
Get up to date on the latest strategies so that the choral activity is a success”


Choral Singing combines Music with Poetry and Dance, usingin numerous religious ceremonies, festivals, concerts and theatrical performances. The importance of the Choir in Culture and Music EducationIt is undeniable, since it allows the development of social, creative, cognitive and emotional skills in individuals, in addition to promoting cultural diversity and community integration.

Thus, the Diploma in Choir offers specialized and practical high-level preparation in conducting and Choral Singing, aimed at musicians, teachers, directorsChoir and amateurs who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in this field. The study plan addresses everything from the theoretical and technical foundations of the Choir to the practice of correct body posture for singing, musical interpretation, the choice and adaptation of repertoires, and the elements of the human voice.

The program is developed in a virtual environment, with a pedagogical methodology called Relearning that adapts to the needs and learning rhythms of each student. Thus, the contents are presented in various audiovisual formats, which include master classes, practical exercises, interactive diagrams and support materials. Students can access the courseat any time and place, and organize academic resources according toyour availability and preferences. All this 100% online.

Get updated on the best strategies to achieve the perfect body preparation to sing”

This postgraduate certificate in Choir contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical case studies are presented by experts in Choir
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will be an expert versed in Vocalization and Breathing techniquesto perfect Choral Singing”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby students must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This is your chance to dominateChoral Singing a cappella in only 150 hours"


Initiate yourself in the Gregorian Chant and walkits historical evolution to tellwith a comprehensive preparation"


To achieve specialized knowledge in the Choir requires constant dedication, since there are many factors to consider in this field of Music. For this reason, the objective of the Diploma is to provide an updated and comprehensive vision of Singing in the Choir, delving into the most appropriate preparation techniques, different types of Choral Singing and a historical tour of some of them. With this preparation, the graduate will be able to applythe most innovative and effective strategies and guidelines in your musical practice.


It reaches the proposed objectives and efficiently uses the phonatory and resonator respiratory mechanism to sing”

General Objectives

  • Project a natural emission of the voice that avoids all kinds of tensions (corporal, psychic and social)
  • Know the basic principles of audiovisual language
  • Acquire a solid knowledge of the basic concepts of the performing arts
  • Use the voice as a vehicle for musical expression and immediate enjoyment
  • Know the technical and idiomatic characteristics of the types of solo voices that integrate with a symphony orchestra
  • Construct a coherent discourse and write a reasoned text on a given musical theme

Specific Objectives

  • Consciously use the respiratory mechanism of phonation and resonance for a natural emission of the voice
  • Use the inner ear as a basis for tuning, harmonic hearing and musical interpretation
  • Take responsibility for the role in the group respecting the rules of performance and acquire the necessary confidence to interpret one's own part while listening to other voices
  • Know the basic gestures of the conductor and acquire the ability to interpret the music in accordance with them
  • Perform, in public, works of different styles previously worked on in the classroom

Enroll now to successfully perform in public different works that you will go through during the Diploma”

Postgraduate Certificate in Choir

Music is an art that has been present in the history of mankind since ancient times, and that is why its cultural and social value is unquestionable. Nowadays, there are multiple ways of making music and enjoying it, and one of the most enriching expressions is choral singing. TECH Global University is pleased to present its Postgraduate Certificate in Choir, focused on the development of skills and knowledge for choral practice. This program will address the study of vocal and breathing technique, musical interpretation and teamwork, aspects that will allow the student to acquire a solid preparation in the area of choral singing.

The University Course in Choral Singing will focus on the development of skills and knowledge for choral practice.

The University Postgraduate Certificate is aimed at people with previous experience in choral singing, as well as those who wish to start in this beautiful activity. During the program, we will work on the selection of repertoire appropriate to the characteristics of the group and the needs of each participant, as well as rehearsal technique and choral conducting. In addition, tools for the organization of presentations and concerts will be offered, so that students can develop their skills in the professional field. In short, the program is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to train in the field of choral singing and gain valuable experience in the musical field.
