
Cristina Ortega Giménez is a multidisciplinary professional, both in terms of her academic curriculum and her professional career. In addition to being an expert in law, specifically in the area of immigration and immigrants, she is also a journalist specializing in the same field. She has been combining her legal activity with communication for several years, having participated in large companies such as COPE. 

In addition, she has participated in the drafting of several legal projects for immigration advice. Thanks to this, and her experience as a communicator, she has obtained a critical view of the current legal context, being knowledgeable of the reality and versed in the mastery of the concepts that move mobility and foreigners in the international arena. 

  • Journalist at Cadena COPE Alicante  
  • Journalist at the Communication Service of the Miguel Hernández University. 
  • Graduated in Journalism at the University Miguel Hernández of Elche.  
  • Graduated in Law at the University Miguel Hernández of Elche. 
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