
Chemical engineer Javier Villar Valor has more than 20 years of experience in management positions leading areas such as Business & Digital Transformation, Operations, Quality assurance, Risks&Compliance, Project Management, Process Improvement, Quality (ISO 9001), HR, CX, Business Support and Operational Excellence in different multinationals both industrial (Honeywell, Repsol), technological (Johnson Controls), alarms (TYCO), and the insurance/financial sector (Groupama, Plus Ultra Seguros, Liberty Mutual). 

His extensive experience within national and international Management Committees led him to create the Impulsa2 methodology, which aims to motivate and empower people to obtain process improvements quickly and effectively. Likewise, in his extensive professional career he has deployed his skills as a teacher giving Lean Six Sigma lessons in the Integrated Professional Master's Degree in Environment, Quality and Prevention (GIMA). 

  • Director and founding partner Impulsa2 
  • Head of Operations at Summa Insurance Brokers 
  • Responsible for identifying improvement opportunities at Liberty Seguros. 
  • Director of Transformation and Professional Excellence at Johnson Controls Iberia. 
  • Responsible for the organization of Groupama Seguros. 
  • Responsible for Lean Six Sigma methodology at Honeywell 
  • Director of Quality and Purchasing at SP & PO 
  • Lecturer at the European Business School 
Programmes in collaboration with

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