
This MBA in Education Center Management will generate a sense of confidence when fulfilling your role in your profession, which will help you to grow both on a personal and professional level" 


Likewise, the MBA in Education Center Management stands out for the comprehensive information it provides to focus on the improvement of learning environments and coexistence in educational settings. The program allows professionals to understand emotional states and positively enhance them, as well as self-esteem, motivation, adaptability, perseverance, empathy, decision-making, delay of gratification, cooperation, teamwork, prevention, and conflict management.

This training helps professionals in this field to increase their ability to succeed, which results in better practice and performance that will have a direct impact on educational outcomes, on the improvement of the educational system and on the social benefit for the whole community"

The MBA in Education Center Management will allow university students to 

  • Receive specialist training in managing educational centers and institutions
  • Supervise, inspect and assess the education community based on the Management Plan of the Center
  • Coordinate the different departments in an education center
  • Lead an Educational Innovation Plan, Improvement Plan, and Coexistence Plan

Expand your knowledge through the MBA in Education Center Management”

This professional master’s degree in MBA in Education Center Management, contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. The most important features include:

  • More than 75 clinical cases presented by experts in education center management
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical content that provide students with scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Innovative ideas on education centers
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in education center management
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This MBA may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to expanding your knowledge in Education Center Management you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University" 

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of education center management, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology will provide  the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training, programmed for training in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the education manager must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the education manager will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in the field of education center management with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this MBA in Education Center Management"


Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Education Center Management and improve your students’ education"


TheMBA in Education Center Management aims to broaden the training of teaching professionals who wish to become directors of public, private, or subsidized educational institutions.


This MBA is designed to help you expand your knowledge in Education Center Management with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and confidence to decision-making as a manager of education centers”

General Objectives

  • Identify structural lines and main problems in education centers 
  • Identify new models of educational management
  • Identify new challenges being set in the current education system
  • Know organization models and center processes
  • Understand the general and organizational structure of a school center
  • Know the profiles and styles of management and organization in the different educational systems
  • Learn to manage and direct the creation and development of a Management Plan in an education center
  • Know how to manage and conduct an educational project in a given center, in accordance with criteria of quality improvement, attention to diversity, coexistence, and prevention of learning problems
  • Identify the functions of the different single-person and collective bodies of the center
  • Identify agents of change and resistances to change in education centers and be capable of managing them efficiently
  • Understand interaction and communication processes in centers and be able to provide solutions in situations of conflict
  • Acquire the necessary tools for teamwork, negotiation, and conciliation
  • Understand the concepts of culture, climate and values, and be able to specify and define them in an educational center according to characteristics

Specific Objectives

  • Know the functions of the Manager figure themselves in an education center
  • Know the different components of an educational center
  • Identify the appropriate profiles of teachers for the different positions in the management department
  • Analyze different education systems from different countries
  • Evaluate the education center as an institution and an organization
  • Know the legal framework of an educational center
  • Know the functions, obligations and responsibilities of a center’s governing body
  • Analyze schools as institutions and as organizations
  • Reflect on the constitutive dimensions of school organization
  • Identify the different models of educational organizations
  • Explore the different focuses held by education centers
  • Reflect on Schools as Learning Organizations
  • Outline a Management Project
  • Describe the nature, objectives and resources of the center
  • Determine criteria for configuration of the working day for teachers
  • Examine the management criteria of the educational community as a whole
  • Establish management criteria for material and non-material resources
  • Present characteristics for schools of the future
  • Develop an Educational Innovation Project
  • Examine key factors in educational innovation
  • Elaborate a technological innovation development plan
  • Present collaborative work as a means for attention to diversity and Inclusive Education
  • Justify motivation in the classroom as a driver for learning
  • Develop the bases of collaborative work
  • Incorporate co-evaluation for groups and individuals
  • Incorporate the principles of attention to diversity
  • Acquire knowledge on High Intellectual Abilities of students
  • Develop a plan to prevent violence in the classroom
  • Establish measures for peaceful conflict resolution
  • Highlighting school-family relationship as an important pillar of education
  • Learn how to design digital programs
  • Reflect on the creation of programs according to the needs of each education center
  • Encourage the participation of the entire education community in digital chats and forums
  • Direct and supervise digital forums
  • Analyze the importance of initial, continuous and final evaluation in learning
  • Focus on individual differences as an initial and final objective
  • Present the new paradigm of education
  • Identify processes for conveying knowledge within teaching
  • Recognize oral expression as a skill to be developed in the classroom
  • Learn how to work with ICT resources in the classroom
  • Define the concept of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Explain the Fundamentals of NLP
  • Learn how to analyze the representational systems of teachers and students
  • Explain the cerebral hemispheres and their relationship with learning

Acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical tools necessary to be part of an MBA in Education Center Management project

General Management of Educational Centers Courses

The direction and management of educational centers and institutions iss a great challenge for professionals specializing in this area. The introduction of new technologies in teaching and the emergence of innovative methodologies such as gamification in the classroom, together with the administration of human and physical resources within the organization, require the management professional to be perfectly prepared to deal with any type of situation or context in educational scenarios. Understanding this training need, at TECH Global University we offer you the best Courses in General Management of Educational Centers, a collection of more than a dozen programs with a high curricular value, focused on training professionals for optimal performance of their managerial tasks.

Study a TECH Master's Degree in Educational Center Management and Administration

Through our TECH Master's programs you will reach professional excellence in the course of just 12 months. You will acquire all the strategic and managerial skills necessary for the optimal development of your respective educational institution. This includes aspects such as the strategic direction of the digital marketing of the entity, the development of innovation projects and the adoption of the fundamental characteristics and elements in educational leadership.

A Postgraduate Degree in General Management in Education

From Two-Year Master's Degrees to Diplomas, at TECH; the largest online university, you have the widest range of postgraduate programs in general management, with a curriculum carefully designed by leading international experts in the field, in order to offer a comprehensive training that is fully adapted to current professional needs.