
If you want to learn how to use the latest small animal surgical techniques in your daily practice, then this academic program is for you" 


Veterinarians are currently facing new challenges in the treatment of their patients and, therefore, the future of this scientific branch is specialization. Advances in this field bring with them new tools with which to diagnose and make treatments more precise, so it is necessary for professionals to acquire a sharper preparation about the strategies and protocols available to them for small animal intervention through surgery. This Hybrid Master's Degree offers theoretical content and first-level practical skills related to this professional field. Through it, the student will master the most contemporary specificities about the specific material and instruments for each anatomical region, the most precise anesthetics and complementary medications to become a true expert in pet surgery.  

This program consists of two main phases, the first of which will examine all these subjects from a theoretical point of view. In addition, once this part has been completed, the veterinarian will have the luxury of a three-week practical stay in a reference veterinary center where they will be able to put into action everything they have learned. It is, therefore, a qualification designed especially for those professionals who want to learn about this area of knowledge through an eminently practical plan. Therefore, it is a highly efficient educational project committed to updating knowledge in order to enhance a high quality professional practice. 

In addition, during the stay the professional will be able to see real cases alongside a professional team of reference in the veterinary area, applying the most innovative procedures of the latest generation. In this way, the practical activities that will take place during the plan will be aimed at developing and perfecting the skills required for this sector. With this study, the veterinarian will acquire updated knowledge, useful, with scientific rigor and ideal for immediate application in their daily clinical practice. A high-level academic occasion that aims to bring together minimally invasive surgical and therapeutic techniques that can be performed in the clinical practice of small animals. 

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by nursing professionals with expertise in intensive care and university professors with extensive experience in Minimally Invasive Techniques 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Veterinary patient assessment and monitoring, the latest international recommendations in minimally invasive surgery 
  • Comprehensive surgical approach plans for small animals 
  • Presentation of practical workshops on diagnosis, and therapeutic techniques for the veterinary patient
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Practical clinical guides on approaching different pathologies 
  • With a special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and the most effective methodologies in Surgery Small Animal Veterinary Surgery
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is available from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best veterinary centers in the worldIn this proposal for a Hybrid Professional Master’s 

Take an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious institution and acquire all the knowledge to grow personally and professionally" 

Degree, of a professionalizing nature and hybrid learning modality, the program is aimed at updating veterinary professionals who perform their functions in surgical units, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in veterinary practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision making in the management of small animalsThanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the veterinary professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. The design of this program focuses on Problem Based Learning, through which the student will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the program. This will be done with the help of an innovative interactive video system created by renowned veterinary experts

The entire program is designed based on the highest scientific rigor and the latest developments in the profession"


Update your knowledge through the hybrid professional master’s degree in Small Animals Nursing, in a practical way that is adapted to your needs"

Why our program?

Veterinary surgeries save the lives of thousands of animals every year. Particularly for small animals, they solve all kinds of complications. For these reasons, experts capable of mastering the surgical techniques and technologies of this sector are in great demand in specialized institutions. In addition, the gradual and constant evolution of all these equipment and strategies requires veterinarians to remain up to date. Aware of these needs, TECH has composed this program, capable of leading all its students to professional excellence thanks to its 100% practical didactic application.   


TECH offers you the latest treatments to surgically prevent pets. Don't miss this opportunity and enroll” 

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

The most avant-garde surgical techniques for the Veterinary field are collected in this excellent Practical Training of this Hybrid Professional Master's program. Therefore, after 1,500 hours of theoretical learning, the student will enjoy 3 weeks of practical training in the use of the most complex technologies available.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During this study program, students will have direct contact with leading experts in the field of Veterinary Surgery. They will also have a designated tutor, who will provide them with up-to-date knowledge and complex skills.

3. Entering into first-class veterinary environments.

Through an analysis of the academic landscape, TECH has chosen prestigious centers to be part of the practical stay of this pedagogical program. These veterinary institutions apply novel techniques and technologies for animal intervention. At the same time, they have the most highly trained specialists in this field of knowledge.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

TECH wants its students to learn quickly and flexibly the most sought-after skills in this professional field. To this end, it has configured a learning model that perfectly integrates the hours of theoretical workload with a first-class practical stay. From the skills developed in both stages, the student will acquire an indispensable qualification for future employment. 

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of carrying out the professional internship of this hybrid professional master’s degree Program in centers of international importance. In this way, the specialist will be able to expand his frontiers and keep up to date with the best professionals, who practice Pharmacodynamics. in first class hospitals and in different continents.


You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Small Animal Veterinary Surgery

Veterinary surgery in small animals is an essential specialty in veterinary medicine, because, it allows the treatment of various diseases and injuries affecting dogs and cats. This specialty requires specific knowledge and skills to perform complex surgical procedures successfully. If you are looking for a program that provides you with the necessary knowledge to specialize in this field, you have come to the right place. The Hybrid Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Small Animal Veterinary Surgery created by TECH Global University, is a program of high curricular category, through which you will learn the most relevant and updated aspects of this field. The program will provide you with a wide variety of skills and knowledge necessary to perform successful surgical procedures in small animals. Through our methodology, you will have access to high quality online classes, as well as practical sessions in an educational center, which will allow you to obtain the training you need to excel in the field of veterinary surgery.

Specialize in small animal veterinary surgery

At TECH we have a blended learning modality, which will allow you to attend face-to-face classes and participate in practical activities in an enriching learning environment. In addition, you will have access to online learning materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace and from anywhere. This will help you interact with your classmates and professors through online forums and other communication tools. As you progress through the program, you will study the latest advances in veterinary surgical techniques, addressing laparoscopic surgery, arthroscopy and reconstructive surgery. In addition, you will learn about anesthesiology, suturing techniques, abdominal surgery, orthopedics and neurosurgery in small animals. In addition, you will delve into preoperative and postoperative patient management, including patient evaluation, postoperative follow-up and pain management. Finally, you will learn about professional ethics and responsibility, teamwork and case management. Through this training, you will be better prepared to advance your career, increase your job opportunities and make a significant contribution to small animal care and attention.