access to high quality content, which will enable them to develop projects for the creation of audiovisual products, carefully controlling the different production processes and properly managing the work team to ensure a product according to the client's imagination.

Take a postgraduate course in multimedia design 100% online


This TECH program has sophisticated thematic axes, which will allow students to obtain the best knowledge in relation to audiovisual culture, animation projects, introduction to color, motion graphics, among other topics of utmost importance to consolidate as a multidisciplinary professional. Similarly, throughout the course we will focus on developing technical skills in handling digital tools that facilitate and improve the development in the work practice. On the other hand, it is worth noting that thanks to our 100% online modality, we can offer benefits of time and space, which will be of great help for the planning of daily life.