
Mari Carmen Miñana Grau is a Textile Designer with extensive professional experience in Petite Antoinette, brand in which she has made prints, serigraphs and various creativities. She has also developed designs for other firms such as Donzis Estudios or Summon Press, as well as being a pattern designer at Valentín Herraiz. 

This design professional is an expert in tools such as Adobe Illustrator and has a great command of Visual Arts. She has also deepened in areas such as the Confection of the Valencian Clothing of the Women of the eighteenth century and is co-founder of the brand The Ira Mare, specializing in the design of scarves and accessories. 

  • Textile Designer at Petite Antoinette
  • Designer at Donzis Estudios 
  • Designer at SummonPress 
  • Pattern maker at Valentín Herraiz 
  • Graduated in Fashion Design at Barreira Arte y Diseño
  • Expert in Digital Design with Adobe Illustrator 
  • Specialization in Pattern Making, Cutting and Dressmaking of Valencian Clothing by Aitex Paterna 
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