
With more than 4 decades of professional career in the area of Pathology, Dr. Ignacio Wistuba is considered an international reference in this complex medical field.  This prestigious researcher leads the Department of Translational Molecular Pathology at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is also Director of the Khalifa Institute for Cancer Personalization, linked to the University of Texas.  

In parallel, he directs the Thoracic Molecular Pathology Laboratory, the SPORE Lung Tissue Bank and the Institutional Tissue Bank. In turn, he is Director of the Biorepository and Pathology Core Network at the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, in conjunction with the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ECOG-ACRIN).  

One of the main lines of work of this pathologist in recent years has been Genomic and Precision Medicine. His multiple investigations in this field have allowed him to address the origin and complexities of different types of tumors, their incidence and their relationship with specific characteristics of the DNA of individuals. Specifically, he has delved into these issues in relation to lung neoplasms.

On the other hand, Wistuba maintains active research collaborations with other specialists from different parts of the world. An example of this is his participation in an exploratory analysis of cytokine levels in pleural fluid associated with immunotherapeutic protocols with the University for Development in Chile. He is also a member of global teams that, orchestrated by the Australian Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, have investigated different predictive biomarkers of lung cancer.  

Likewise, the pathologist has sustained a continuous education since his initial studies in distinguished Chilean universities. Proof of this are his postdoctoral research internships in renowned institutions such as the Southwestern Medical Center and the Simmons Cancer Center in Dallas.

  • President of the Department of Translational Molecular Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Director of the Division of Pathology/Laboratory Medicine at MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Specialty Pathologist in the Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology at the University of Texas Medical Center
  • Director, UT-Lung SPORE Tissue Bank
  • Lung Cancer Pathologist for the Lung Cancer Committee at Southwestern Oncology Group (SWOG)
  • Principal Investigator on several studies conducted by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
  • Principal Investigator of the Translational Genomics and Precision Cancer Medicine Training Program at NIH/NCI
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research Center
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at Southwestern Medical Center and Simmons Cancer Center
  • Pathologist at the Catholic University of Chile
  • Medical Graduate at Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Member of:
    • Academy of American and Canadian Pathologists  
    • Society for Cancer Immunotherapy
    • American Society of Clinical Oncology
    • American Society for Investigative Pathology
    • American Association for Cancer Research
    • Association for Molecular Pathology
    • Society for Pulmonary Pathology
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