
As a nursing professional, Ms. Beatriz Manzanares Cepeda is a specialist in Hospitalization, Hemodialysis, Special Care in Emergencies and Emergencies, Critical Patient Areas and Post Anesthesia. After an extensive training and professional career in several of the most prestigious hospitals in Madrid, she has come to work as a Nurse in the Cardiology Hospitalization Unit at the University Hospital La Paz.

In addition, she combines her work as a nurse with teaching in different educational centers and scientific research in her area of specialization.

  • Nurse in the Cardiology Hospitalization Unit at the University Hospital La Paz.
  • Nurse in the Hemodialysis Unit at the Fuensanta Clinic.
  • Hemodialysis Unit Nurse at the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal
  • Nurse in the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital Complex
  • Nurse at the Beata María Ana Hospital
  • Graduate in Nursing at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University.
  • Master's Degree in Special Nursing Care in Emergencies, Emergencies, Critical Patient Areas and Post Anesthesia at the European University Miguel de Cervantes.


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